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Nigel Palacio

BADM 350
April 25th, 2015
Galen University

Marketing Communication on Social Networks

-Solution in the Times of CrisisCommunication is an important component in almost if not everything we do in our
lives, so it should be no surprise that Marketing has a hand in this too. Every day more and
more Internet users use social networks, which have become a very interesting channel also
for the marketing experts, who are always looking for the new opportunities how to deliver
their messages to a wider range of users. This has become even more so with these times of
crisis that businesses face in terms of some sort of financial troubles or not much to spend at
all. This Marketing article from Denis Tomse and Boris Snoj published on June 1st 2014,
speaks about these marketing communication through social networking in times of crisis for
businesses wishing to strive forward. It also underlines the fact that those responsible for
marketing communication need to be aware of the advantages as well as the disadvantages
and pitfalls that social networks offer them for the purposes of marketing communication.
The purpose of the article is to present the possibilities that social networks are offering to the
marketing communication. The objectives of the paper are:

To present the basics of social networks & different types,

To present the main differences between marketing communication on social

networks and marketing communication in traditional media.

To present the advantages and disadvantages of marketing communication on social
networks in the times of crisis.

As the article put it, the basic task of marketing is to identify needs and wants of users,
then to meet them in the best way possible and of course in most profitable manner. Now
Communication can be defined as the process of exchanging of thoughts and ideas between
users or organizations or organisations and users. All these make for many different
definitions that can be drawn for Marketing Communication such as the following:

The management process through which the organization participates with various

audiences (Fill, C., 2005, p. 7),

The set of all marketing mix elements of the brand, which facilitates the exchange,
positions the brand and forwards the meaning of the brand to target groups

(Shimp, T. A., 2003, p. 3),

All activities through which the company communicates with the target groups
about its offer on the market (abkar, V. & Zbanik, B. 2009, p. 50).

Now although this is not always the case as stated, it important to note that while good the
Internet and social networks can never be treated as mere tools. But instead they must always
be treated as marketing communication channels as they are devices through which a
marketing message travels from the source to the recipient. Going digital if you will, which is
not only the new low cost method but also the wave of the future and not just because of
economic and financial hard times. The social network allows one to reach further and gain
new customers while at the same time brand building on a new or existing brand. In addition
one can keep track of what is favoured the most by users in terms of engine search, items, or

Social networking is basically content sharing, interaction and community building

through social networking sites, pages, blogs or forums. Now on this social networking,
marketing communication has a clear distinction that the article basest itself on which is a
Strategic & Campaign approach. Strategic or longterm approach are things that companies
do for a longer period of time on a regular basis which helps building brands and company
reputation for more attraction. This is a far easier and less complicated way that involves one
on one communication at low or free cost. When it comes to time its also the fastest way to
send and receive orders or messages to and from users and gain more of them while brand
building as Ive said. On the flip side of the coin the main disadvantage of marketing
communication on social networks is that managing the profiles require time, effort and
knowledge. Other disadvantages are the possibility of negative feedback from the users, lack
of control and difficulty in selecting the right network to achieve objectives. The problem
may also be that users sometimes see marketing communication on social networks as
intrusive to their personal space.

To conclude, crises or challenges for a lack of better word is a necessity at times for
companies to adjust and improve business processes. We live and learn, which a process itself
is to helps us improve and grow, so while these hard times have led to down times, it has led
to better opportunities than before. All these facts speak in favour of social networks as a
marketing communication channel also in the future and in the times of economic growth.
Despite the current hard times, this day and age, social networks represent an excellent
opportunity to attract new customers and focus on their needs as well as increase sales with
brands that have an emotional connection to users. Of course this would be all due to the
many advantages, compared to the other channels of marketing communication which dont
have the luxury of low costs, global reach, rapid spread on the basis of viral marketing, etc.


Tomse, D., & Snoj, B. (2014). Marketing Communication on Social Networks - Solution in
the Times of Crisis. Marketing (0354-3471), 45(2), 131-138.

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