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Knowledge to Action Plan Template

Team Member: Lizzy, Sydney, Lauren, Darlene, and Sophia

Team Name: kojos chicks <3
List the stakeholders in this project. Who will be most impacted by your project? Describe how each
stakeholder will be impacted by or involved in this project.



Landfill Laborers

We could prevent them from getting lead poisoning and other

fatal diseases.
They should stop working at landfills.
We will have them involved in the protesting of landfills and
heavy metals in landfills.
They have to figure out a way to outlaw the use of toxins in
electronics or outlaw landfills.
Many people will lose their jobs because many Chinese people
work at the landfills.
Americans will have to cut down on how many phones they
throw away. Americans could also get cancer from the air
They are concerned about the well being of the environment and
do everything possible to make a change. With the excess
pollution, more environmentalists and citizens are needed to
make a change.

People who live near the

Government Officials in

American Citizens/
Everyone in the world
An environmentalist

Global Issue/Challenge - Darlene

Heavy metals in electronics are causing extreme pollution, stress on developing countries, and
health issues. Substances like lead and mercury are poisoning air, earth, and water, which leads
to the tremendous health problems, such as cancers and tumors.
Evidence of Issue/Challenge - LW
Heavy metals in electronics are affecting our quality of life around the world. With the
outrageous amounts of pollution and deteriorating air quality, the earth is being engulfed by
greenhouse gases. The waste from electronics, also known as e-waste, has been linked to
negative effects on human health such as swelling , oxidative stress, DNA damage, and cancer.
E-waste is usually burned after its shipped to developing countries from developed countries.
Developing countries arent as informed about the effects of burning e-waste compared to those
in developed countries.

Action plan- LW
In order to solve the issue of excessive amounts of greenhouse gases from burning electronics,
people must become informed of the effects of consumption and irresponsible disposal. To solve
this issue, we must create a campaign spreading public awareness about recycling electronics
instead of burning them. Posters and television are ways we intend to solve this problem.
Project Goals - SU
Describe what you hope to accomplish with this plan
1. Reduce the amount of heavy metals in landfills.
2. Inform the public about the harmful effects of not recycling electronics properly.

3. Increase the electronics recycling rate in the US and all around the world.

4. Save the lives of the people who live near toxic landfills.

Timeline - SU



What will be done

When will it be completed

Who is responsible for completing this

Make a PSA to inform the

public about the issue of
heavy metals in landfills.
Publish the PSA to YouTube

In the upcoming week.

The whole group will be

responsible for it.

After we finish the PSA

Call the Eco-ATM company

and ask them about getting
one in Minnesota.

Next week

The whole group will be

responsible for it.
The whole group will be

Resources - SM

To make it possible to implement our plan we need to make the public aware of this issue. We
will do this by making a Public Service Announcement or commercial on a local news station. We
can also inform the public by hanging up posters around our local community, advertising ways
to recycle electronics and the harmful effects of electronics in landfills. Lastly, we will need to
contact the people who make eco-Atms and have them put one in our local community to make it
more efficient and easier for people recycle electronics.

- SM



Cost per unit



i.e. Seedlings

To be planted on school gardening


$3 per plant

20 plants



to be strategically placed
around Minneapolis to inform
to inform people people about
electronic waste

$20.00 per

25 posters


no $

1 video


to make it easier for people to

recycle electronics

no $

1 atm

Public Service
Anouncement on




Publicity - LP
How do you plan to share your project and its impact with the broader community and draw
attention to your work?
Our plan is to get the public aware and involved in cutting down consumption rates,
recycling properly, and fighting against poor regulations. We wish to make an impact in our
community, and we wish to save the people overseas that suffer from lack of recycling. As a group
we would strategically put posters around the more popular places in the Minneapolis area. We
would also like to make a Public Service Announcement on the local radio station, or make a
short video for people to learn the facts on climate change and heavy metals. Our final
solution/action is to contact the eco-ATM company and request that they put an eco-ATM in
Minneapolis. The closest ATM is in Wisconsin.

Public awareness requires sustainment as thousands of things are considered more relevant to
people in their daily lives. This aspect could be sustained by repeatedly putting out posters in
trafficked areas and sending out electronic email reminders. The K2A plan could be sustained
even without help by leaving posters up.
Potential obstacles are negligence and access. People are often too busy to remember posters
they saw or emails they read. In terms of access, people dont always want to drive out of their
way to recycle. We plant to overcome these challenges by implementing eye-catching posters in
places like grocery stores, gas stations, and libraries. Then, giving local collection places free of
charge. We could also make new bins for the places aforementioned.
Evidence of Success/Evaluation-D
We will know our project has been successful if e-waste recycling rises in our local area. We can
collect information that will tell us if we have been successful if recycling companies keep data on
recycling rate records from previous years, then tally new numbers the next.

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