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A2 Geography for Edexcel Ur ee Cee ee ETS . Conia OXFORD fel esky Contents LLL Energy security nthe USA 12 The meray mix 13 Access to enerey 14 China the new economic giant 15 Energy comectons and geopottes 16 Therace for new resources 17 Energy supply players 18 Isthere enous energy? 19 Busines ax usa! 110 Meeting faure energy needs @ Colfer eating Fea anes 23, Gobalimbalance 24 Gisbalvateraries 25 Waterinscurny 26 Managing water insecurity 27 Water, wealth and penerty~ 1 @ 23 Water weathand poverty? 29° Theprice of water 31 The great Alshan wilderness 32 Giobalditibuson of biodiversity 33 Bidiversiey under treat 34 The Daintree rainforest, 35. Thrests tothe Daintree 36 Can the trent 0 bodwversty be successuly managed? 37 Mangroves 38 Throats to mangroves 39 Manag the threats 2 matgroves 310 Biodversty—whaisthe fare? © Exch oF ese symbols inseatesa synoptic secton. T 4 7 2 8 3 36 40 46 st 38 es a % % 82 ee 100 103 106 ho his ie m 7 130 41 42 43 44 45 46 a7 48 48 Changing world order ‘Wo are the superpowers? Th cares: superpowers Gold War ad superpower rvaries Colorist — gone bt tot forgoten? ‘China ~ economic superpower! Russa re-emerging superpower! ‘Superpower influences over ation sates Colural uperpowers a6 38 i M6 152 158 1a 168 m Ey 53 sa 55 56 s7 5B 59 Food incre “denuiying the development ssp Living on he wrong side ofthe xp How we se the world South Aiea the widening ap Booming anglore Woy forward: te mportange of rade Ways forward 2: ad or mvesemene! Ways forward 3: the Mller Development Gels ve 180 4 180 4 be om 206 a 61 62. a 64 65 67 6a «9 ‘The geography cfcechrology Disetauton af techlogy ‘Acces to technology 1 ‘Accossto technology -2 The tecnologia et “Technologal eaprosing Iinpats of technology The ffets of tectnsiogy Canurasts in technology 610 Tho glotal ix eu Technology andthe fre ® 20 m m0 2 26 De 2 me 8 2 256 il Th Abandoning paradise 72. Earthquakes Chia and Japan 81 The'Big Ther andthe new Cold War 272 82 Uncovering he past 7% 81 TheKalahanai Syndrome 280 $2. Gobal food criss 204 01 Cuture shock 102 The avack ofthe dones = ‘About the questions in this book i ia 1A) The ole hazard 1.2 Asbestos cover to home 124 Sve the raforest! 122 Portcard from Farsi? = ey 131. TheVsion—economi success wehoutell 312 13.2. Whachae bean ging on Dual a4 13.3 Coneequences of Dubiedevelopment 316 Erman 339 Glosara no Intex 334 Unit 4: Geographical resear Introducing Unit 4 This unis very ferent from others in the ASVA2 course fe isa researeh mocse itis 33 much about developing your own abilities. research and present findings as itIsaboue geographical concen. Icofers Options for study, 0 that you and your ‘eachers ean choose according to your interests How much choice you have will depend on your school or colege—whichn cur wil depend on wha resources are avalabl, and how far your teachers interests match the Options What are the choices? ‘Six research Optons are avaiable Uni 4 You have 12 selec ard study ONE fhe following © Opts I: Tectntactaty and hazards ‘Option 2 Cali envionment —lndecapes and change ‘Option 3: Leon the margins the food supply Option #: The word of euurl derony ‘Option 5: Pollan ane human heath rie ‘Option 6 Consuming the roallandecane leur an For some of you the chance to explore in mone depth theme that you have susie before wil beatracte, 25, “Tectonic acti ne hazard Aeratvaly"Plten and hurran heat’ may be something that you have never bse eau, ad you might ie to seady ha asa new topic The Option choices range rm themes witha song, pyc geogrepy focus. to those that are focssed on fenwrormenta socal and curl geographies Chapters @ to What will lessons be like? Because i ia reves uit. lestone may well be erent aye wath more research done by you tan conten taught by teachers. Te right wal be spancin che computer room or brary, as wall asin class. The Options are designed: provide oppertunises to sey froma range of geotraphicl sources books, jours, ideo, Inmerser reports, cr Fedwork. Your teachers