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Name Shobha.


Critical partner- Shridhar Sir

The Power of Protocols

An Educators Guide to Better Practice
The only way to ensure the presence of these things within our educational
institutions is through collective work on the inside. No amount of external pressure
can by itself manage the task, nor can any amount of solo effort.

xEi`k sHS=anoH ka kayR Ok Oesa kayR xEEi`sHS=a Oese ijsmHe ko{ Akela Vyit ya
_ska ko{ Ok sdSy _se sfl $p se pUra kr skta hE Oese mankr cle to yh
bat iblkul glt hE. yh Ok saJa kayR hota hE.E. [ske swI kmIR Akele A\UUre hote
hHE AaEr sa= rhne pr hI pU`R bn skte hEHE.EH. yh wI _tna hI mhTvpU`R hE ik jo
ko{ wI [n sHS=anoH se kayR krne ke ilO juDta hE vh _sse bahr rhkr Apne kayR
ko iksI wI p/kar ka ko[ yogdan nhIH de skta. imljulkr ikya gya kayR Ok
Alg hI $p meH sflta p/aPt krta hE.
We read students work closely and collectively for two reasons. One is to learn more
about the students learningto gain clues about their strengths and weaknesses, thei
misconceptions, their proximity or distance from a conceptual breakthrough, their
progress with respect to some defined standard, or their unique ways of thinking and
working. We also read students work closely as a text that captures the efficacy of our
own work. This text is where our moves as educators and their impact on students are
most traceable

Ok ixk hote huO hm Apne ivdyaRa=IyoH dvara ikO gO kayR ko p#te AaEr jacte hEHE
[sse hm yh smJ skte hEHE ik hmare ivdyai=RyoH ka Str ya hE, _NhHe iv*ay kI
smJ iktnI p/aPt huu{, _nkI mta, yoGyta t=a _nkI kimyoH ke sHdwR mHeH jankarI
paskte hEH.EH. [sse hm _nkI ivcar\ara se wI pirict ho skte hEH.EH. _nko smJte
huO hm yh wI deqte hEHE ik Ok ixk hone ke nate hm _NhHeH iktna shayk bn skte
hEHE.[ske sa= sa= hmara yh wI _ddeXy rhta hE ik hme ApnI kayR p/`alI mHeH _nkI
j$rt ke Aa\ar pr ko{ bdlav lane kI AavXykta ho to hm _s pr soc ivcar
kr skte hE AaEr kayR wI kr skte hE.ijs p/kar se hm ixa p/`alI meH ho rhe
bdlavoH ko deq t=a Anuwv kr rhe hE yh ixa ke eeZ mHe smy maHg t=a ivdya=IyoH
kI mta kI j$rt ka hI fl $p hE. yh hmHeH _nke dvara ikO gO kayR ko deqne
AaEr smJne pr hI &at ho skta hE. yh hmeH smy ke sa= clne ke ilO p/erIt krta
Openness to others experiences builds openness to others perspectives, and such

openness provides learning opportunities otherwise unavailable. (35)

mere ivcar se yh bat iblkul shI hE. iksI wI kam ko krte smy _piS=t hone
valI smSya, p/a/aPt hone valI sflta Aaid kI Aaps mHeH Ok dUUsre ke sa= ccaR
krne pr ccaR mHe ihSseedar swI ko [ska law imlta hE. iksI wI kayR kI yojna
t=a ikO gO kayR ke pir`amoH kI AapsI ccaR donoH poH ke ilO lawdayI saibt ho
sktI hE. ivcaroH ke Aadan-p/dan se hone vale law ko hm ivdya=IRyoH meH deq skte
hE. Apne Anuwv se [s p/o!okol ko mE Ai\k mhTv dena cahUHgI.
Facilitator kI jb educators ke sa= protocols sHbHiH\t ccaR hotI hE tb
_se AapsI AnuuwvoH se pirict hokr Ok dUsre ke njirO se deq AaEr smJ pane kI
mta b# jatI hE AaEEr yhIH se kuuK nya sIqne AaEEr smJne ke nO Aayam imlte
hHE.yhI vo Aayam hE ijsse Ok ix"ak ko Apne kayR p/`alI me AaTmsHtu*!I ka Aawas
hota hH E. jo mEne ApneAap meH mhsus ikya hE.
The ESP Protocol aim to stimulate teachers perception of
qualities of tinking and feeling in their students work : to
connect these perceived qualities with standards
Ok ix"ak ke ilO Apne ivdyai=RyoH ke svaRHgI ivkas ke ilO Ok mhTvpU`R p/o!okol
is|\ ho skta hE. Ok dUsre ke suJav AaEr sm=Rn se ivdya=IR kI kyRkuxlta ko
Ok n{ idxa id ja sktI hE.
[s puStk ko ijtnI bar p#e Ok nya ivcar mn me Aata hE AwI wI muJe mhsus ho
rha hE kI muJe AwI AaEr p#na hE AaEr smJna hE. \nyvad.
[s p/yas ko Apne AmULy suJav ke sa= p/Stut kreH.

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