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OUTLINE OF A THEORY OF PRACTICE PIERRE BOURDIEU ‘Translated by |CAMBRIDGE. UNIVERSITY PRESS “oie ta Sues Mt RY rte oa hepa maihbtenre ssc tereaie, _Iigak mon Stes wt cin Fret plate ng aig 177 ey of Comer Ces Ptitn ag ‘ramen witoecenel Bete soe Contents Teanlator's foreword ‘nue onjecrivE LIMITS OF OD]EETIYISH © Seton 12 Analycs Bn th ch of he ma oh def rte | Pro te neo oo e-em ef hn Pt nd da spr «Te fates of te a ‘Section 2 Cnc study parle cosin marriage The et of te geion Th fis oi ia Ki ot rte! in ‘ote Cli Siti tin ‘Te cnney ed ternary Mele cat dcr {fate dna mihi ation Sieroen bas nt pots ‘Ted of object on mbit 15 GENERATIVE ScwNNS AND PRACTICAL Lore: ‘Thee and the yap aon sows of fie ‘Thy rome emegme pace Uno end nprat| ‘Theale rf pomage ‘rai of enor and drial Maly n f ears ‘The hte ant hostage 4 SeRUCTURES, HaarTUS, roWRR: HaSIS FORA Doxa, ero, heady ‘tal Sisal Mate 9 doin Notes Index i 48 shud Getere erase. A fle diomma’ wechonom ond fulion a ‘is, by the actual outcome of identical or inereangeabe past practices, sich evinide with theron outcome to the exe (and ony 1 ie ested) the objective structures of which they ae the product are prolonged in structures within which chey function. Tus, for example, io the raetion etween (uo agents or zroupe of agents endowed with the sane fs (cay & and B), everthing takes place aif the ations of each “ta, 4 for A) wore organized in relation to he ceactions they cal forth rom pagent posesing the same habitus (ay, by, B's reaction toa) sothat they ely imply autcpation ofthe reuction which thes reactions in cara forth (ay, the reaction to b,). Butthe eeolgial deverpion according ich each ection has the purpose of aking posible che rection to the Jon it aoe individ performing action, apt or caller, er 0 make individual B produce action b,, a counter ox rposte 4619 be able to perform ation aya stepped-up itor challenge) is quite ie us the mechani description which presents the action and the Bikes escrnets in a sequence of peogramined actions produced by a fel appari. Th habits ithe source ofthese reves moves which pbietvely organized as strategies witout being the product ofa genuine infenton ~ which would presuppose at leas tha they are pereived tegy among ater posible strategies js acemary to abandon al thenris hich explicitly ar impli rst eice as # mechanical tection, divctly determined by the antecedent fone and eateely reducible wo the mecca! functioning of pee- r cdl” or “ries” ~ which ove would, txeaver, So postulate in ifnte nuaber, ie the chance congrats of stimu eof triggering them fom ouside, thereby condemning oneself to the and desperate undertaking ofthe anthropologist, armel with fine a courage, who reoeded 48> clemaatary units ol behaviour in twenty es obveration of is wile the kitchen But rejection of mechanic in no way mphethat in acondance with anther obligato etn, 2 Structures and the habitus “ ‘Methodological objecivsm, a necesary coment inal esare, by the b ‘vith peimary experience and the constrvtion of jective reltions whi accomplishes, demands own apersssion. In order to escape the rea ef usta, which hess rember tion cove {em into totalities already constituted outside of feom atatstcl regularity or lgebrai nacre to the prince of he pr tion ofthis observed order, and to construct the eeory of practice, o precisely, the theory of the mode of generation of practices, which precondition fo establishing an enperimentleccace of the dulce of Internalization of exeraaity andthe externalization of intr, ‘Simply, of inorparation snd abjetfeation. A fale dla: ochanion and fain ‘The atructutes constitutive of a particular type of envirunment (eg. ‘material conditions of exitenee charactevac of els conten) pri abi, syste of durable, tranapenabledipsitins,strvetured stra predisposed to funeton as structuring structures, that is, a principe everson and structuring of practices and representations which cl bjetvely "regulated 1 conscious aiming at end o an exprese matey ofthe operations neces te aaia them and, being all his, caletvely orchestrated without being product of the orchestrating action of «conductor. ate, on the ita, the meaning of the siuation by projecting the ends at its transformation, and that we sbould seduce the objective is and constituted sinieations of aetons and works to the conscious erate intention of ther author Sere deere ceed fr bavng gies a tcconshtect form Berg of ston scoala hone who ever fa srs eniiy reid by eeence 0 papas exlcy ee Ieee merits so ested penne, Sure ate each ation aut of unprecedented conto, the eject sd he word, Ths cll sari Sepang Big oa stated, porpotes of prject or plan, the practices produced by the ib 1 the strategy-generating principle enabling agents to cope with uno and everchanging situations, are only apparently determined by thei If they gesm determined by anipaton oftheir own consequent courage Bali sion, the faci that, lays tending 9 repo the objective structures of which they ae the produc, they ae dete bythe past conditions which have produced the principle of herp (2) _Nahingun where be conten em the soaking veins conaonet of converon censors produced by ssn ofimagn tin lp eat on Car ou or suering wd we dee tat these wearable Ihe aan ng whe ane ich pa totaly dvd af ae i» moving bee the sujet cere to Be owe, ‘eval bcos echoes tobe rele es emotes, psn, ad aie re aioe el anc en oc ce oe bat el et ae ‘icone’ "Iw mot by hance tha atria ie sro tty chase tat {is found eal es wd place a the ute dct lhe revolt. Tit ‘been rovloonai re eis ny eome to Know themes se tf the werd which oppress them, The seco man ofthe worl od as 90 ‘sure n Bimal He dor nt seca sain ay Tonge the poms of ‘iret wel inabodjth=Theeane cect tose” wou ‘the than tt dnapproved frm ofthe "op af seston esa a ‘hats of easton whl, separated by Liman (Pehla of the magna he es aay uj deptions i Shah fore Theory 1 de Bei "What wl wate me dee 10 china the maps! pce othe ‘cial spect ofthe word? Te eanno be the worl or fi dette ‘sented must be docorered Theor tm necemnry tt te fac remot shows ne te ae by hm he mui vee geo Iancoten ie. Teeter appar me ee ound of etn seller vastna My foe ina mantle ty fred. Sach theory of ton ‘is sneviay to lend othe deoperte projet 4 aracndetal gen cy ra history (the Criga de rate dieu te whch Durem seed to posing wh i or The Ril of Sina Med 1 ei the ‘el up boundw ambien sod Bebe Poneto eons, or eet ‘cust the weed by vse ts own seagate hon of Sexe? ‘No doab ore cull touanrpone te this eri af Seon antrpsogy the romero tet (ound