donot have ‘abe expert in lprg you with the content, but thay will fer you atitance wih researching and presenting the Informationin ferent was, Mary Option tonic wil be infil t0 you. Therefore, conser ll the choles before seecrg nd perhaps ead about we ortree of the choles here before makings ARCH Mees fet oe Unit 4: Geographical research How is Unie 4 assessed? ‘The exam i diferen rom others nthe course. ie worth 40% ofthe A2 course. fis 290 minte examinaton where you wi have to write sing essay nthe exam, you all be gven one question on each of he ebe Options, You should select ad angwar the question about your own Option theres ro choice. You wal be sbked to write one long essay in which you ean demonstrate the results of yourresearch Examiners are lestng for depth of study and yourabity ‘ostructue mater and preser your fining nth frm ‘of an essay. Your easy wl be marked out of 7, and then ‘comertd toa Unilorn Mark yet (UMS) mark out of 0 neers ‘To prepare fr ths ear, you wil receive vance nace from Edexcel four weeks before the earn takes place, ‘ating which part of your Option wile atssted For ‘vamale, the Opvon ‘olaton and human heath ark ‘onsets of four Tees 1 Defining the rks to human health 2 The complex causes ofheath rik 3 Poliion andheaith risk 44 Managing the heath se “Two ofthese Theres wil be selected by examiners tobe "ssessed inthe exam ~and thie i what you wile nocted out. Pages 319.329 xpi further (Remember: you wil NOT be sero take any materials into the exam oom) How to use this part of the book Inti part ofthe book, Chapers 7.12 you wl be able to read something abou each ofthe si Op a «ase, he purpose to ge you 8 flavour’ or taster’ of the Option~ it does NOT provide enough to cover the ragurements ofthe whole Une! ach ‘asterchapearhas ight pages. which re divided ino an noduction =o tll you what to expect pages ofrescurces wth guidance and some references to hep you spore further summary with gulded acne to help you research and essay questions of the knd you might meetin the © Gir Introducing this Option ‘The movement ofthe Earth's tact plts can be azardous for human acovy. Volare eruptions. ‘ex-thquakes and surami often grab the news headlines nen mary es are lor. The shore medun-and lng term impacts of these tactnic events vary nrlton to the loners and frequency ofthe evert and the nature ofthe location affected. Levels of economic developmen, methods of pradieson and preparation, ane population J Life on the margins: the food supply problem ee ee ss Introducing this Option Popubtionremainea major chafenge. For people vingin ae overt. oF on margialiand where crops requeiy fal ‘or thous confronted by surgesincommodty pies, the ‘ealies ae stark. This Option focus onthe prablems fed inscurty ad the atompes beng made te ensure ‘ood uppesforeveryon, © Theintestcation of agrlaure ereased crop elds by devetoping new hgh, ease resistant Saat ‘ais of crop, an using machinery, frees and Eon Pesticdes to create an areal coaster to suppore ineresing human needs. Thee changes became known 3% the Green Revolution and rastered westers ‘technology to eveoping countries inthe 1960s ae 1970s to el thom eed themes. had most Impact in South and East Asa and South Americ, but ass lace in sub Saharan Aria. (© Major international businesses now dominate bal food supply chains. having acquired premium and err for plantations ranches an erp productions he aber ‘expense of cl smalholders, ss © Global was have tied to estab ree trde by opening markets up and reducing unfit and subses that ‘support American and European farmers. ‘What is this Option about? ‘This Cption vill prosebyappeaito you fyou tee studying HOW to use this chapter ‘erronmeral sues, economics, pots, ecology, orhave This capt contains sx pages of resources Sn icoreat in current social economic and emironmenal © Page 280 rodices the top witha cae sty about ‘sue. Kaishand in ind. ee ae wore vik choote it. you willeam shout anaes or erp neers © Page 28 proves background infomation about the re Eco lenient