Final e Portfolio1102

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Final E-Portfolio


Welcome to my E-Portfolio! My name is Ivan Hernandez. Im a

freshman currently at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I lived in
the city of Salisbury before moving to the Queen City. I speak English and
Spanish. I hate to lose and will always be a try hard at everything I do. This is
just tad bit information about whos portfolio your about to navigate through.
Wrapping Up 1102
Its time to sum up all my experiences is this course. Its almost the
end of my first year in college. The past 10 weeks I can definitely say it
hasnt been easy. UWRT 1102 in my Second writing course in college, and
compared to the previous course 1101 it has been way tougher and
demanding. This course has allowed taught me how to actually put my point
of view and back it up with many others who have similar opinions. My
previous courses have been standardized while in college the appreciation of
all ways of expression is acceptable. UWRT 1102 is the definition of personal
I would like to point out that I

Using todays technology, I will try to communicate the development of

my inquiry process in this course of UWRT 1102. I think it would be important
for me to explain every part of my portfolio. I will try to explain how Ive
progressed in my writing aspect throughout the course and how my eportfolio ties with my development. I would like you to start from left to write
while navigating through my page. I feel like the progression of my writing
we be missed if you jumped around.
Home Page
The page youre on right now reading this essay is the home page of
my portfolio. I have put a picture of myself to show who I am. My goal was to
demonstrate my work in the most chronological order possible. The paper
your reading right now should give you a complete reasoning of the choices
and connections I did throughout the course. The paper your reading is
referred by Ms. Ingram as, the Final E-Portfolio. I feel like the Final EPortfolio essay should be seen first before any of my other pieces because I
believe the reader should get the reasoning of how I composed my Portfolio
the way its composed. The next tab is my blogs.
Blog Tab
My tabs are organized in chronological order of completion. The top
being the most recent blog and the bottom blog being the first one. The Blog
tab is the second one from left to right. I tried to put all my tabs in
chronological order. The blogs were done throughout the semester so, I

opted to put them after the home page because of no specific time can be
put. I have definitely got used to writing blogs since I started in Ms. Ingrams
1101 course. One blog post was generally assigned by Ms. Ingram per week.
Most of the blogs in this course were not much of personal posts. Instead,
they helped and guided me through the inquiry research. The way I did
research was getting sources and posting them in my blogs. This allowed for
a deeper analysis of the different sources. For an example in Blog post
number two, in my conclusion over the source I used I posted This specific
source I would consider it being a non-bias secondary resource. I feel it
being a study report it has a lot of validity. Academic style is the genre I
would consider because the research was done my professors and Id
consider them close to be scholars .I think this resource enabled me to
understand a part of my question. The Center for Advanced Social Research
at the University of Missouri did conducted a two-year research study. It
stands out that no disadvantages were mentioned the report. Even though I
first initiated my conclusion stating that I felt like the report done by the
scholars was unbiased later at the end I noted that no negative aspects were
mentioned. I think this counter point done within my blog demonstrates that
I effectively analyzed the source and perhaps didnt catch it right away but
going through the process of examination I came with a good point. One the
comments that I received from Ms. Ingram in that same blog post pointed
out my conclusion. Ms Ingram said Nice, Ivan! It's interesting that you say
the source was "unbiased"...but then you realized that the author didn't note

ANY disadvantages to being in a sorority/fraternity. It wasnt till she pointed

out my first and second statement. Most of the blogs are research related to
the topic I chose to perform an inquiry project. The next tab is midterm.
Midterm Tab
Initially the midterm was in the middle of my blogs. But then I decided
to put it alone in one of the tabs because I believe its an important piece
that can help illustrate my level of inquiry. In the midterm I felt like the
questions asked by Ms. Ingram were analyzing of my own weak and strong
areas. One of the challenging things I was facing at that moment was being
able to be incorporate multimodality into my 3 column notes. In the next
following days, my problem was solved by one of my peers, Edwin,
suggested If youre doing the 3 column notes you could try using different
color font to pop out facts that are important towards your project.
Suggestions like this in class discussions were very helpful and beneficiary to
my learning. Something I would like to highlight is my wiliness to face
challenges in this course. How? Well, I have always lacked in artistic skills.
So I defiantly didnt have the artistic skills to convert a tradition style work to
a more appealing style. This is where I was challenged and put out of my
comfort zone in this course. I think if Id had of chosen to do the multi-genre
project instead of the traditional I wouldnt have pushed myself in this
course. The midterm is a reference to what I thought was a challenge at the
middle of the course and the rest of the portfolio tabs are the products of
facing those struggles. The following tab is the 3 Column Notes.

Three Column Notes

The 3 Column notes is the reference used for my final traditional paper
that you will be presented next after the 3 Column Notes. The process of
research was done mostly done in the blogs. But the 3 column notes was the
research plus my personal thoughts about the research itself. Before I even
started doing my three column notes I tried writing down all the topics on a
piece of paper so I could choose from which ones best fitted to include in my
three columns. This method helped me outline and plan my path with this
part of the inquiry project. This is one of the habits I tried implementing this
semester in the writing aspect. This semester I have attempted to do
outlines of any writing assignments, in order to be clearer when writing a
paper. Below the pre-planning artifact I have attached an artifact that I used
to improve my 3 Column Notes final draft. Its a revision done by my peer
reviewees. One the comments that I took most benefit from was when
Andres questioned me, he asked MLA?, I really didnt hadnt put much
attention to sourcing precisely while doing the research blogs. I didnt notice
it was a big part of the project until I was notified by my peers. From revision
I acknowledge the importance of sourcing in a correct format. Format is
essential when citing research. In the final draft of my Three Column Notes I
tried to implement the suggestions in the project by using the red color font
to show negative aspects of Greek Life and the color blue to present the
positive things of Greek life. This enabled to keep it simple but impacting at
the same time. I think the traditional style is more for the professional