epi inh ents he le wos a whch Ste ‘engin, fer eam he "pester afar a sendy coma ean aren cane eh Py ah {he ttmanite pionphy of Deacare? orate rm he Crd ro ‘Abicngur wach be tnooones the udy of "agente scenes tha odo merle, fence” The ft rer ta are frist ah trl repugnace “hoe pltious rela, mae Or sn vaguely ‘ted by soup nal eoncouneny whch abamaced oper ea {eet Hats al ied the op, complex bt cleat el a nich hr ie tl ni al a ‘that he leave no orm fr everthing ty a much on the de ofthe hg of the wor anon the sd of he seta ght scm to br the shar ine ha igor ‘Salam seks to maintain ewe the pare anapatency of the eb adthe de ig in ae ade a Bro i ne a ca eset fiche Bees cient cart Bers Gove vee era seth ats nee amet fe rae ia we ae ge pe Deg np ltr perc i, ate cei eco see tan sonar eer me ietaencie oma get oy een Tim ndcation of a pledge othe murcender of bad (ith, the Sarin ume for eat aniisceacaie tee icing cag ace as tegument sce etn tee ee Yo" the reciprocty of corutrainia and autonomies” — tothe "trameccadence of the ego” Te Sreoam aacaanaosse ES eet ed pa eae pee Ppecaatyinmarouch at cacepes him, in other words, quale simply, inasmuch ws others aaa cana ate teeth ra as attr me mera nana rent ens mony Bee cata tye ad eocre et ire ce toate Sati ae Sera cama am ay ee Se cat dle Ge ne ES Sotniamece a ic gicaey oor a i thats, he lly wad rationaly determines the onder of his expenditure — SS Sprain aa tare Bee ieee mane eaeomar a pprceno Gen crnerginyoacaserin rie Sing iter et at Toe han ried i ere: Pear creaunna gander he nema Pir oc eae can ten eS ra rn te chen emir TES cen dtiiatetet te arias icra perenne ne eie “cretion ion ‘as Jean Wahl put ity Deca te i no and eas Pais cate, chat een lng see cere oracatt emngae leaai ra icteet eouironc qian tone oa ae ee oe Fe ral Pe wns tat cus ite te ri ice neem mae ates Fede iricontel Femara an sresrthe eaittns cnet dicing te rele eta, Siecle toca 6 Sucre and the habias of isin”, whch lena foe eer alien, from conicanen ty the Snel of tomcnunen rm he le pra “rom past te rch Shee, and the "terrain of extern" ick, bythe sbape aborts the ‘takeing cecil te Teioned coment troup {Chicory fom the red wate ofthe aastl group to We sue eens tt the hizo, consonant ig r rerdaly separate te) Sete atthe tt won anything ranting am ton ea macy rotted Slesure (or the decal appara ofthe dicoure) cao! mak the eens tecliaen beeen the lite td the fore o mts a langue, beet tatery erp, betwen te ie othe group reduced Teneo ih nl pd coy rd oa) nd he nos ‘Sil fc nvog the poup fom sean in pre mney Tei, of courte, never ruled out thatthe responses ofthe habitus may be accompanied by asrategccaleulation tending to cacy on quasicorsciouay the operation the habitus earsiee om in quite diferent way, namely an estimation of chanees which assumes the wansfcraton ofthe pt fleet ito the expected objective, But the face remaina tet these responses are defined firs in elation to a system of abetive potentialities, immediatly aseribed in the prevent, thing to door not to do, to aay oft ty, in relation to 1 Jortheaming realty which in contrast tothe future conceived as" abeolte oaiblty™(abolte Moplicet), in Hegel cose, pected by the pure project of a "acgativefeedom~ pute itself forward with an urgency and ‘him to existence excluding al deliberation, To eliminate the ned to rer. to “rules”, it would be necessary to etblch in each eave a complete Aeserintion (which invocation of rales sllewe one to dipence with) ofthe relation between the habits sa socially constirted sytem of cogitve and ‘motivating structures, and he socially stractred station ia which the gens! interets are defined, and with them the obyctiv functions aad subjective motivstion oftheir practices. It would thea become deat that, as Weber indicated, the jundial or customary rue is never mote tan 4 secondary principle of the determination of pacts, intervening when the primary principe, interest, fl ‘Spmbelic~that is, contetonl and conditional stimulations, which set ‘only on endiion they encounter agents conditioned to perceive them, tend toimpose themselves unconditionally and necessarily when incoleation ofthe arbtaryabolises the abiteainess ofboth the inculcatin and the signi {ions incalated. The world of wrgencis ad of goal already achieved, of ‘uses to he made and pth to be taken, of abject endowed witha permanent teleological character”, in Huse!’ phrse, tol, instruments and institu: tions, the word of praciality, an grant ony conditional redom = ert 1 leer rather ike that ofthe matic reed which Leiba imaged A fabio dena muchanin and fialion n actually enjoyed turning northwards. fone regularly observes a very clos torrelation betwen the scientifically constructed abjective proebiliae (e.g the chanes of acess to particular good) and abject aipratins *motiva tions" or “aeads") or, i other (ems, Between the a pater Or ex por probability known from past experience and thea proto ex ant probability ‘itibuted tot this ere heeae agents coneisly adj ther spiratione to an exact evaluation oftheir chances of sors, ikea player regulating hi ‘ets a fozction of perfect information ato his chances of winning, as one ‘implicitly presupposes whenever, frgeting the "everything takes place a 1 one prcede orf game theory ofthe esleulition of probabilities, cach forstructed agzint spontaneous dispositions, amounted to anthropological Aeseriptons of pracice. Completely reversing the tendeney of objective, we can, on the cooky, seck nthe scientific theory of probabilities (or statis) not an anthropolo- geal model of practic, bul the elements of» rgatioe desertion of theimpliit Jogi the spotanausincerpraatonf aaister(eg theprespensty to privilege early experiences) which the seientf theory necessarily contains becouse it explicitly constructed aginst that logic. Unlike the eatimation of probabil ties which science constructs methaialy on the basi of controled expec ments fom data etblshed according to precise rules, practical evaluation ‘ofthe likelihood ofthe sucess of a given aeton ina given situation brings into playa whole body of wisdom, sayings, commonplaces, ethical precepts (Cotas not for the likes of us") and, at deeper lel, the unconseinas ‘rincipls of the ets which being the product of» learn proces do ‘ted by determinate type of objective regularities, deernines “eum tnd “unreannable™condect for every agent subjected to thowe repulrities ‘We are nosoone acquainted with the impossibly of sutiyingany dest says Hume ia A Treat of Human Nature, “han the desire tel venibs And Marx inthe Beanome and Pilbsphieal Mawson" 1 [have nomoney for travel, I have no need, ie. to rll and sel zeabsing need, to eave. Hf have a voetton to audy, but no money for it, I have no vocation o study, Len rea rue vocation.” Because the disposition durablyinculatd by objective conditions (which ‘cience apprehend through tated sogularsn a the probabilities objco- tively attached toa group orcas) engender aspittion and practices objec tively compatible with thse objective requiemeos, the moet improbable practices are excluded, either totaly without examination, a wnhinkable, ot 1 the cont ofthe double negation which ineines agente to make a vctue of ecaity, tat i,t refuse whats anyway refused ant love the nevtale ‘The very conditions of production ofthe eos, mecesity made int cre, are such that the expectations to which i gles rive tend to ignore the reatietion 10 which the ality of any eseulus of probabiltis ie sub Cndinated, namely thatthe conditions ofthe experiments shosld not have tben madiied. Unlike scenic estimations, which ae corrected ater each cxpereent in accordance with rgocous rules of cleulatin, practical est nats give disproportionate weight o atl experiences he structures charac: ensue of 4 detesninate type of condivons of existence, through the economic and social ncesty which they Bring to bear on the relatively ‘utonomots universe af fly relationships, or more precy, through the ‘edition of the specially ail manifestations of thi external neces (Gerual division of labout, domestic morality, cares, stile, tastes, ete), Produce the sructures of the habitus which become in carn the basis of pPerepton and apprecition ofall subaquent experience. Thi, wt 4 real ofthe hysteresis eft necessarily implied in the loge of the constitution of habitus, practices are always lable to incur negative sanctions when the avioumeat with which they are actually confronted ite distant from that {o which they ae objectively te ‘This is why generation conics oppore ‘ot ageclotece spared by natural properties, bat habitus which have been rote by diferent modes of generation that, by conditions of existence ‘vhich, in imposing diferent detntons of the impossible, the posible, and {he probable, eause one group to experience as natutal or caoaable races lor apraions which anther group Gnds usthinlable or scandalous, and vse Structures, habit ond proces The habit, the duraby installed generative principe of regulated inprovi ‘ations, produces paces which tend to repretiue the regularities imminent in the abjecive conditions of the production of thar genera principle, stile adjuating 1 the demands insrbed at objective potentialities inthe Stastion, at defined by the cognitive and motivating strcearea malig vp the habitus. Te follows that thexe practices ennot be divctly deduced eee Irom the objective conitios, defined athe instataneous ximef the stim Which may appear to have direst triggered ther, or from the conditions ‘which produced the durable principle af their production. These practices ‘an he accounted fr ony by lating the objective sacar defining the socal ‘onions of the rodveton ofthe habitus which engendered them to the olin in which this habit i operating, tat, tote conjunctare which, thr ofa radical terformation, represent particular sate of thistructure Tn pesetice, sta the habit, history turned igs nature, i. dened auch, sshich acomplahes practically the relating of thee two systems of relations ‘in and through the production of practice. ‘The “unconseious" is never anything other than the frgetingof history which histor tal produces by inconporating the objective structures it produces inthe cecond natures of Fabius: in ach of, varying proportion, there spar of yesterday's Iman; iti yesterday's man who inevitably prodominates i us, sinc the prevent anni co litle compared with the long pas inthe course of which Ire were formed and from which we raul, Yt sre do not sease this man ofthe pst, Beceuse he s inveterate i se makes up the unconscious pat tf carscives, Consequently we a led to take no acaust of im, any more than we take aecoun of his eitiate demands. Conversely, weare very auch | are of the mort recent ataiamets of cvilzation, hecause, being recent, they have not ye had time to settle into our unconscious.” ‘Genesis amnesia is aio encouraged (if not eftaled) by the objecivist, apprehension which, grasping the peoduct of history as an ofasoferata, 1 fat accompli ean daly invoke the mysteries of pre-established harmony ot the prodigies of conscious achesteatin to account for what, apprcheaded in pure synchrony, appear a objective meaning, whether it be the iteraal heenee of wore or ineitions sich st myths ites, or bodies fla, or the ebjetive coednaton which the cneardant oF eoaliting practices of the members ef the sme group or clam at nce raniest and Presippese | inasmuch as they imply 4 eommanity of dispositions). ach agent, witnghy or unwitting. wily ill, ia penducer and rep ducer of abjetve meaning. Because his actions and works are the product ofa modus operndi of which he ie ot the producer and has no conscious tnaiery they contain an objectiveintetion” nthe Scholastics put, which tlveys utrans his conscious intentions, ‘The schemes of thought and pression he has soquited te the basis forthe inentols invention of fegulted improvication. Endlesly overtaken by his own ward, with which De tsintaina a relation of "cary and be carro, 2¢ Nicola Hartmann pu 4 the vraono finds the opus operat new triggers and new supports for the mada operand rom which they rise, oo that his discourse continuously “Feee of fw ke rain bringing song its oe rails 1 tics surprise “ther author no lee than thee audience, and imprest as much by their “rtrompectivenecomity aby thelr novelty, the reason is that the frwsile Sppeats as the simple unerthing, a once accidental and itressble, of a buried posit, Tei becwose subject do at, stil speaking, know what they ace doing that what they do has more mesning thin they naw. The abies isthe universlising mediation which causes an individ] agent's races, without either explicit reason or sigaifying invent, to be none the les "cenible” and "reasonable". That part of practices which emains ere in the eyes oftheir own producer x the aspect by which they are ‘bjetivly adjuated to other pratices and tothe sructres of which the principle of thei production tet the product." fe Sires ad the habia (One of the fundamental eee of the orchestration of habitus is the production of commonecnge world endowed withthe object secured by fonsznsus om the rca (sen) of practices and the worl, in ether words the