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Dakhari Staten

UWRT 1102
Synthesis Essay
For my first source I used and article called Global poverty, hunger, death, and
disease. It provides statistics and other information regarding poverty and death
correlations around the world. This was probably my favorite article because of the
statistics found in it. The article does have a small editorial side to it, but for the most part
its all about numbers.
My second source is Influence of residential segregation on survival after AIDS
diagnosis among non-Hispanic blacks. It talks about the disproportionate rate of death by
AIDS and HIV in the US among black people. I chose this source because it talks about
one of the deadliest diseases in the world and how it affects African Americans. It goes in
depth on education and how that plays a pivotal role in the reduction of the deadly
My third source is Poverty and Death in the United States: 1973 and 1991. Its a
collection of stats and other recorded data about poverty in the United States between
1973 and 1991. This one is similar to my first source. I chose this source because you can
never have enough statistical data. I also chose this source because the data is bound to a
certain time. Its just a different take out how people gather data.
My fourth source is Poverty and the Death Penalty. Its explains how people
living in quality commit crimes that are heinous for the death penalty. The journal has
published articles that describe aspects of evolving economic system, economic
problems, economic policy, and methodology. I chose this source because it gives insight
on poor people in our country live. By understanding that, you can understand how

people who live in poverty think and try to gain an understanding on why they make the
decisions they do.
My Fifth source is The Increasing Risk of Poverty across the American Life
Course. This article extends the emerging body of life course research on poverty by
empirically identifying the incidence and age pattern of American poverty and how these
dimensions have changed during the period 1968-2000. I chose this source to see how the
levels of poverty have changed during a certain amount of time.
My sixth and final source for now is Neighborhood poverty and American Indian
infant death: are the effects identifiable? Its about poor living conditions are posited as
an underlying cause of American Indian infant mortality, which is unusually high in the
post neonatal period. Like my above source about African Americans I wanted to get a
view on another repressed group in America.
Throughout my research I noticed that all of my topics were related to each other.
In America, minorities are the ones that suffer the most. Black Americans, Native
Americans, and Latin Americans have noticeably higher crime rates and poverty rates
than White Americans.
The effect of my research has made me change my question. I felt like I wasnt
asking a good enough question to get the proper research I needed. My original question
led me to dead ends, while my new one opened up new possibilities.


Crime Statistics
Death and Poverty

Crime and Death

Statistics on Crime, Death, and Poverty

Works Cited
Fennie, Kristopher P., Khaleeq Lutfi, Lorene M. Maddox, Spencer Lieb,
and Mary Jo Trepka. "Influence of Residential Segregation on

Survival after AIDS Diagnosis among Non-Hispanic Blacks."

Annals of Epidemiology (2015): 113-19. MEDLINE/PubMed.
Web. 9 Mar. 2015.
Hahn, Robert A., Elaine Eaker, Nancy D. Barker, Steven M. Teutsch,
Waldemar Sosniak, and Nancy Krieger. "Poverty and Death in
the United States1973 and 1991." Epidemiology (1995): 49097. MEDLINE/PubMed. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.
Johnson, Jeffery, and Colleen Johnson. "Papers - Poverty and the Death
Penalty." Journal of Economic Issues 35.2 (2001): 517-23.
ArticleFirst. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.
Johnson, Pamela Jo, J. Michael Oakes, and Douglas L. Anderton.
"Neighborhood Poverty and American Indian Infant Death: Are
The Effects Identifiable?" Annals of Epidemiology 18.7 (2008):
552-59. CrossRef. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.
O'boyle, Edward, and Meade O'boyle. "Global Poverty, Hunger, Death,
and Disease." International Journal of Social Economics (2011):
4-17. ArticleFirst. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.
Sandoval, Daniel A., Mark R. Rank, and Thomas A. Hirschl. "The
Increasing Risk of Poverty Across the American Life Course."
Demography 46.4 (2009): 717-37. ArticleFirst. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.

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