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In order to maintain a democratic form of government and lay a firm foundation upon which the
freedom of all people can be protected and under which a government of the people shall remain,
we dedicate ourselves to this organization.
The name of this organization shall be known as the Richmond Crusade for Voters, Inc.

Section 1: The purpose of the Richmond Crusade for Voters, Inc. organization shall be to
increase the voting strength of the African-American population of the City of Richmond and to
improve the moral, social, economic, educational, and general welfare of all people by
establishing voter registration and voter education programs.
Section 2: To endorse and assist in the election of local, state and federal candidates; including,
but not limited to, United States President, United States Senate, United States House of
Representatives, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General of Virginia, Virginia Senate
and House of Delegates, Mayor of Richmond, Commonwealths Attorney, Treasurer, Clerk of
Court, Sheriff, City Council and School Board.

Section 1: Any person who subscribes to the principles and objectives of this organization, and
makes an annual minimum donation of fifteen dollars ($15.00), may become a member.
a. A regular member in good financial standing shall be entitled to vote on each matter
submitted to members after attending three (3) regular meetings within the preceding
twelve months.

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b. Members who are not financial and have not attended at least three (3) regular meetings
during the preceding twelve (12) months will not be eligible to vote in the proceedings of
the Richmond Crusade for Voters on matters relating to the bylaws, suspension of the
rules, political endorsements, elections, or any other RCV business.
c. The Crusade shall afford all members of the organization full, timely, and equal
opportunities to participate in decisions concerning the selection of candidates, the
formulation of policy, and the conduct of other organizational affairs without prejudice
on the basis of sex, race, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, economic status,
gender identity, sexual orientation or physical disability.
d. The membership roster shall be kept in the custody of and maintained by the Secretary
who shall also be responsible for keeping the roster up dated.
1) The President, Vice President, Second Vice-President, and Membership Committee
shall have access to the membership roster.
2) The membership roster shall not be made available.
e. In any case, the Executive Board reserves the right to make final determination on
membership eligibility into the RCV, based on the By-Laws.
Section 2: Termination of Members. The organization has the right to prescribe and enforce its
standards for membership, and has the right to investigate the character of its members and
potential members, as may be necessary to this enforcement.

Any allegations or conduct of a member or potential member that tends to injure the
good name of the organization, disturb its well-being, or hamper it in its work, will
be reviewed by the Ethics Committee (ref. Standards for Fiscal Affairs) and voted
upon by the Executive Board.


If a member is thus accused, the member has a right to due process that is to
be informed of the charge or allegation and given time to prepare a defense, to
appear and defend himself, and to be fairly treated.


If the organization adopts resolutions ordering proceeding before the

assembly or a committee, the secretary should immediately send to the accused by
registered mail a letter notifying him of the date, hour, and place of the
proceeding, containing an exact copy of the charge(s) and specifications with the
date of their adoption, and directing him to appear as cited.


If after investigation, the Ethics Committees opinion is favorable to the accused, it

should prepare and report a resolution exonerating him. But if the Committee,
from its investigations, finds substance to the allegations and cannot resolve
the matter satisfactorily in any other way, it should make a report in writing, which
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should be signed by every committee member who agrees, outlining its findings
and recommendation to the Executive Board and RCV body for consideration and
final action.

If the good of the organization appears to demand the separation of an

offending member, the member should be offered the opportunity to resign quietly
prior to termination.