harmonization of agent’ experiences and the continuous ziforcemest that each of them receives fro the expresio,sadividual or cllecive (ia {cstival for example), improvised or programmed evanmonplaces, sayin), of similar or identical experienon, The homagensty of habitus i what ‘vith th lima fee group of agent possoming the heme (F production tnd interpretation) implied i thee production ~ causes practices and works to be immediately ineligible and foreseeable, and ence takea for granted, This practical compeehenson obviates the “inlention” and intentional teaser into the Other dea the phenomenologits, by dispensing, for the ordinary ocesons of ie, wth close anal ofthe munmen of another's practice and actor explicit inquiry ("What 60 you mean?) into his inten ‘ions. Avtomatie and impersonal, sigifcant without intending to sigily, diary proce lend themselves oan understanding no lee automatic ad iamperonal: the picking up of ee oj implien “reactivation” of the "lived them "Communiaton of consciousnetes” presuppose community of ‘unconsciouses” of inguistieand ultra eompetences). The decipher: ing ofthe objecive intention of pretces and works has nothing to do with {he “reproduction” (Nachbidang, as the ely Dilthey puts it) of lived ‘xperencenand therecontttin,unpeccary and unearth persoal Singularities of a "intention" which not thei tae origi. Tie objective homogenizing of group or class habitus which results rom the homogeneity ofthe conditions of existence is what enables practice 10 be abjesvely barmonized without any intentional calculation oe conscious reference toa norm and mutualy adjusted the absoe of any dive interaction te, fri explicit co-ordination. "Imagine", Leiba euggess, “two clocks tr watches in perfect agreement as othe time. ‘This may occur in one of three ‘ways. ‘Te rst consists in mutual influence; the econ isto appoint ski ‘workanan to cortee thems and synchronize them a atm; the third i to onatructthete clocks with euch at and precision that oe can be atured Df their subsequent agreement" So long as, retaining only the Bsst o at 1 pinch de second hypthess, one gnats the tue torless orchestration which gives equity, unity, and prctiees of «group or clas, nd ti even the absence af ny spontaneous br externally imposed orgunizstion of individual projects, oe x condemned tothe naive articiaian which recognizes nother principle uniyinga groupe br class ondnary or extraordinary ation than the conscis o- ordination ts commpray. Ifthe practices ofthe member ofthe same group or clas. Structures, habits and paces & sre more and beter harmonize than the agents know or wis, ies because, 15 Lebais put it, "following only [his] own avs", cac "nonetheless agrees with the other" The habitus is presitely this immanent aw, dex nse, laid down in each agent by his eariest upbringing, which the precondition not nly forthe co-ordination af practices but ass fo paces ef co-erdinaton, tinge the cerection and adjustments the genta themelves consciously eae) fut premuppone thei mastery ofa common code and since undertakings of follective mobization cat succeed without a asniour of concordance beeen the habit of Ue mobili agente (prope, party Teer, te.) tele dapationa of thane hone aeprtions ard worldeview they express, So iti because they are the product of diapesitions which, being the Interaletion ofthe sume objective stuctres are objectively concerted that the practies of the members of thesamne group or, ina ileretiated society, ‘the same clas are endowed wit an objective meaning tht iat onee unitary ‘and systematic, wanscending subjective intcaions and conscious projects ether individual or collective To desribe the procs of objection and orchestration in the language of interaction and mutual adjustment 0 forget thatthe interaction fs os its form to the abjestive srictes snhich hive produced the dispositions of the interacting agentsnnd whichallo them thei lative postions in the interaction and elewher. Every confor {ation between agents in act brings togeibey, in an interaction define by the naive autre ofthe relation Between the groupe thes belong to (eg. + Iw giving orders to a subordinate, colleagues dacossing their ppl, scademics taking part ine symposium), systems of dipostions (eartied bs "natural persons") such aa linguistic competence and a cultural competence nd, through teas habitual the objective stactses of which they are the Product, structures which are active only when embed in a competence fquited in the course of a particular hutory (withthe diferent types of bilnguliem or prosunciation, fr example, steriog from diferent modee of sequisiion)* ‘Thus, when we speak of clase habitus, we are insisting, against al forme 1 the ccusionlis sion which consists indirectly eelating practices to propertiea inscribed inthe sation, tht" nterpersonal” slain are never, ‘xcept in appearance, fdiidua-t-individal relationships and that the ruth (the interaction ie teveretiely contained inthe interaction, This i what “torial peyehology and inteationism or ethnomethadelogy forget when, reducing the objective structure of the relationship between the aseembled individuals tothe conjunctural structure of ther ineraton in a particular ‘uation and group, they eek o explain everthing tat occurs in an exper: ‘mental or observed interaction in terms of the experimentally controlled harcteratcs ofthe situation, sucha: the relative spatial postions of the ercpntsor the nature the chan edo fat itis tpn Test pion in the soci srcture tat lege individuals cry et them, a al tines and inal less the fo ef dnposton which any markl wri pron and bre ol he scl tne een jective Panos, hat iy between scl persnscenjonetral bough tpter sical pce, wich moe he ue tig sal pce) a cot {0 many riders thi dnc sd of tee sequed Inder "eap on tne" rtp manipulate aap, wiser symboicaly or acaly, 19 refce (ater forthe dian han forthe dominated, inte or npn (byw ting eel po at “bom fails" in short “sanding on ones dity, a onthe eth hands ‘efsng "tae bern and" pt antl orard nah kawegones de” an taping here) ren the forms of itaconsemingly mot amenblet desertion in terms of intentional tne into the Other” ach yop, end ship, ror dominated (ear omy att) rougher ‘Tabi, that is oy, more precely the harmony of ethos and aes = cole sensed in the imperceptible ces of by hes -0y the aietve suet ofthe relation between scl soditons. The iloon ef eta Sletian or predentnation are rom ignore he scl edition for the harmony of sett terial leaning which heey pred 2 evidence of the inte afc ich sg fom In sory the faba, the pdt of hts