soba food ets and rks, 1 Pages 204.205 investigate the nse mn ater areas of che ‘word, gan sng resources Page 286 provides activites, uel watts for farther research and examples ef the kind of questions that youwil meetin th tam (ach worth 70 mark), (> The Kalahandi Syndrome Living on the margins Kolahand distri, nthe westa uplands of Orisa sate in esster Ina ee the map. shome 1 13 millon people, of wham BD ae farmers. However: nKlahand tad that ‘sgrcutre isthe gamble cf the monscen, Because annua nfl has become very unreliable and roushes (and therefore farine) are fraquen. Since major fain 1980, Xalahandi has bean home to many othe nde who a2 0 bed unary rer ih. | ‘Onssarerairs sconcmvealy emote fom the welt generating naan tes ~ and Kalshae sever mare ramets erste ills are margcl ‘lds developing economy. ané therefore the local peaple are marginalize from the processes of change ~ the Gren Revolution has rot ace an mpacther, Local vlnoocs depend on cy resctns 2 = proving crcumstances some wtin te peopl’ conta and sme not Droughs have persisted or 30 years. andthe poor, bare sls an the deforested slopes ‘reflec the people’ tempts at sural The seeds they ue area traconal variety wih low yes, wich all every yar as tho land bacomes more degraded: smarty the Lverteck breeds ured nthe ilges barely supply enough mest and milk for eersumgton - and none forsale Forest prects areas gathered ino consumption ane, bu the mdeemen ‘whe buy these procucs fr sale nthe ete po the lagers and pay very lw prices, so many vilagers find themselves having to borrow money or tarve. In 2007 starvation pltyed signa rola 250 cholera rlaea deaths BBC journals wtes the sink {and found pecple there wih no food who were surviving of the bark anc leaves of ees, “They had buon unable to aor rice for year However 38 you wil saz below, food supoly {spot the ig problem Hunger in spite of plenty ‘There i bitter irony in Klshand. Between 1996 snd 2009, re production n Kahane) yvagerseygtcunicee fexcesded local needs aed controuteé to nda nora food reserves, Howaver, matt sur cest ne farmers inthe tric do nat own theron ad, but Instead rent from absentee feudal landlords. These lances farmers could not ford to buy the ice they had row fr thir laird, nd 50 milion tonnes rotted ‘the countryside while the people went hungry “his isthe Kalahana Syndrome’ andit curs otal. The ‘wor toy has more foc than ce hungry ned. the supp of oad seas evenly detbuted in aecardance with ‘he World Heath Organtstion’ minimum daly calorie requirement, 2 surphs big enaugh*> apport an addon £00 milion peope woul exis. However, the tragedy ‘thatthe WHO estimates tht curenty 809 rllon people ‘worldwide cannot aflord to buy their recommenced daly ‘lore intake e ‘The impacts on rural India Consider these resources: (© Resource | ts about the Iimpacts ofslobalston on rural nd. (© Resources 24 ants the impacts on many ranean communes of he problems they face from sealing deb “6 Rexources 56 are about dvereication to nceate foe purchasing poner forthe poor ‘ood havebeen ignore. period when hangars ‘onthe increas, cae and meat produced by inl’: ‘mest fertle lands are being wed to ake pt food and “wry fr foreign markets. As arcuture becomes Industased, smal farmers are uprooted from ther and ‘to become anes labourers, oro oin the marginalised ban poor. Improved agreuture would help Ina ta iinate hunger anc reduce poverty and unemployment bu tne ‘Word Trade Organstion 2 page 156) encourages Teint open is doors t international rae, Sadly, chexp foud imports wil ony drive ions of subsistence farmars om thei sh line hosing, destroy livelihoods and threaten foo security. By embracing ree epee er sep epee food 26s. As faring becomes the are of, umes, the fel fn ae beg switches rom food production to ower and otter cash crops. The process of lobassonis cee this charge and aking food production away rom th ral communtes. Ie isa process that challenge nd’ ality to provide food forthe poor andi taking sway their obs Even cheaper fod is to0 expen for