Section 1: Executive Board Composition. The elected officers of the Organization shall
consist of President, Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer,
Parliamentarian, Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain, and Historian.
Section 2: Term. Unless otherwise stated herein, the elected officers shall serve for two (2)
years and/or serve until their successors are elected and installed. The President, Vice
President, and Second Vice-President of this organization shall only succeed themselves once
and thereby serve a maximum tenure of four (4) years.
a. Notice must be given for all elected Executive Board vacancies and an election held to
fill the vacancy at the next regular meeting.
Section 3: Duties and Authority. The Officers shall have such duties and authorities as
commensurate with the held office as well as such duties and authorities as from time to
time may be conferred by the Executive Board; without limitations upon any of the foregoing:
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization. He shall
preside at all meetings, enforce the goals and objectives of the Organization, decide all
questions of order (subject to approval), appoint all Committees, sign all checks and orders
on the treasury for money required paid by the Organization (along with the Treasurer),
call special meetings whenever, in his judgment, it shall be deemed necessary and/or in the
best interest of the Organization. The President shall not be entitled to vote except when
balloting for a candidate at an election of officers, or when members are equally divided on
a question before him; then he shall cast the deciding vote. He shall perform such duties
as coming within the purview of his office as the Constitution, By-laws, customs and
traditions of the Organization demand.

The Vice-President shall aid and assist the President in the performance of his
duties and in the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside
over meetings and while presiding shall have the full power of the President. In
the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, the Second VicePresident shall preside over meetings and while presiding shall have the full
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power of the President. The Second Vice-President shall oversee all committees
and be the Presidents liaison to the committees.

The Secretary shall record, maintain, and have reference copies of minutes of
Executive Board and General Membership meetings, prepare copies of minutes and
distribute to Executive Board members no later than five (5) days prior to the next
Executive Board meeting, keep a register of Executive Board members and their
attendance at Executive Board meetings and call the roll when required. He shall
send out to the membership via email, physical mail, or other delivery mechanism
(i.e., social media venues), a notice of each meeting no later than seven (7) calendar
days prior to meeting, and conduct the general correspondence that is not a function
proper to other offices or to committees. The Secretary shall maintain copies of all
records and reports submitted during Executive Board and other official meetings;
and have available at all meetings a current Constitution/By-Laws, a membership
roster, and minutes of Executive Board and other official meetings for the past
two (2) years.


The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a full and accurate
account of the standing in the Organization of each member; maintain a receipt of
all members fees, dues and all monies properly due and coming into the possession
of the Organization and receipts given thereafter; maintenance of full and accurate
records of all monies received by the Organization; promptly release and report
all monies collected on behalf of the Organization to the Treasurer, including the
source, purpose, amount and date of all monies received. At no time shall the
Financial Secretary make any disbursements.


The Treasurer shall keep a just and accurate account of all monies received by
him for the Organization and he shall issue a monthly, quarterly and
yearly financial statement. He shall receive from the Financial Secretary collected
on behalf of RCV, make deposit of monies collected within seven (7) days of receipt,
and maintain an accurate account of all monies deposited. He shall pay all bills,
claims and indebtedness when ordered by the order of the person, corporation or
instrumentality entitled hereto, signed by the President and the Treasurer, and
maintain an accurate account of all monies dispersed or paid on behalf of the


The Parliamentarian shall have a thorough knowledge of parliamentary procedure

and a complete understanding of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Organization.
He shall serve as consultant in matters dealing with parliamentary procedure or
Constitutional interpretation, and shall serve as Chair of the Constitution and ByLaws Committee. He shall sit with the assembly during meetings and has
the right to make motion, discuss them, and vote.

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The Sergeant-at-Arms shall enforce order at meetings, functions, and other events
sponsored by the Organization. He shall expel intruders and bar the door to the
unauthorized. He shall perform other duties as designated by the President.


The Chaplain shall recite or lead invocations and benedictions where such prayers
are offered at the opening and closing of meetings or other events; and, if a member
of the clergy, serves the organization in that capacity in such manner as it may


The Historian prepares a narrative account of the Organizations activities during

his term of office, which when approved by the assembly, will become a permanent
part of the Organizations official history.

