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Expressions (Prepared by:

I can see a moon on the upper

left side of the picture.
There are some leaves on the
branches on the upper right side
of the picture.
There are many buildings on
either side of the picture.
Some trees are standing along the
road on both sides of the street.

Step 1: General Description

This is a picture of two couples
having some food and drinks
This is a picture taken outdoors
near the pool.
In this picture, I can see that
two couples are having some food
and drinks outdoors.
What I can see in this picture is
that two couples are having some
food and drinks outdoors.

Step 2: Specific Description


In the foreground of the

picture, there is a couple sitting
face to face.
Behind them, I can see another
couple sitting next to each other.
In front of them, I can see a wine
bottle in the middle of the table.
In the background of the
picture, there is a swimming pool.
A family is sitting together on the
left side of the picture.
There is a boat on the right side
of a picture.
I can see a campfire in the
foreground of the picture.
There is a big body of water in the
middle of the picture.

T. Rhob)

Many people are gathered in front
of the caf.
Most of them are taking a rest on
the chair.
Each of them has a seat.
Some of them are standing in
front of the entrance.
Two of them are drinking some
One of them is passing by.

Step 3: General Opinion

From their looks, I can tell that
they are having a good time.
It seems like they are at the
resort to enjoy their summer
They seem to be having a good
time at the resort.
The weather seems very warm,
and its nice to be outside.
Maybe, the couples are on their

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