those without a7 ‘pf x Dec Se 1 Agro:processing nexstirong primey erent Prosucs aro ce inode for market eg Sette ino pean er. = ese serene nae ace wen taming woh geome Green fel rb rae hor ‘sean throng ct rete on mea am saar ‘nies ero teoswofoncantace ie Eee ‘wollen hi owo-are farm. Thenocmal ‘wo are now cry, as ret wel in Gujrat and json where more ‘than 50 millon people face a water ferns “The droughts not natural dav: ‘sleman-mce, tie te rut ofthe traction of searce groundwater in Ati eins to grow they cash ops for aipert. instead of waterpaent ‘ol erops or eel needs Pee) eee Hybrids and diversification Even the trees have stopped bearing fut because heayy seo pests has kled the polrators- the bees and utartes, Farmers in Warangal, Anchra Pradesh, have aso been commiting side. Farmers who tradienlly gr ules and ile and paddy, have been lure by seed companies ino buying yd cotton seeds — referred aby the sand merchants as white gold’ which were supposed to make chem millones stead they became pauper infeoming He aequred eat abou tone promi brid ofho chil papers. nd bought the seeds of “Rosh, HPH 7, HPHL 406 and Fare Hot fom KARRTABYA 1 2006-07 he ekvatd these hyvids on leased ond, 2Lkm from his home. A mountain stream prowded the inigason water. Having lowed the ace of exper {rom the Ditres Agriculture Ofce, he achieved a bumper crop ofr cies. The net prof came ore ‘0 100000 rupees. On sing is success, several other toc farmers hve now flowed he pattern Ase fom ogee Fs Soong. Secincon Spe ee ‘rom $25 millon nthe 1980 0 $50 milion i 1997. ‘Now the farmers are ewalowing the same pesicides, ‘3 way of ing campoies to that ey can eseane pormanenty rom urpayable debt 5 eth er pen rowing bananas. Around 5000 hectares are under ‘emtensive banana culvason in Kahand, a pt of Ont dversifeason project A firmer has to pnd about |4 000 rupees (340) per year for every hectare ‘ofbanan elation buthe ean earn around 35000 rupees ($850) nat pro from his crop. Cor Factors influencing the growing slob food eric (© Overall population growth te estimated global growth rates 1.16963 yea, (© Changing issn China ann, due to their ‘econamé row and development, Chin's mest 2]) Global food crisis The nent two pages lock athe impacts offoed shortages in several counties. Resources 8-0 are about the emerging global od cr. Resources I-12 suggest tha the problems are often inte soluons, Baie aie eicees ‘heresies ind her mle ave In he laste marths, that gure has gtcloser to 100% or mary herein Has wel over 100%), ati facing « most sual form of fuine, caused not bya lack offocd (because theres ploy bu bythe fact thata whol ection of Hatin socery en na enger siford enough food ro ve. on ‘According othe World Ban, fod pices around he ‘word have aimon double inte st thr yrs th ‘uch ofthat increase coming nthe lassi months alone, a sixes in’ tree ware wn Wheat prices have doubled nies than ayer. ice sup 4°" 208 Tra Ho 70% ona yer ago, Maize and beans have been pushed up the nameles,facslecs Malan chen whose deaths are slmostas mach. Even those who have been hing on fod elthar caused or hastened by malnutzon, 16 are suflering. because the aid agencies buy ther ood ‘on world markets: thar budgets ready struggling to ope wth high ol prices ~ are rep beng exhausted. “The democratically elected Government of Hat is snozner wien, brought down by he food nets The hard-won deroeratic reforms in th troubled von focuses on palaon ans urns heh Inecans ne ther effects on health vary |¢ Some are dramatic In Bhopal a dyin nda, tn ‘exeaped from a chemical plantin Nowemer 1984, ling ‘thousands athe ime and leaving algae of ing term sickness inthe oy (se page 262), (© Some ae one-of, local incidents. In Caralord, (Cornwall a water ering plan caused sl of eure acid irto the River Carel Ths ha Serius imate on ecology and water quay, and he hea of hundreds of people who drank te water 1 Some pluton slang tem. Overtime prolonged cexpoture damages haath, such the example of estos on the flowing pages ‘What is this Option about? This