protein ena colecive prativ, and hence bist, in etcdnce wid the stem Cnaenret By History. ‘The wyatt pan hich aries inthe pre and tends perpetuate elf int he trey mang tal presen in procs stared according ot principles, an ert a ‘lying th comin exer ofthe wf steal pecenion (reduce ‘oimmedae cosanctaral consrats)~ the rele teeny and ‘eqlriy which bjetvm des othe sal wor without Bong ale toe them rational sk And athe ee Hine he prince a he stration and reglited evolution whch nce he ee an intartaneor determin of ttchorne slam orth pul imertal bt ily pnts detention of rotator spontnet subjective are capa of accountng fe. Tein jum an re and just m wie ty tht collective actos produce thecren xt hy a roc eciprctepetin dng pracon objectively co-ordinated Bere suberioted to paral 9 ‘olen objet neces, it lc orton eels ‘cin is onsite inthe etl elton ete, onthe one hand, ‘abine, understood mayo ting, wanspedic Coponions wich, Ibvering pst experiences, funtion every moment aa marco ore seer sprcatn end acon nd aes pile he achicyement fifi {opted ena thnk oan anaes of oct pecisig {Ghat ote shaped pleme tharrothe ncsingcoretoos Wine tute obated ideal produced by te remand othe stands tee en whch exertion ofcodona mulation Saline for or mending ecinaterenpome, only on tone who we Soret to corte tas ork becae they reendowed wich determinate Soe Gponaon (tsch ae tenable to edopicion ad enforcement lise "aatcning olan cous, hat B te diet indirect Fasemion af dave ep of eerig symbolic nasty of the pra hy martered principles of the cas habitus). Without ever being totally Cet, hey we the product of "om eric” hari By acca ervcal Grats, te dsposons and he situations which ie rer sie + ermine tee re Sty idtpendne ice hey ave engenered by We objet sists, {Bir ints etl, byte seo ae he oa formation ati Thee of habit hihi inbeentn the socal condi Pie rpreducon ofthe stuctore in abn, doubts ove of the {fuaton ofthe sructurlgbetween opportu snd the dapostion {gmp thom hich the coe of tan oppertnites and pare, Sek euclly abcd neg fo tink irc res in eos St petcepon an tho ete than the af the at aie revetary mt ‘one ignores the dialectical relationship between the objective structures and the copnve ad mosating ucts whic they proce and which ite tr sepodoce hen, iene ees ta thee bjetve rete ae {Remte podct of isl pets dare conan reproduced ard tsforned by histor practice hone prodotv prikplew itself the trod of he rarer sich conse tends reproduc: the one rrondemned to redoe te ronip between the diferent socal agence {iStine rewed wo “diferent tron of the me sentence =n Corer metaphor which conte the tat ofthe object nguage of akon” te he lil ormelacabing ey nef the be dered ‘timany ober Te ning pill praca ier dai wich ‘Satrue tnajas would teige to seprte "abst sic a sonia eg erty tee, rene hc hing “Tht th babii, the lc of practi raat ofthe "elton SPs hich (om Paras othe cat eden Mare) tye ou ey ade witout securing the means of covering the ral 1 ape he rac homage oe rations of asformation objet- LL eee Structures, habits and paces 8 {tng peep, aye oi Funan, who has “ie samp caren feat deve em ied wee oa a Bente landform et ens as etn Te ory Maa nie vase 4 Strate a the habit Shatin maa Sans ore tas eae ee Tinea dik St rptl cae eto fetes oan eee Saaielnrmea rm anealaned aloes ee en en ean aa Seater eet ara eet oie sera Saroatmaieementeoses pee arerer prenatal Seay ctu meme ners nee Sechertuet cae once, Saas Peer eee Jee ee eens eal anisms tee Eo cere ciew rains seca era ee shack erie ee teed Tiare potbe emery polenta raka eel ipa ard Fanaa canbe ou inatysciety"Anthns Wale ght pining cata th otf nal ing tenga rer mn nity ronal. Hut wha migh pa fra mee chtaient ol te mecurep eden ehmoue ied ott the tly o's hear cence eae ke ‘mbiton cf owe objec for acter: ten af hypothe i he Ae y, ssoeied a a honeostatetysem which shan by tenerehog {eral rere eaccrdane wih ova ag, msepacl iy atte aecereank of she cena endency inthe dnbton ofthe value of anaes Seek ‘combination of var. Wala thus com tte wield rer kisestoer + Population of Twcatrs Ina, the sal prvonalty ye eSerd ye Pisin Wo diet srl “dais, “patente Fie aur of mnie fence the Mea wae eae iho te he wa hw whe ub the sh ote igen he ume a he a reat epee ae at ‘The habits i the product ofthe work of ineuletion and appropriation otsaary in order for those products of cllstive history, the sbjective Atructues (eg of language, economy, ee) to succeed in reproducing thems, Beves more or less completly, in the form of durable dipositions’ in the nian (which on an, f oe wishes, call ndividvl lastngyaubyected he se conditioning, and hence placed inthe same material conditions ‘xixtence, Therefore sociology teats a dentcal all the blogic! indi tls who, being the product of the sume objective coniions, are the ‘ofthe same habitus: soil elas derstood aa aystem of objective rninations, must be brought nto relation not with the individual or with, le “cle” a6 Population, i. 18 an aggregate of enumerable, messrable individuals, but wit the clas habitus, the system of diposicuns alls) common to all products of the atme structures. Though i peal forall members ofthe same clas (or even two of ther) fo have te sane experience, in the same oder tis certain that exch wr the same clan ia more ltly than any member of another clas to have ‘onronted with the situations most fequent forthe rember of that ‘The objective structares which seienee apprehend nthe form of Incas rede the ane bas personaly wither ur ec! cero seer nbs nestor highly odd arctes h ml ‘ye apes ators nN nia tate the peony ho tev ‘nasal icaraaons ofthe bane penalty sendemsed treatin sl ‘ootradnee* Thay she can ce Manpng “the mot pall the ft rua caresponds to he base pcwovaty rte”) aera en" SECA Uttam wi ve oy a ‘spel the wsity eld ot cote tex Ria 6 Structures and the habitus ‘tial repularities (eg, employment ste, icome curves, prabiin Acees to secondary ecaton, frequency ofbliays ce) inclete, thr ‘the director indivet bu always convergent expericnces which give a soca vironment its pysiognomy, with it "claed doors”, “dead ends, a limited “prospects, chat "art of auesing Hkelihoods as Libeitput it of anicipating the objective future in ahor, the ante fret reli which 's pape the bectconceuled principle of tht eliacy In order to define the celations between las, habitus end the onan individuality which can neverentiely be rem from sociological dscourne, inasanh a, being given immediatly to immediate pereption (mia ‘ettunce), ie also socially designated snd recognized (name, lal deny, te.) and is defined by «socal rajectary