Monsters K

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Grade: Kindergarten
Sources: Lines That Wiggle, by Candace Whitman
1 each 8x11 white drawing paper
1 each 8x11 black construction paper
1each 9x12 colored construction paper
Glue sticks
Colored sharpie markers
1 each practice worksheets for monster drawing
Handouts/examples of monster shapes and body parts, several per
table/desk area
Question/Name sheet for back of drawings
Examples made, materials/supplies gathered, extra supplies for demonstration
1. Begin class with explanation of todays project: MONSTERS! We are doing this project with
the Zootown Arts Community Center (ask if they have heard of it and talk about what
happens there.) Local artists will choose a monster from all of the different monsters
created by Kindergarteners and then re-create that monster in their own style. The
Monsters will then be in a show in whats called a gallery at the ZACC. This happens in
September 2015.
2. Read: Lines That Wiggle, by Candace Whitman
3. Show students an example of a monster drawing. Talk about its shape and texture, what
would this monster feel like? Is it poky? Soft? Rough? Etc. Think about where your monster
might live and what he/she might do.
4. Show students practice drawing sheets. Demo practice drawing. Each student can choose
one and practice drawing with pencils. Provide example handouts which have body parts
on them.
5. As students begin to finish practice sheets, hand out white paper. Everybody can only
have one piece.
6. Demonstrate drawing with whisper lines.
7. Trace monster drawing with black sharpie.
8. Color monster drawings with sharpies. Talk about coloring and not scribbling, using
different kinds of lines and textures like the ones in the examples. This is a monster from
your imagination, but you can use the examples for ideas.
9. Coloring completed, cut out the monsters.
10.Glue on to black paper which is already glued onto a colored frame.
11.Have students answer the questions on the back of the frame.

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