Campaign Finance Report

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SCHEDULE F: ANONYMOUS CONTRIBUTIONS "Anonymous contributions must be transmitted fo the State ~ they cannot be kept or used. On this schedule, state the date end ‘amount of esch anonymous contribution received during this reporting period, as well as the date that each contribution was transmitted te tne Stale, Receipts from the sale of campaign parephernala (items such as politcal campaign pins, buttons, hats, T-shirts, Bumper stickers, itrature, etc.) in ransactions of $25 oF less are not considered anonymous contributions. ‘Anonymous contributions should be mailed by campaign check to the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, accompanied with an ‘explanation that the check represents an anonymous campaign contribution forwarded pursuant to LSA-R.S. 18:1505.2B, 4.-Ammount 2, Dale Received 3, Date Transmitled to State ‘Mail, commercially deliver, or hand deliver completed reports to”: CAMPAIGN FINANCE 2415 Quail Drive, 3° Floor Baton Rouge, LA 70808 “Mailed reports will be considered to have been filed on the date they are postmarked or receipted on a return receipt requested form by the United States Post Office. Commercially delivered reports are considered filed on the date of receipt by a commercial delivery service. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: (225) 763-8777 or 1(800) 842-6630 toll free The failure to file campaign finance reports on time subjects candidates and the chairmen and treasurers of their committees to civil penalties. aT Page ___ of _pages or/ee/t0 69 8 ERR, fe 2 a meg P| ay AVY grins ste vi ey) pel [Lélh r SUMMARY PAGE RECEIPTS 1. Contributions (Schedule A-1) This Period | 7G les 2. In-kind Contributions (Schedule A-2) 3, Campaign paraphernalia sales of $25 or less — 4, TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (ines 1 +2 +3) [6445.10 8. Other Receipts (Schedule A-3) — 6. Loans Received (Schedule 8) G00. 7. Loan Repayments Received (Schedule D) = 8. TOTAL RECEIPTS (.ines 4+5+8+7) I 24, 3s w DISBURSEMENTS This Period 9. Expenditures (Schedule E-1) 40. Other Disbursements (Schedule E-2) is WG, ZO. 44. Loan Repayments Made (Schedule 8) 12. Funds Loaned (Schedule D) 13, TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Lines 9+ 10+ 11 + 12) 12,05. 34 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 14. Funds on hand at beginning of reporting period {Aust equal tans on hand at close fom last report or -0-F fst report fortis ection) 15, Plus total receipts this period (Une 8 a20¥8) + Amount at LY WEE 16. Less total disbursements this period {Line 13 above) 15,43, 2 17. Less in-kind contributions (Une 2 above) LO 18. Funds on hand at close of reporting period 9 236. (2 Page 2 of. pages. SCHEDULE A-1: CONTRIBUTIONS (Other than In-Kind Contributions) ‘The following information must be provided for ail contributors to your campaign during this reporting period. except for in-kine Contributions. tnformation on in-kind contributions is reported on SCHEDULE A-2: IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS. in Column 1, chech ifthe contributors a political committee or a party committee. Any personel funds a candidate contributes to his campaign mus. be reported on this schedule. Personal funds a candidate loans tohis campaign should be reported on Schedule B. For anonymous y assist in calculating contributions, see SCHEDULE F. Totals and subtotals are totals that must be reported on the Summary Page. ‘optional. Completion of toials and subtotals i 1. Name ana Address of Contibutor 2 Contributions this Reporting Period 2. Date(s) Amounts) 8, Tota this Election Sear wou Tow i zest De Des Poumicat couartEe? PARTY COMMITTEE? 0 Ze. luc S00. © Acauns fhuut Ferpertier Aig! Zep cervien I we jee Zon POUTCAL CoMuTTES? Par COMMITIEE? sees OW. Hear GIE Mess Sime & BoB, CA. 20508 PaRry Comite? me Pouca. COMMITEE? Cun Pomr pre Ets Patrons ST Moyeh. 2Olle Lavoe, Covsectns bie L Q27 A ireow er Wee eh Dew OUmICA coMMTIEE? ____panrycomuree?_ Di cern Poser BT poswenry Lave PoPern vere, Ms. 36470 eo Lee Rewer 2. LImerce Pe Ber 2422 ME. Pobre -2 923 4, bac PARTY COMMITTEE? “4. SUBTOTAL (tis page) NA 8: TOTAL Cont enon page hs shee) NA (6, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM POLITICAL COMMITTEES: SUBTOTAL (his page) _ TER PR ve | ‘TOTAL (completa only on ast page of is schedule). aot Pps SCHEDULE A-’ : CONTRIBUTIONS (Other than In-Kind Contributions) ‘The following information must be provided forall contributors to your campaign during this reporting period, except for in-kind Contributions. Information on in-kind contributions reported on SCHEDULE A-2: IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS. in Golumn 1.check ifthe contributor isa political committee or a