atrity peaking ieee to 0 oer, teats ould Beeonaideed at asubjective but mx individual ayes, of internalized structures, schemes of perception, conserton, and eton ‘ommon to all members of the sane group ot elisa and constituting the Precodition for all objetification and apperepticn: and the objective c. ‘ordination of practices and the sharing of + world-view ould be founded 00 the perfect impersonaity and icerchangeabilty of singular practice and views But hi would amount to regarding all the practices or epeennttons produed in accordance with identical ecenic a inpersonal snd subir lable, ike singular intuitions of space which, according to Kant, reflect none of the peculiarities of the individual ego. In fac, ii in relation of homology, of diversity within homogeneity relecting the diversity witha homegenity characteristic of thee soil conditions of production, hat the Singular habits ofthe diferent members of the same Class ae uate; the homology of worldviews implies the systematic diferncee which neparate Singular worldviems, adopted from singular but concerted standpoints Since the history of the individual ia never anything other than Ertan ‘specifeation af the enlestve history of his group ot cls, each india ‘ile of dspestins may be seen asa seul rarion of al the other group clas habits, expressing the diference between trajectories and pestions imide or outside the elas. "Persona" tye, the particular stamp masking allthe products of the same habitus, whether practice or wor, sever ore ‘han a devain in relation to these of a period or clans 9 that tele back to the common style not only by ie conformity like Phida, who, sccording to Hegel, had no" masnee” — butlso by the eiference which makes the whole "manner ‘The principle of thew individual ferences le inthe lat that, being the product ofa chronologically ordered series of atructring determinations the habits, which at every moment strictures in term of the structuring experiences which produced it the structuring experiences which aft is “The dialectic of betieton and embodiment arcu, hing shut 4 sais ington, dein by the an a ihc capo unataly conten the ener af the er See Ae tate sequin nts ema den ‘Sit la epee pre eenponsd o Six Ruy pte omg) anh at ed ‘SSL dnl mn carom fae ee ee recep alin beens hae ian nln meiner eee ceca ies mach = log to sed eterna, the Fehr mates cobernce td enon int nd contngey fr cli betes potion nie al See Se ac vn bewecn eam at debian at a ah iis of ubur anh heen {fe ence coincide slmont perfec. In a cas society, all the product of « te oy csr naa, pe phy ni ee oe gece hpin nce eres STM chee hig uct ane rhe) a= Hees pe ot ay ia he se Te Tepes ee hl pein raed ieatigae any = aprane etc nin net seth wor flan ot cle ioral pei Seite and tise ude ioupendswelesmbolcl ae Sued evonnen, veut psn! apeti or pce mens ih Cros an tna peace pee act, the rad prt of he Soe nal hh doa pel ry mead a pte, pncletane tt tty he evel dro: The cl ate wsPioaa bw ter pop tn ay hs pa et mre itn tem as pte of pore et otha tyme Secured en ef eign he esa surged haf wl megs alts pre enti turds seiner jes eye even tgs tm reap TE eee iting i of eed eal expresns woe ating ‘and of using implements, always associated with & tone of voice, a style of Foch tn ocd beaewae) acetamide epee Bet {Rak chon sent pa on prac ew Deh esis 2 cocoa dd bain es map te 8 Sircrres and the habits ‘The dialectic ofabjectifcaton and enbdiment oy tc), which require the boy to sto work, nthe mode of "i's preted” the sehemes generating the stateyesof honour "The there idly partition in git exchanges and all her subletis, which the boys derive from their sles messengers and, more eapecaly, x intermedarcs between the ferale orld and the male world. There i slentcbseratca of the dcsnions in the men's sembly, with ther effects of eloquence, thet rituals their seratepie, their ritual strategies and strategie uses of ital. ‘There ar the interactions with tei relatives, which lead them to explore the structured space of objective kin relationship in all directions by means of reversal guirng the persn who sa himself and behaved as anepliew o his fuer's Irother to ate himself and behave a paternal uncle toward his brothers 0, and ths to aqui maser ofthe tezslormatisnalcbentes which pen the pasage from the system af dipostions attached toon pation to the system appropriate to the sjametsiclly apposite potion. “There are the Jescal and grammatical eommutatins ("1 and" you” designating the sme cording tothe elation to the speaker) whi instil the senweof the interchangeably of sitios and ol recigrosity aswell at ascase ofthe site Df each. And, ata deeper level, thee are the relationships withthe mther tu the father, which, by ther dyeymmetry in antagonistic complementarity, ‘constitute one of the opportunities to inteznalie, iwepaably, the hemes ofthe ween dison of laourand of the diewion of seal lar, | Bat it i in the dialectical relationsup Between the body and a space “Aructured according tthe mythicostul oppositions that one nds the form ae excellence ofthe tructial apprenticeship which lad to the em-bodying the structures ofthe word, thas, the appropriating by the word of thus enabled to appropiate the world. Tn a sca formation in which it ahsence ofthe symbolie-product-coverving tectiniguesasocited with tracy retards the objectification of symbolic an particularly cultoral capa, ithabited space —and above all the house isthe principal lous forthe ecification ofthe penerative schemes and through tie itera of the sions and Dierarchies it sets up between things, persons, and prices, is tangible clasifying estem continuously ineulestes and reinforces the ymic principles underlying all the abieary provision ofthis culture. is 8 we have sen, the apposition between the aired ofthe righthand the sacred ofthe left hand, between if and haram, between man, sted with protective, fecundating virtues, and worn a once sere and ged with malficen! forces, and, corelatvly, between religion (ale) magic (female), i eproduce in he spat division between male space, the place of asemhly, the market, or the felds, and female space, the use and its garden, the retecate of haram. To discover how this stil ization (matched by a temporal organization obsing the sume lic) habits comes down to 4 question of mechanical learning by tral and err Ul an incoherent setce of figures, which can be learat only gradual, through repeated tempts and with eontinuous predictable progress, anime rica series i mastered more easly beeas it cootaasasteuctre which makes it unnecessary to memorize all