appeal. I think this touch was able to be a little out of the ordinary but
appealing to the eye. The next tab to the right is the Traditional Inquiry
Traditional Inquiry Project
In this page you will first see the final traditional Paper. First I would like
to explain why I used the assignment sheet as one of the artifacts. I feel like
it was probably the most helpful artifact this semester. I actually had
visualized the inquiry project like a research paper instead of an inquiry
project. My thoughts prior of analyzing the assignment sheet were Its just a
research paper where I have to cite different points. I soon noticed that I
had to pick a side and audience to which I would try to project my opinion to
them. It came out to be totally different then I imagine. I didnt get the
message until the rhetorical analysis of the assignment in class. When doing
the analysis, I highlighted parts of the assignment sheet you can see what
makes up the inquiry paper. I also think all of those highlighted parts in the
assignment show key concepts within. For an example, Construct an
argument correlates to the making connections with your personal opinion
and others theories. The next artifact is my pre-planning draft of my paper. I
included it to show how far I went from the first draft to the final draft. I think
it was a valid artifact because it shows my organization strategy when
approaching the paper. I used most of the boxes to make individual
paragraphs of certain topics. It was a good approach to start combining all of
my research done in my 3 Bib. The revision process is seen in the two

feedback drafts. I had to rephrase many sentences that my peer suggested.

In my final draft before embedding into my portfolio, Mrs. Ingram and
Andres, combined forces to help me with my formatting issues. I had the
sources not labeled correctly. For an Example, my source was (Source 1)
instead of the (William & Mary College). I think the major problem with my
paper were formatting issues. I think I gain very important knowledge in the
aspect of presenting cited information.
I think the process of research and formatting can be seen different
from the content within the paper. My inquiry question was What are the
disadvantages and advantages of such commitment? What side outweighs
from the two? Through my inquiry I explored many topics over Greek Life. I
mixed current and history events to better explain the points an organization
as such has to offer. Be able to explore the multiple views of people helped
me understand the uniqueness of all individuals. Everyone without a doubt is
different. For an example, Aaron ( A person I interviewed) allowed me to ask
him various questions. He answered in a matter of understanding and by all
means sincere. He acknowledge that theirs bad things and good things about
Greek Life. He made a very good statement stating Sometimes its only for
those who feel capable of withstanding such a commitment. I think the
inquiry project was good way to explore our surroundings. I also learned
many facts, one of the most interesting facts was finding out that five
presidents have had prior Greek influence. Getting the audience to lean

towards one side was rather interesting and tough. Through my paper I tried
to be neutral but I always had a little bias for pro Greek Life. For an example I
tried to play the physiological game. How? Well I tried to emphasis the
negative aspects in the front of my paper and end my paper with the positive
things. Like they say People tend to forget the beginning and remember the
end- Unknown. I also put facts and statistical material to bring my point out.
I tried to make my paper for reference to any person interested in solely
positive and negative things. Overall the writing and researching of this
project was interesting and a learning experience.
The midterm letter received from Ms. Ingram was very beneficial to
me. I included it because it was a tool to improve my previous work. In Blog
4, my initial blog post was a list of things that were not related to the
academia writing. It was just really a lousy list of random things. I managed
to re post the blog and included topics related to the academia course. I
think it made more sense why I was asked to provide how two genres
interrelated among different topics. The Midterm was a good reflection of my
writing and important for my completion of the course.
The first letter warm up is the next wildcard. I asked a questioned that
was important to me before I entered 1102. I asked One thing that isnt
acceptable in 1102 that was in 1101? The answered received from Ms.
Ingram was Good Question I will think about this as I create assignments +

will be as clear as possible. Honesty in the response was very nice because
it provided a sense of welcoming to the course. It allowed me to not be
scared to ask for help.
In the wild cards I have included a research paper that I went through
revision with one of my peers. I think its interesting with the similarity of this
assignment to my inquiry project in Uwrt. You can notice the first draft was in
no specific citing format. Both of these papers helped me practice and
involve in research. The second wildcard is the Wise Owl. Without the guide
for MLA both of my papers in both classes wouldve been awful. I think the
guide was a very important tool for the learning of sourcing.
UWRT 1102
The course has definitely been a challenge. I feel like it has been a
struggle at points getting all the drafts and blogs. This coursed has allowed
me to understand the concept of inquiry. It has showed me that drafts can be
improved. Getting to do research helping getting knowledge of citing.
On the E-portfolio I went through the rubric and tried to put all the
requirements. I made a check list of the criteria needed for the assignment.
Using a Check list was something I used to plan out the E-portfolio paper.
Planning for writing assignments as I said before has been a habit gained in
1102 UWRT. I have quoted at least 5 authors throughout this essay. Some of
which are comments from peers in my class as well Ms. Ingram. From all the

quotes I included in my essay. The main purpose was to show changes and
growth in my pieces of writing. My design of my portfolio had consistency. I
felt like the flow my portfolio was adequate and easy to navigate through. I
feel like chronological pattern, the images, spacing of the pieces, and quotes
explored the 5 modes of communication. I met the requirement of how many
artifacts were needed. Over the course, I strongly believe that I made
progression as writer and analyzer. For the reasons mention I believe my EPortfolio should be an A.

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