Section 4: Eligibility. Members of the Organization who meet the qualifications of Article
III, have attended three (3) consecutive regular meetings within two months of the election date,
and who live and/or work in the City of Richmond are eligible to hold office.
Section 5: Removal from Office. Any member of the Executive Board may be removed from
office by two-thirds (2/3) vote for misfeasance, nonfeasance, or malfeasance.
a d d i t i o n , an officer of the organization may be removed from office by the body if the
officer (a) has failed to perform the duties of his or her office as defined by the By-Laws, either
by neglect or physical incapacity; (b) has failed to pay the annual dues by the first February
meeting of each year; (c) has failed to attend at least one-third (1/3) of the regular meetings
without a valid excuse: or (d) has failed to attend at least one-third (1/3) of the Executive
Committee meetings without a valid excuse.
Any member of the Executive Board proposed to be removed shall be entitled to at least ten
(10) days notice in writing by registered mail of the meeting of the Executive Board in which
the removal is voted upon and shall be entitled to appear, with representation, before the
Executive Board. The officer shall not serve in office pending a final determination of the
appeal. Upon the failure of any officer to attend three (3) successive meetings, without
sufficient excuse to each meeting missed, his membership on the Executive Board shall
terminate. The decision of the Executive Board as to the sufficiency of such excuses shall be
Section 6: Nomination Committee/Election. T h e o f f i c e r s o f t h i s o r g a n i z a t i o n
shall be elected as follows:
a) A Nominating Committee shall be elected from the assembly floor at the September
meeting prior to the end of the current Executive Board term. The Nominations
Committee shall consist of five (5) members.
b) A notice shall be given to the membership of the offices to be filled, and the Nominating
Committee shall receive, for consideration, names of nominations submitted by
individuals, in writing and signed.
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c) The Nominating Committee shall render its report at the October meeting. The body
shall receive the report of the Committee, and additional nominations may be made from
the floor.
d) All names to be considered for office shall be accompanied by a biographical sketch of
each candidate, and vetted by the Committee.
e) Elections shall be held in November. Voting shall be by secret ballot by members in
good financial standing. New officers will be installed in December and take office in
1) Majority vote shall be used for deciding all elections when two persons are
nominated for the same office. If three or more persons are nominated for the
same office, election shall be determined by a plurality vote (candidate receiving
highest number of votes). Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot.
Section 7: Vacancies. The following addresses vacancies on the Executive Board:

If the o ffice of t h e President shall become vacant, the Vice-President shall

assume the office of President and shall serve the remainder of his predecessors


If the office of t h e Vice-President shall become vacant, the Second VicePresident shall assume the office of Vice-President and shall serve the remainder of
his predecessors term.


If the office of t h e Second Vice-President shall become vacant, within thirty

(30) days of the vacancy, the President shall appoint a successor from among
those persons who would be eligible under Article III of the By-Laws to serve the
unexpired term with ratification by the RCV body. The appointment must be
approved by majority of the Executive Board. In this event, the Second VicePresident cannot automatically succeed to the position of Vice-President, but is
eligible to run for the office of Vice-President at the next election. (NOTE: This
does not preclude officer from holding two (2) full terms.) At this election, there
shall be elections for Vice-President and Second Vice-President; candidates to come
from those eligible under Article III.


In case any vacancy other than that of the President or Vice-President shall exist by
reason of death, resignation or otherwise, the President shall appoint a successor for
the unexpired term within thirty (30) days of such vacancy. Said appointment
must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board and ratified by the
RCV body.

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Section 1: Regular meetings shall be held on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM. All
RCV meetings will be held within the City of Richmond.
Section 2: Annual meeting. The annual meeting of the membership of the Organization shall
be held each year on a date fixed by the Executive Committee of the Organization. The
annual meeting shall be held for the purpose of electing officers and for the transaction of such
other business as may properly be brought before the meeting.

The Executive Committee of the Organization shall set the order of business
for the annual meeting and each member of the Organization shall be informed of
the order of business at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.