the aubers one by One: i verbal produ such as proverb, sayings, mbxims, song, riddles, or games objet, sich 15 tole, the house, oF the ilige; oan, in practices auch as contests of honour, ait exchange, sites, ete, the material which the Kable child bas toassmilate isthe product of the systematic aplication of principle colerent in practice” which meas, that o al this endlely redundant rater, he has no itculty in grasping the ravnale of what ae leely series and a ‘making it his own in the form ofa priniple generating conduet organized ‘in accordance withthe same exis, Experiment aa of lecaing wich estaba ta kt he oration a0 Se deeeioe Pema oapes canoe ay er aeamee trie or selaiahip valved the mesic totonco"™ erable to umderand the Aihete af objets adic frytemate penton fod rhe fced there of symbole Chine carat (Hu) oe tes eye Seowlaneoualy the sour, nase, aod mame of the objects pried (a Urede) "dated ine cna nh aay but objec bared mace dee ‘tho ae ure ote the pepe of lieaton ntl tala iher r Thon they no they tee artsy trond, tery Seong ta ay sce’ atl ayo cary ses hk a oy pl ‘rsnsucctvtonment bl easy othe Cnn othe ase se Yosh bard etey conten the eseteria tinge: the penal mastery of what ond cals tbe frmul" tu the eu to prone by combing "fru eanesces of weds pre en ie etscen apprenticeship through simple familiarization, in whieh theo prentceincensibly and unconsciously acquires the principles of the “an tnd the at of living inching those which are not known to the prod fof the practices or work imitated, and, a te other extreme, exp expres transmission by precept and prescription, every society provides ‘Hruchraleerises vending to ans this otha! form of praca ase Sue are the riddles and ritsl contests which tet the "seas of i language” ad all che games, often sractoredsccording tothe lie of swage the challenge ot the combat (@utls, group battles, target soot eves pnctes and represttons far Dyan the frequent decibel Ftugh dvsions betwee the ae word ad the female mole tsi andthe fumic, publi ean intimacy ~and thereby comb tthe babe impoiin ofthe chemo prep, heh, an ttn neces grap the der of tjtiaton and einen hte ‘vege los tthe space ofthe howe ad te eae lenning proses Th andj of he reatiorhip betes the bjt schete od the schemes nirporated or being incrprdpresipossa suc alyas ff the ial rgaiatin ofthe fora spe of he leu ad the ln af this intel pace to extertal space, on tage whch nto oad if but whch precely oa acount ef the aml) aity bare hie and a that aad ete the ony ean fal fro he ung ure wich emaing ee heme tr evel ony nthe ojos hey sree Te hoe, en pu occ lends lf such to» deiperng, ut ony to deciphering whch deck ft feet tt the "book" fm whch he hen lh ono te ‘eld read with he ods, andthe navemer nd apace ‘hich inate the space within shih they seemed m muh they ane nae by Te iteror ofthe Kabyle home, recangls in shapes i die it to ps by alow lth ler of thee two pre, aight ir han ete, aed {cr ban ua the er sid, scoped by the ina ha net abort doe ih we wins ges accesso bth rs Ta th pps pte hens a eg Uh do, the wesc hom. The over, dak etal pat he house. hep a ec ic nh bc on are he {oo of satura beings "oxen ad cows, donkey tnd ented mer acer a eh pach ht ae tution pour of the ue fe and rece abs, tx une es ‘uct the r= th aribute tthe manly paint af hous Cai) ey rte ies hr) ite sll prom hie! Ss seme meting a new ln fly re ye {oto and vce vers) THE st toe honored (abel ese ae el ‘ond oat ee he at) sedan fea he oo, epee ‘alll the wall of dartacm or heal othe iva ack poset Coke ced next tat. The muing ofthe dead take pace a heen oe se ‘Thelow dar pct oppowed to the upper prt he femal wo the alee ‘oat timate place with the we of itamay anit, eal) The opnon ‘ene the ule andthe fomscsneuppenin i oppeionbetcr ios ‘eam ad hema pile for open eae, ‘Tha, the ose ie orgied sending t+ set of Kimelogom oppositions — freswatr' eoked:tay high Baad: ay igi ale "if deme: eringable 10 he frie. Bat fact te te opp ee ‘staal beeen the house awhile a the a ofthe univers tite “Tre date of obetfietion and ein o tle worl the paseo emp, hells, and he markt 1 flows tat ech These two pur of the Roe (ds byte same ten, ac the objet placed Se ect of te artes ric cnt fa) nin ame gsi two degree, fnew female Yoctcran dav te) ites paren of the riveree (ean scondedy slo female oar tang one othe other tf he cnn otha wv Thun fr erp the pony ?ian he amp, {the euler woman the Ip of he se” math aes to ee thet ma the tre Age howe he day. and oman the ght of dae, drt bobo {fea ie eat a aoe Srna rma abt th ie [Sound dapending on hehe he hoo cnadced an the male pt view Sie lets pate of ey phen Ex the mn, Ube bur et ech lee eveotert place he corns out mesa ade pop belt the Ailie ation efrmedin asics cosracedn thw aeineditly qulifed epmbolly wd funtion wo many rece err ro Sec bait up prc marey of fe foedameral hemes, ch Sreae mapa pecs an representations: ing in nd coming Sng nd ening, openings hts, sing loward and gn i tun, ing war und going cara Through he magia er of cbs wich athe pode fhe sppiation fhe ume sche {emt ies de, wold in which ach thing peta thr tayo al the oer cack rv ome fo be etl th on ete treming «caning with which practi ~ ad pricy it bare ‘kena al inn, mths tere revoke The eu othe Sot of objets ely not the sovesgnoneratinof crac wich ‘fee aon concer fhe metal rr which ona the worl feet ae cotucted nthe prac of wel of obits tonnraced coring othe eu srctaren Te td bore of the world Of cbpte docs nt at a subpetiy confronting an objriys the ‘hice ere x made ope ahem wiht the prasetobjcang Spertnn craved sexi othe ver star which he min apex ic The mid a metaphor foe which tl Bu an Code cle of rata rfetog metaphor “ithe symbol manipulator fly experienc, satin ith lace tran win arate erucied ope, the moet png ‘ening dtp he oe wh se Sone bp psping in term the sae conn and neta the pie treat yin ot) the reaonhp betwen an ad the tte Word tod the complements oppsed ater nd cto a he two sin tte dvciont cra wor and eal divin of wor, decent wrk {fbn and scl ection. For example, he opontian between eS ‘Sirctre and the habit movement outwards toward the fds othe matt, toward the production fd creulation of goods, and movement inwards, towards the accumulation Gnd consumption ofthe prodvets of work, corespands symbolically tothe ‘oppiion between the sale body, selfencloued and directed towards the ‘outside word, and the female body, resembling the dark, damp hous, Fal of fod, utensil, and children, which is entered ard left bythe sme inevitably sviled opening. "The opponiton between the couriugl, male erientation and the centriea, female orientation, which, as we have seen, is the true principle of the rgnization of dogmatic space a doubles ssp the basi ofthe relationship teach of the genes to their "peyche", that © their bodies and mere pricey to their sexuality. A in every society dominated by male valves Peind Buropein wcities, which asign men to politic, history, ot wat and ‘women to the bear, the novel, and prychology, ae no exception~the Specifically mae ration to seria that of bination, the symbolism of Honour tending at once to refuse any dec expression of sexuality and to encourage it transfigured manifestation inthe form of manly proweas: the ten, who are nether concious of aor conesened with the female orgasm but fect the aflemation of ther potency in repetition ether than prolongation Othe sexual ct a not unaware hat, rough the tatermediar ofthe female tip tha they both fear and despise, the eyes ofthe group alway threaten thei iatimacy. 