opto wal probably appeal to yu you he suying Biology. Environment Suds, Eesnomics, Pots. Ecology, or ave an intrest in curren af, ‘The Speciation lists fur Themes int Option. yeu choose, you wal eam about 1 aah aks ac erent ales fg oa oa) |b si pars oie -y Decomple ena fee rae | nls tween ooe-ecsromic neatly 1 Gis betwen dene oe ecepeal ere: | 4 deta may hep the anaes ta ik usec pater | 9 Serle fponson aps onndiing heh ere es Cees | Teationyouval fam au | Beste anaemic th Serial eget ee ator neo eaape rd pots “6 ere agecesrochedin sth ok exp seen ere “+ echt ike an be marape elect nd hhc an the rete sae How to use this chapter “This chapter contane sk pages of resources, (© Page 296 introduces the ric of aebeson, with ese suudy about Whenoom in Western Auta. (© Pages 297298 ivestste the lau further using resources. You willbe guides but you wll reed to think about each resource areal, (© Pago 299 provids background inermation tout asbestos andi ‘# Pages 300-30 ivesigate the tue nother ares ofthe word, gun ung resources, (¢ Pago 302 provias aceites, sal websites for rcher research, and examples ofthe kinds of ustion that you wil meat neh exam (each wore 70 mor B S © LE \Wittenoom - boom town to ghott town 5 4 Wenancopuniior Ama mnargicmace [Rng Plbara. The deep red sandstone gorges one of many inthe Hammersley ail a lepers hae lage “The Poss booming Some ofthe wore gest reserves ofhigh ade iron ore sre lsesec here, ging ee nidcape frac eolout The ming indir a Nourishing de teres demand orn China and is (eee pages 158159) So tourom, win the Hammersey Ranges enioyng ‘boom as more Gap Year students, careor break adults, and sixty Something’ trava 19 see Australas mere remote areas. Bate ie eter ee eee int al ect Warn fot fa it aad Ove shicriton thang Winecemby tn ticeearectcocicin lial (emroretaced beienbeniia cre Ts | aa tomalWinecon gers hovatteriwecrtars Dung 50 ae 20000 man woman nclrenivedindwered tare For decaes, teeteria yon Verlonthioretedinabaperder Weestoriw Hail phe Weudeieses daa edl ie hatrariccer tilts! Enormous waste dumps stil ng to theside ofthe Gorge (ee te photo). hi images ne rv et (One report described senoa ps gong the area ard pup sere runing dave the waste hea. Nowadays we know thac exposure ro he nes ee tt ences Mo ef rob sebertoe con cau sbertone ane the crit cancer meraheloms, Workers tte ‘Wetencom ines started tod. The resulting cour cases, in he 19705, ound ‘hat the cangers of exponire to abestor wore known wel belore the Witeroom rine ved (96, Ite se 1970, the Stare Government of Wester Australi ted to clore she town by winersing services and declaring €a heath rk A few residence refused move. A ea up spermton wae stempted inthe early 1980s, bc proved imposible. Now, only few termined reldantsramale~chare ie aban caravan pork butno power supaly ant uel, Dang 2006, three residents tock up the Government's fer to buy ‘hale howtes or Af40 00 about £18 000) ps3 grant of 10% ant ASO 000 relocation cost. The tows papi row downto ai @ aUstaatia S| ae at Pn So... how safe is Wittenoom now? Consider these retcurcee ‘© Resouree | Isabout Witenoom in 2007 © Resource 2 assesses te rss of beng in Wittanoom for eerant groupe of people. '@ Resources 3-4 are about he companies who mind and procested asbestos product. Wittenoom gone — but eight stay By Nick Taylor, 20 une 2007 ‘help to progres the closure ofthe the map or not doesnt mean 2 wag 8M neluding closing all acs thing tows Mrs Thomas had a ‘Theinfamou asbestos mining fn, ict frre dite osartrrah ‘own of Witenoom has finally ‘the town on Menday to supply been wiped ofthe map by the ‘Buttheeght residents who ene own on Moray sup ‘Weer Austral goverment. stillivein te Para ghost we anes oad Dy be Regional Development Minister twa have vowed 0 say. We're et husband. Les. The Sate Jon Ford said thatthe risks for not going anywhere std ebay Inst types of land usersin end Lorraine Thomas, who owns the “Hverrmens, the American Goverrmne mis expe ‘fom such egal acvon Incas the ths, the only way open for