No other scheduled meetings will take place during scheduled Business


Section 3: Special Meetings. Call meetings or special meetings may be called by the
President or a majority of the Executive Committee members or a majority of the RCV
membership. Only business mentioned in the Call can be transacted at a Call meeting.
Special meetings shall be held at a location as designated in the notification to the members.
The purpose of the special meeting must be specified in the notification to members. Special
meetings may be called by the Executive Board, the President, or by a written request of
twenty five percent (25%) of members eligible to vote.
Section 4: Notice of Meetings. Notice of the r e g u l a r meetings shall be given at least ten
(10) days prior thereto by electronically or physically mailed notice to each member at his last
known address as shown in the official membership lists of the Organization. Every notice of a
call or special meeting shall briefly state the purpose or purposes thereof, and shall be given at
least three (3) days prior thereto by electronically or physically mailed notice to each member at
his last known address as shown in the official memberships lists of the Organization.
Section 5: Quorum and Voting. Twenty percent (20%) of members registered and present
shall constitute a quorum. The members present at a duly organized meeting can continue to do
business unless there is a question that arises on the quorum. If a quorum cannot be obtained,
those present may adjourn the meeting to such time and place as they may determine. At any
such previously adjourned meeting, at which a quorum subsequently is established, such
business may be transacted as might have been transacted at the meeting originally called.
All matters coming before any meeting of the members, except as otherwise limited herein, shall
be decided by the vote of a majority of the voting members present at such meeting, a quorum
being present at the organization of such meeting.
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A quorum must be present and maintained throughout the transaction of all business. Any
business conducted without the presence of a quorum is null and void.
a) The only exception to the above is to fix the time and date of next meeting or to take
measures to obtain a quorum.
Section 6: Rules of Order. A current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be used
throughout the meetings where said rules do not conflict with the provisions of this
Constitution/By-Laws. The Parliamentarian shall be the consultant in matters dealing with
parliamentary procedures or Constitutional interpretation.


Section 1: Executive Committee. The Executive Committee of the Organization shall

consist of President, Immediate Past President (ex-officio member), Vice-President, Second
Vice-President, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Sergeant-at-Arms,
Chaplain, Historian, and Standing Committee Chairs.
Section 2: Duties and Authority. The Executive C om m i t t e e shall be responsible for
determining the affairs, business and general policies of the Organization subject to this
Constitution and for the management of the business and affairs of the Organization. The
Executive Committee shall keep a record of its proceedings which shall be available to all
members. It shall be the responsibility of each Executive Committee member to participate in
the preparation of the monthly membership meeting agenda.
Section 3: Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly at such place as may
from time to time be fixed by resolution of the Executive Committee or it may be held at such
time upon call of the President or a majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee
three (3) days before the meeting. A meeting of the Executive Committee may be held with
notice immediately after the annual meeting of members of the Organization. Notice need not
be given for regular meetings held at times fixed by resolution of the Executive Committee. No
notice of any meeting need be given any member of the Executive Committee who at any time
before or after the meeting waives notice of the meeting in writing or who attends such meeting,
unless at the beginning of such meeting, he states an objection to the place or time of the
meeting or to the manner in which it has been called. Upon the failure of any officer to
attend three successive meetings, without sufficient excuse to each meeting missed, his
membership on the Executive Committee shall terminate. The decision of the Executive Board
as to the sufficiency of such excuses shall be final.
Section 3: Quorum and Voting. A majority of the Executive Committee, but excluding the
President, shall constitute a quorum. The act of a majority of the Executive Committee present
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at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Executive Committee. All
matters shall be decided by a majority vote unless otherwise stipulated.
Section 4: Action without Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be taken at any
meeting of the Executive Committee may be taken without a meeting if consent setting
forth the action is made through any verifiable communicative means.
acknowledgment of action shall be forwarded to each Committee member within seven (7) days.