89 forthe wome, i stu to say, with Erikson, that mae domination teads to “etre hee verbal consciousness ™ a long as thi i taken to mean not that they are forbidden all talk of sx, but that tei ‘ncourse i domiaated by the mal values of wit, 6 that al reference Specify female seal “interests” is excluded from this aggresive and ‘Shame-illdeult of ral potency. Peychoanalysis, the ditenehantiag product ofthe disenchantment of the ‘vod whichleadstadomsin ofsigncationthatismythcallyoseretermined The dialect of ebectifcation and embodiment on | conmology- The chi inital elation to it father or mother, or ia ether tex, 10 the pateral body and maternal body, which ofere the most Aramatie opportunity to experince ll the fundamental oppositions aftaytho- povie practice, cannot he found as the bass of the sequsiton of the Principles of the sructuring ofthe ogo and the weld, and in parsslar of tery homosexual nd heterosexual relationship, except neo ae hat intial felition is set up with ebjects whose sex is defined symbolically and not bioloialy, The eh construct its sexual deny, che major element i te tocial identity, atthe ste time at conecuct its image of the dion of ‘mek between the sexes, ot ofthe same socially defined st of ianepuably Dolgical and socal tales. En other words, the awakening of constiousess of setual identity and the incorporation ef the dispositions aieocated yath determinate soil definition of the sor funcions incunbent on men and ‘women come hand in had with the adoprion of «socially defined vision of the sonal division of abou. Pachooga? work on th perception of sexual diereoes ules i cu cat fiat atin coer deacons vy ety ton ov fs tran lod ‘igang domente ais we torte end ether col come ‘cn net” ht he ater ka be ated tthe fer enerally en are compete td fre earth th nates, who M geded Winder" and ce sect hen Mh far and the chet ew tore Grntooal nd ore meee elas, Ln i nm ry spat seo ars sea tis not hard to imagine the weight that must he brought to bear on the tonstiction of selimage and worldmage by the oppesiion between imsculinity and femininity when ie constitutes the fandameata principle of tivison of the social and s)mbeli word. Asis eaphaszed by the twofold tmeming ofthe word mf, esual potency inseparable romana potency, what to be costuted ar suck, forgets anc enue i tobe fngoten tht ones own tana her people's bodes ae only ever peresved through categories of pecception whic it would be nave to teat a sexual, even if, a i tested fy the women's aughter during conversions, and the iatrpretations they ‘ge of graphic eymbols mural paintings, pottery or carpet designs te, ~ hese categories aye elite back, sometines very concretely, to the ‘ppeition between the biclogilly defined properties of ther sexes. As tdve ait would be to reduce to ther ity sexual dimension the countess feof difueineuleation through which the body and the word tend tobe evin order, by means of yzabelic manipolton ofthe relation tothe bods nd to the world aiming to pone what Be 0 be called in Melanie Klein term, a "body geogrphy”, 4 particular cae of geography, or bet inimposed thoigh aertain octal definition of maleness (and, by derivation 9 feraleness), ina poiseal mythology which goverasall body experiences, 9 leat ena experienestherslves. Thus, the opposition between male unity, publican sublimated, and female exalt, eeet and, otospeak, Taina” (with respect to Erikson’ "wtopieof univer gnitality Le ‘utopia of fll ergsmic reciprocity") is only specication of the postion between the extavesion of plies or public religion and the version of psychology oe private magic, made up for the most part of timed at domestiating the male partners. Diy Aeris ple mytolgy reine, m-bdid, cred into» permanent ona dale nner of standing, sein, and thereby of Jeng od o Structures and the habitus ‘hsking. The oppositions whic mythic ag ken tween the ale ond ‘he eat nd wich eganize the whole am tales appear exeple {he eter and movemems othe boy, the fom the sppention bwer IDES ibe ba een mins wd oat Te Rab be Ia, be wool aor reat than hens The ma of hoouts pe thy ‘ecm. of wing, ha of Lee eigenen te wil aie in tine, whatever the obese especain sotto ation, npc the eto yt (il tacks sore econ al er rose (oa omaha, he ea f Comets ae the epacy oa Att same ine io maar pee entan mch eh a thes tho hws his fee pa hgh is he “ale sng with gree ses anes ~ranning bing esl and vou cond“ with lggaies cf the man who "ai sng" Te atly me tnd up stg anno fern he approsches or wits 4 ween hy icing fin igh inte ea, hc ae esr nt steed eet ething at happen aun ban pe inher ge tat aap inthe elu or fae! om se grad the mec espe yw a ing eee hat mi is pons, waa rere eal oh aig wan doe cc he son hese hr abe wi nx pt fon pec Wah ape ‘os twa te hae ama ava esa ing ‘wich comes rm a en ade he tua alas eld ie the Sark 2 rectal pce of Goth with Yellows fed, and lock ses wom ate het dees re hat dtd des pot one nnn eva es Ie short the spall feminine ste, lay neu etnies ic wii fle body downwards, twaeds the Brut, the ide, he bone, theta eclee, nf ered moreno ptt ora 1 all societies and, signiicantly, all che “toraluian iostitutione” in Gofiman's prac, that seck co produee 2 new man through a proces Of "dceulturation™ and “recuturation™ set such sore onthe semingly mest insignieant deat of dr, vorng, physical an verbal manners, the Fason ‘is that, treating the body ata memory, they entrust on abbreviated and practical, ie, mnemonic, frm the fundameatal principles of the abiary xntee af the elture. The principles em-bodied a thia way ar placed beyond the grasp of consciousness, and hence cannet be touched by voluntary,