compensation clams tose he bling companies who std the ssbestos inthe constraction, Those who sue have te prove a caset show that companies new of the rik of exposure ro asberos. Theis nt eiicut. A study of Bs asbestor workers found that 80% of ‘se working in the lnustry had bast. jr 928! However te Ink between lag cancer and asbetos, ‘was not proved unt 955, and between mesothelioma and asbestos uel the mi 1960s, Workers were netthe ony ones alec a weman des in Cart in 1995, lost ceri rom the abests tha he shook trom her husband's thes every evening before she washed tem. coped ead and lookat Resources | 1 1.0 pages 297-201 and then anoner he folowing aestons ach answer should quote named examgle of pele paces or ‘veces evidence because you wil hive to do ths laerin he oar. 1 What impacts det asbestos ve on: + peop who ve vet tt + peop who manage west where there ik? the asbstos example makes uso ase study of polutin and the iss posed ro human heath, wil ‘ot cover te fll requirements of Unit The following ‘weet wil ip you extend your research further News ams about asbestos canbe found nthe UK at 19 BEC News wobste—wnwihbe couk/news 19 Sty News webste —ncp/ews In Aurel, for more nea on Witten y= ‘© Tho Aucralan newspaper: wwwihenstraban.sens, comau/ 16 The Synay Morning Hera: worwmhicom su (Use ay tarme to earh from thi sty, For example besos, merothetoms, Witteroom, deaths For asberons (Other usta websites about pollution ince: Fer aiepollason inthe UK: For water poluson: wiwwsnatarpolitonorguk (basi bux soundly frien ofthe Earth website wor foecouk “The Evironment Agency website: ww, smironmant agency go ‘Other similar incidents Bulg up le of plucon nents wail help you to understand the sses about pollution and human heath, Other useful neds inci: The London sme 1952, where alts ‘omoleatn of wether condos and smoke polio ued deaths ram bron and ther lg cone Bhopal nda my 964, where fay pein 2 chemi plat ruptured, can toe gs t1eie, potoningthouzands opel ‘Chernobyl 986 whore human ever cused anevpoion na miear power stato CCheraby Urns tha spread poluon across The Appel 208) by | Grisham Frm t0 206 "Ean Brockoweh (2000), whichis based ona rue story Try these exam questions When you hae completed a programme of research 35 preperation for the amination ty these quesions C229) Consuming the rural landscape: leisure and tourism Introducing this Option Rural areas ar bong consumed bya wave fesre and ‘ourtm ~chalengng loa! econcmes ance devoted to ‘ood produeson or dependent on ather primary actives ‘This Option focuses onthe chalonges posed by this ever expanding sector ofthe global economy, Rural res, which prevcusy produced for consumatin, are now being ‘consumed tremsches. The challenges vary acorcng to the locaton 1 othe rraburban fringes, shore spats fistur ime are spent on awide range of ermal an informal cvs that consume the landscape, sucha go courses, Sports arenas, country parks, theme parks, walking and "horsclture which are forcing people to reconsider how the countryside appre and used, ‘The Spanish Cosas and Aurrakan Gol Coast went from boom t anos busts thei carrying capacities were exceeded by overdevelopment ~ degrading the natural appoal whic frst steractad the toursts and Dutinga strain on natura resources sucha water supple. Some remote widemes areas, such ab Antirtica, are ‘now beng developed for tour, Thelter trails of the Himalayas and Macha Pichu show what could happen href uncaaroed tourism ial. What is the Option about? This Option wil probably appeal to you you Uke sting lesueand tours, economies, pols. eclogy and ‘ecohogy or have an nerest currents, econom land management and endrcentl sss, The Speciation lists four Themes ti Option, you ‘choose, you wl ean about: er ee Ree een a eereeated ‘nwhch you villa “he heat a arena read fhe pleaureperpry heringe ofan, rom bn get ‘wieres, utd eee 2 urn feattate fdtersgriprctpcleewchednth | retort. 