Section 1: The Standing Committees of this Organization shall be Membership, Voter
Registration, Voter Education, Research, Get-Out-The-Vote, Issues and Newsletter, Finance,
Ways and Means, Constitution and By-Laws, and Ethics.
a) With the exception of the Standing Committees, the President has the authority to
establish additional committees, as he deems necessary.
b) The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Ethics,
Nominating, and Audit Committees.
Section 2: All Committees shall provide a written and/or oral report to the assembly at every
regular meeting. These reports shall be filed and maintained with the minutes for each regular
Section 3: Standing Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed not later than the second
meeting of the year by the President. Standing Committee Chairpersons shall remain in their
positions for the (2) year tenure of their appointing administration or until a new person is
appointed. The President shall replace chairpersons failing to call a meeting within two (2)
Section 4: The Audit Committee shall be appointed by the President every January to audit the
Treasurer's books and report to the body by the regular meeting in February, but not later than
March. The Audit Committee shall be appointed as follows: one by the President and two (2)
by the membership. This committee shall audit all monies in the treasury and that which is
disbursed by the Richmond Crusade for Voters, Inc. The President or Treasurer shall provide to
the Audit Committee access to all Richmond Crusade for Voters financial records upon request
Section 5: The Get-Out-the-Vote Committee shall be composed of no less than nineteen (19)
persons: The Chairperson, to be appointed by the President, and two (2) members elected by
and from each of the nine districts. The Chairperson of this committee shall not hold any other
chairmanship in the organization.
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a) The committee shall make a status report to the membership at least thirty (30) days
subsequent to any election.
b) Where there are an insufficient number of persons elected from a district (City Council
Districts) the body shall appoint additional persons.
Section 6: The Finance Committee shall consist of the Financial Secretary as the Chair and
three (3) members from the RCV body. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to:
a) Consider the financial needs of the Organization and recommend dues and fees to the
Executive Board.
b) Plan, evaluate and recommend the annual operating budget to the Executive
c) Recommend to the Executive Board the general financial policies of the
d) Study and develop financial plans to strengthen the financial base of the Organization
with input from the Executive Board.
e) Oversee and monitor fiscal control of the approved budget of the Organization.
f) Monitor compliance of fiscal standards.
Section 7: Ethics Committee: The members of the Executive Board, the President, or any other
officer of the Organization, jointly or severally, shall not have any financial interest, direct or
indirect; written or oral contract; products, goods, and services, including litigation or legislation,
in which RCV or any affiliated chapter thereof is or may be in any way concerned. In order to
ensure this, an Ethics Committee will be appointed by the appointed by the President, with
ratification by the RCV body. The Committee shall render, in writing, advisory opinions to
members upon written request to contain full disclosure of the nature and circumstances of the
matter and of the financial interest involved. The Ethics Committee shall, upon request of any
member, after examining the information submitted, relieve the member from disqualification in
any matter upon determining, in writing, that no conflict exists and that the members intent was
not so substantial as to be likely to affect the integrity of the position held or the Organization.
Section 8: The Research Committee shall be composed of fourteen (14) persons as follows: one
(1) person elected (or may be appointed due to limited participation) from each of the nine (9)
districts represented in the RCV, two (2) Consultants and three (3) Citizens At-Large to be
appointed by the President for a two (2) year term. The Research Committee shall make all
decisions regarding confidential interviews of candidates.
a) The Research Committee recommendations for the general election shall be presented to
the body to be received no later than the September meeting; the floor will then be
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opened for additional nominations. A vote to endorse the committees recommendation