party committee. Any personal funds a candidate contributes to his campaign must bbe reported on this schedule. Personal funds a candidate oans tohis campaign should be reported on Schedule. Fer anonymous Contributions, see SCHEDULE F. Totals and subtotals are optional. Completion ef totals and subtotals may assist in calovlating totals that must be reported on the Summary Page. 1. Name and Address of Contnbutor 2. Contibtions this Reporting Periog 2. Dates) . Amoun(e) 3. Total this Election Dehn Pf. O'pasen, Te / 304 Cerne Pe Mer 2A Poorer UTICA Comme? Pasty CoMMrTEe? ihe Ieooe [eo De. Racna Taqeers, Ke ek} Bowrie Ko Sagem 24 Fainwer oaks fa Me, LA. 3019) roumea comarrees ree coor feo Bun & Bence BI Gein Toxo Pan Moy Lh Pets our coureer rp coma —_ eco Mousraca §. Nrcinee m0. Hawa BREAN, MZ ob 2G Fainwar 443 Wey EN, Qasr 2 oun. conmaee? aay cowie? 205 mi a Ro FES Bae, Qe. Be $3804 Rien Re. jay ta. Duo roumen comers parcours be Ace Doma 0 Tommie y- 190 Enyusu Tene Pr .0., LA 9UI3t No, jooe ee. Sesom | Gre, 1605 Mis lynn wn? NOE. De1Z, Pouricat CoMMATTEE? Panty CowiATTEE? —_ pom foe. “SUBTOTAL his pop) eR wa TOTAL const ony on spe ofthe sehen) WA @. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM POLITICAL COMMITTEES SIOTOTAL nba ____TOTAL oe cn nlnpap tebe Fa Ra Ta Page: oF ps SCHEDULE A-1: CONTRIBUTIONS (Other than In-Kind Contributions) ‘The following information must be provided for ail contributors to your campaign during this reporting period, except for in-kinc ‘contributions. Information on in-kind contributions is reported on SCHEDULE 4-2: IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS. in Column 1, check ifthe contibutoris 2 political committee o: a party committee. Any personal funds a candidate contributes to his campaign mus! be reported on this schedule. Personal funds a candidate loans ta his campaign shouldbe reported on Schedule B. For anonymous contributions, see SCHEDULE F. Totals and subtotals are optional. Completion of totals and subtotals may assist in calculating totals that must be reported an the Summary Page. 1. Name and Address of Contributor 2, Contributions this Reporting Period ‘3. Total this Election 8. Date(s) b. Amounts) a 5 IF. Geer e tees Fete Ave Mh Ofte 20.7 200. = wicca Bene | POUICAL Come? Cheovores” Cetin, 6-2. | | tHihe PARTY COMMITTEE? _ 256.5 Hit Menon conteh boo soa Bro SouTH Mantine, 04 Deere rounen.comsrse =? “pr eouaes Frere Tuvest ments, 0. y a Par wronnoonret T ih]y | Rooet | yom ‘ pete ne ewe | fife | Geom - Le sawT fru Caase, tn Peed? PoUTICAL COMMITTEE? _ PARTY COMMITTEE? Drow Bo Kremmen 7 je le S4& Zemins pve Ww, EA Pen Pouca comres? 7 __ parry couIrEe? peri Weegee a 13 CEPR Post bw i} fe aa R00. Mid, oh PoOIst . POUTICAL COMMITTEE? PARTY COME? Preheainy 8) Ctemn 2G i - ce lffte Bor Marine a Loeee 2 | cee Wa, bh. 20t30 4. SUBTOTAL (this page) too NA, 5. TOTAL (complete only on tast page of this schedule) i NIA 6. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM POLITICAL COMMITTEES: SUBTOTAL (his page) ___TOTAL compete on on tas page ofthe schecue) rage _ot_f eee SCHEDULE A-1: CONTRIBUTIONS (Other than In-Kind Contributions) ‘The following information must be provided for all contributors to your campaign during this reporting period, except for in-kine contributions. tnformation on in-kind contributions is feported on SCHEOULE A-2: IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS. in Column 1, check ifthe contributor fs 2 political committee or a party committee. Any personal funds a candidate contributes to his campaign must be reported on this schedule, Personal funds a candidate foans tohis campaign should be reported on Schedule B. For anonymous contributions, see SCHEDULE F. Totals and sublotals are optional. Completion of totals and subtotals may assist in calculating totals that must be reported on the Summary Page. ‘clans od Ade fone 7 Conte i Repring Parts Tenmiams = ames has) _ wi hace Cameras Py we Fe He Vimacse ™ | \ole | teoew | oe fous enene, Ld 9603? 2 a Zatuie mire - eis tA CT Aue i} re} 2602 Baron ovse, Lb: 20b0E Pouca. coumrreer _|__paRTY COMMITTEE? _ Fae] pf he jooe foo isteme Rewovarion Lo Hemess Beppe Meeyeh. — Deud reuunencouurass____ arr comrteet_ se Mane Mernaw . “ .- Kose Phen Timers Oe i|e fre bo 2eF N08 2et3! oumicacomeree_|__panrv cour CATHY | pJieTe 0 Fae Tier pews Dr Weel) ea FOP [ele Boe go. POUTICAL COMMITTEE PARTY CoMMarEE? —_ Pouca courTee? ase coMMaTTEE? Poumicat ComuTEe?, PARTY COMMITTEE? “4: SUBTOTAL (tis pag6) Wo WA ‘5. TOTAL (complete only on last page of tis schedule) Bote NA 6, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM POLITICAL COMMITTEES: SUBTOTAL (his page). = __ TOTAL (complet only on ast page of is sche) Page Y of, 4 pages. Tam RES TS SE

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