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Chelsea Evelyn
March 14, 2015
Final Article Review

Title: Combating Cultural Differences in Classrooms

Cultural Challenges Faced in the Classroom

Habib, A., James, S., Macfarlane, S., (2015). A Culture of Care: The Role of
Culture in Todays Mainstream Classroom. Preventing School Failure,
57(3), 171-180

This article draws attention to the issues of cultural and linguistic

barriers being faced in the classroom, mainly by immigrants. Social
anthropologists are very much concerned with societal issues, especially
when it comes to culture. In this article, written by three outstanding
individuals, the focus is on cultural diversity within the classroom. The
authors focus on the impacts of globalization and the issue of migration.
Migration has advantages and disadvantages in many areas, and one
specific area is education. The article states that the main reason individuals
tend to move to another country is in search of better opportunities to better
their lives and future through education. However, migration is not always
such an easy transition, especially in the area of education. Immigrant
students usually struggle in the classrooms mainly because of the language
barrier. Concrete reasons are presented as to why immigrant students
struggle. The first being language; language is the foundation of
communication and socialization and if students are restricted then grave
issues arises. Secondly, students come from different countries which mean
they all have a different way of life-the culture is different. These two factors
can create serious challenges within the classrooms and affect the success of
students, hence the reason the authors stress on these two reasons.

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Habib et. al article entitled A Culture of Care: The Role of Culture in
Todays Mainstream Classrooms (2015) developed an interesting article,
which argues that classrooms are a diverse arena due to the combination of
different cultures. The authors presented numerous challenges and hardships
faced with teaching a classroom filled with so many students with a different
cultural backgrounds. To prove such challenges and hardships, the authors
discuss observations recorded over a period of time. Teaching a culturally
and linguistically diverse student body is no walk in the park and the article
carefully explains the difficulty faced in such situations. To defend their
arguments, the authors provide detailed examples, provide results from
studies conducted, provide facts from anthropological and sociological
theories, and provide statistics from previous studies conducted in relation to
cultural diversity in the classroom. Bringing awareness to the issue, as well
as highlighting the solutions were the main goal of the article. The article
seeks to help policymakers and educators/teachers develop an astute and
extensive understanding of the issues related to culturally and linguistically
diverse students and their unique needs in todays heterogeneous
classrooms and provide significant solutions.
The authors arguments focused on the numerous challenges and
hardships faced with teaching a classroom filled with so many students that
have a different cultural background. The authors argue that this issue is
becoming more rampant and it needs to be addressed to create equality in
the classroom and within society. To support their argument, that the cultural
care issue is becoming rampant, especially in classrooms; the authors
provide statistics from a few studies conducted. Data from the Migration
Policy Institute 2006 and 2000 US Census were included in the article to
support the authors claim that migration is increasing within countries. The
data shows that immigration has been increasing by 21% causing an 18%
increase in the US population. Secondly, the authors emphasize the
importance of culture by quoting from specific research papers and theories

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on culture. An important quote taken from Bruner (1990) which stated it is
culture, not biology that shapes human life and the human life stood out as
it is indeed a true statement and it surely assists in the strength of the
authors argument.
One of the strengths of the article is the authors ability to provide
sufficient support and evidence for their research. Information and statistics
concerning indigenous cultures and the challenges faced were also included
within the article to support the authors claims. A very important point was
raised concerning lack of teacher training. Data from 2001 Education Policy
Report was also included to support the claim. Evidence proves that most
classroom challenges are as a result of poor teacher training in the area of
cultural diversity.
The solutions offered by the authors were, in my view, the best part of
the article. The solutions presented were exceptional and it is clear that a lot
of thought and research went into the development of these solutions.
Professional training and development of educators, especially in dealing
with culturally diverse classes is the main solution presented. Educators
should be trained or specialized in areas such as: socio-cultural
consciousness, language and cultural pedagogy, classroom etiquette, and
communication. Awareness of the diverse needs and learning styles of these
students can lead to effective planning and individualized instructions. The
manner in which the importance for educators to create a positive classroom
atmosphere that will lead students to integrate as one was stressed was
remarkable. Additional classes are seen as the ultimate solution to break the
culture barriers. These additional classes will help immigrant students learn
more about the American culture and will also allow the teachers to learn
about the immigrants culture. Learning about the immigrants culture will in
turn assist the teachers to be more attentive to the cultural differences
within the classroom. Teachers will also understand and appreciate the

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different cultures within the classroom and this will lead to less tension and
challenges. To support their preferred solution, the authors conducted a
study that proves that increase teacher training and extra tutoring sessions
will indeed be a viable solution for the issue at hand. The study proved that
there should be a 22.3% decrease in classroom difficulties when it comes to
cultural and linguistic difficulties. However, the author stresses that all
recommended steps must be taken in order to achieve such great results.
Overall, the article was an educational read. Not only was the article
about an issue I am really passionate about, but the way the issue was
presented made it even better. They didnt just state their argument; the
authors ensured that they had credible sources, from which they extracted
key information and statistics to support their arguments.

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