and/or floor nominations will be taken. This committee shall make its recommendations
to the membership forty-five (45) prior to all elections. This committee shall research all
candidates and election issues to be voted on and make recommendations to the
membership. Consultants shall not have voting privileges, unless the body authorizes a
special vote. The Chairperson cannot vote unless there is a tie. The chairperson shall be
appointed by the president from the voting members of the Research Committee.
b) The Richmond Crusade for Voters may reconsider its endorsements for the primary
elections and may change its endorsements for the general elections, in the best interest
of the community.
Section 9: The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall consist of the Parliamentarian as the
Chair and four (4) members from the RCV body as appointed by the President. It shall be the
duty of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee to:
a) Receive and evaluate recommendations for changes in the Constitution and ByLaws.
b) Present to the Organization revisions and amendments to the Constitution and ByLaws.
Section 9: The Ways and Means Committee shall consist of a Chair, the Treasurer and three (3)
members appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of the Ways and Means Committee
a) Survey needs, evaluate findings and make recommendations to the Executive Board
of fund raising projects to commensurate with aims, purposes and resources of the
b) Develop and coordinate financial projects that are consistent with the long range
plan and the priorities as approved by the Executive Board.

Section 1: The membership of the Community Advisory Board shall consist of two (2) persons
selected by each participating community organization. The persons representing the
participating organizations must be members of the RCV. The President shall appoint the
Chairperson of the Advisory Board. The vice-chairperson and secretary of the Community
Advisory Board shall be elected by the membership of the Community Advisory Board.

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a. The Community Advisory Boards purpose is to provide a forum for civic leaders to
discuss and mobilize upon important issues of the day. The Advisory Board shall meet
b. Minutes shall be kept of each Community Advisory Board meeting and they shall be
open for inspection by any qualified member of the Community Advisory Board.

Reports on the concerns and activities of the Community Advisory Board shall be sent
presented in writing monthly to the assembly at the regular meeting.

Section 1: The administration and conduct of all fiscal matters shall conform to R C V s
Standards for Fiscal Affairs.
Section 2: The fiscal year of the organization shall be calendar year beginning January 1
and ending December 31 of each year.
Section 3: All membership dues shall become due annually on December 15th for the
following year. All initial payments of dues must be submitted with the application for
membership. No portion of dues is refundable. A member shall be deemed not in good
financial standing if by February 28th of each fiscal year their dues are delinquent. A member
who is not financial for the current year shall pay a reinstatement fee in the amount of $ 5.00.
Section 4: All proposals for dues increase must be submitted to the membership for vote at the
annual meeting. Written notice of the proposal must be sent to eligible members thirty (30)
days prior to the vote. Upon approval, the dues increase shall become effective the next fiscal
The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at a regular
meeting, provided a written notice is given at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date at
which they are to be amended and the specific sections (scope of notice) to be voted on are
included in the notice. The By-Laws shall be ratified by a 2/3 votes at the following meeting.

The By-Laws may be revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at a
regular meeting, provided a written notice is given at least thirty (30) days prior to the
meeting date at which they are to be revised.


A scope of notice is not required to revise the By-Laws since they all are subject to
Revised March 17, 2015, Page 12

The RICHMOND CRUSADE for VOTERS, INC. shall not affiliate with any political party.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the Richmond Crusade for Voters (RCV), the
Standards for Fiscal Affairs are hereby promulgated to govern the administration and conduct of
all fiscal affairs. These standards are in accordance with generally accepted accounting and
auditing standards, and shall be strictly adhered to. ADDENDUM Standards for Fiscal Affairs,
In addition to the ADDENDUM Standards for Fiscal Affairs:
a) All monies raised by any committees of this organization shall be deposited in the general
treasury. All expenditures must be approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer
shall give a report to include a statement of income, expenses, and liabilities at every
general body meeting.
b) Any monies deposited in the General Treasury may be earmarked for special projects by
a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership in attendance at a regular meeting.
c) The Executive Committee must approve any expenditure over $100 in advance.
Expenditures $100 or less must be reported and subsequently approved by the Executive
d) Two signatures are required on all checks (President and Treasurer) The Vice-President
may sign in the absence of the President. At no time shall a signatory sign for their own
e) The Treasurer shall be the Registered Agent to transact any business applicable to the
State Corporation.
Parliamentarian, Lisa Nicholson

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