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Group Project

Sue Yon Kim

Erica Tsai
Kadelyn Egan
Evan Teng
Mean Value Theorem
Definition: if f is continuous on [a,b] and differentiable in the inside of the interval
(a,b), then
there exists a point x=c, in (a,b), such that. f ( c )=

f ( b )f (a)

Using: for f(x) =

182 x 2

, find the point on interval from [-1 to 3] which the

mean value theorem applies

Find a point c, such that the c(x)



Slope = 0-4/ 3+1 = -1

Y = -2x/
X = 3

182 x 2

equals to -1

To optimize something means to maximize or minimize some aspect of it.
A triangle with hypotenuse is rotated around its height to form a cone, whats the
mazimum possible volume?
.Strategy :1. Draw a picture, name all unknowns with variables


2. Write a formula for what you are trying to optimize

V = 1/3 r2 ------(2)
3. if you have >1 input variables write a relationship between the input variable
r2+h2 = 3 ------(2)
4. Solve using graph of V or find V
Use substitution for this case
V = 1/3 (3-h2)h


V = - h2 = 0
5. Analyze the meaning of x and y to answer the question.
V(1) = 2/3

Related Rates
this is just like it sounds. You are given one thing and are asked how it affects the
other thing.
Example: Air is being pumped into a spherical balloon at a rate of 5 cm 3/min.
Determine the rate at which the radius of the balloon is increasing when the
diameter of the balloon is 20 cm.
1. The first thing that well need to do here is to identify what information that
weve been given and what we want to find. Before we do that lets notice
that both the volume of the balloon and the radius of the balloon will vary
with time and so are really functions of time, i.e.


2. We know that air is being pumped into the balloon at a rate of 5 cm 3/min.
This is the rate at which the volume is increasing. Recall that rates of
change are nothing more than derivatives and so we know that,

3. We want to determine the rate at which the radius is changing. Again,

rates are derivatives and so it looks like we want to determine,

4. Note that we needed to convert the diameter to a radius.

5. Now that weve identified what we have been given and what we want to
find we need to relate these two quantities to each other. In this case we
can relate the volume and the radius with the formula for the volume of a

6. As in the previous section when we looked at implicit differentiation, we will

typically not use the
part of things in the formulas, but since this
is the first time through one of these we will do that to remind ourselves
that they are really functions of t.
7. Now we dont really want a relationship between the volume and the
radius. What we really want is a relationship between their derivatives. We
can do this by differentiating both sides with respect to t. In other words,
we will need to do implicit differentiation on the above formula. Doing this

8. Note that at this point we went ahead and dropped the

each of the terms. Now all that we need to do is plug in what we know and
solve for what we want to find.

We can get the units of the derivative by recalling that,

The units of the derivative will be the units of the numerator (cm in the previous
example) divided by the units of the denominator (min in the previous example).

Graphs (sketching f(x) given f(x)

Using Derivatives to find max, min, incr, decr, point of inflection, concave up, and
concave down:

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