2 pnermnen taroermer pecs, Disresses pms raps, communies nd nen ow difererlesire scour vn a Inns maya contee rarer oer ea rey Rt eee Sane eee non ees) ‘whch you wana ‘the phys nteace and clog he fae ra lasses ‘ron url settee: mayb dese raglan: the dere of tra torr tcp by amg meses echascaryig capstone i ‘ea of alan at anette eon ily ete ashes dsgtng precede ores eee eat ee Ph ester creosote See ee oe Sicsrs cg atncane et eee cose — Se —— et annem sneer) ‘he aera flere poroaces 6 manag ri How to use this chapter Tris chapter contains i pages of resources © Page 204 neroduces the topic witha cave sudy of ecotourism in Fer, Pages 305-306 invest the sve further sng resources. You willbe guided tut you wl need to think bout each resource careful Page 307 provides background information onthe pleasure periphery and models f tours development © Pages 309-209 investigate hess in othr ares cf the worl, again using resources, © Page 310 provides acute, ust website for further ‘research and examples ofthe kind of quests at you wil meetin the exam (each woeth 70 mark) © © Gime “The Posada Amazonas eco-odge located deep win the pritine Amazon rainforest of oth exstern Pera — much of trom protected by tne Peruvian Goverment “The Bahuaa Sonere Nasional Parke was etablsed bythe Governmentin 990, and expinded in (996, to completely protect | milionhectares of unique ranforest fom ary development whatsoever. Tambopara National Reserve of 275 000 hectares leo ertabiehedn 1990) i loeeee next te the National Park, Some inited, sal sae stainable development erntte wth the Tambonats Reserv, and Posada Amazonas was opened in 1996 ons border — within lin owned by theloealincigenous community Posada Amizonas ie 230-ro0m eco-odge owes by the nel Eres community of inferno snd managed in pirtnorshp with RasorestExpaiion local Perwan tompay. The project fers tunes 2 Piet into he rainforest ecorste, and ako boorts the econory ofthe oes eee Success ectourem can creste new forms of income forlocal communities, file seo encouraging care of the cenironment Instead of utung down wees for rbe. the forescan be marketed tourists 2 resource for sdverture ae education Ale, Keeping the nurber of tourists down to just 40-50 arr by small boat helps ‘elim thelr envronmenal mpact In is way. toursm ‘enbezinto develop an image of consumption witha ‘onscence and valuable ancseapes canbe marketed many ‘ines over without beng destroyed However by making eommodives of cuture and nature ‘riser tht the indgenou® people do hve te aker ther ‘ales, They reser ll ~sling the ident, eutare nd ey of fe. At Porads Amzonas, there curently _aproieshanngapreement- with he inferno tribal ‘community rceung 60% fr proving the knowiedee Ishour este and acces 0 10000 hectares f tbl ans and Runforest Expedons ecehang 40% fr managing the operations an sat However, under the terms ofthe ‘origral contract. the inferno communty wl wee over tex responsibly for Posada Amazonas n 2016, Exctouram offers a alternative routeto dealopment ‘without desoping the very things that vistors goto se. | Ponce Amazons ecole 1 was consctedom la rata mater: 1 aod De we non-renewable marae {ee recede where posse | s idesgedtehamoske wah aren “Totes hemor coneratin ane reer ete ae | Sha smalaee ceveopmen i prez arrest BE se Haran Inno, eleuision and radio has aren sven the community a view ofthe cuside ‘work and the Posada Arnazoms projet does ot se outro deny anyone the chance on Ingroved fe levels ofnaracy,helecareangnurion have a improve in nerno 9 3 resul of he economic Benefits brovght by te project (ee Resource 2) ‘What has Posada Amazonas achieved? Consider these resources: (© Resources |-are about he efecss of Posada Amazonas (© Roscurce 3 defines ecotourism, 1 Resources 46 consider the rks of opening up remo rinfores areas ta devtlopment ~ along with he significance of procacing them Ecotoura adds o suseanabiey andi reinforced theroieo te incgonous community a etakeholcers Local farmers gin as heir market ow extnds to both ‘tours and thoselocals who ne lenges have te to ann athough there ss need to designate ind or

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