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In Algebraic , a homomorphism is a function between two groups.

Its a way to compare two

groups for structural similarities. Homomorphisms are a powerful tool for studying and
cataloging groups.
A group homomorphism from a group (G, *) to a group (H, #) is a mapping f : G H that
preserves the composition law,
Ex : for all u and v in G one has:
f(u * v) = f(u) # f(v).

A homomorphism f maps the identity element 1G of G to the identity element 1H of H, and it

also maps inverses to inverses: f(u-1) = f(u)-1.
And, The kernel of the homomorphism f is the set of elements of G that are mapped to the
identity of H:
ker( f ) = { u in G : f(u) = 1H }
The image of the homomorphism f is the subset of elements of H to which at least one
element of G is mapped by f:
im( f ) = { f(u) : u in G }.
The kernel is a normal subgroup of G and the image is a subgroup of H.

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