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* Cyber-Bullying

Adolescent Social Challenges

Nathan Davis

* What is Cyber-Bullying?
* Bullying that takes place using electronic

*Theres more than

one way to bully

* Cyber-bullying starts as soon as children start

using internet for social media.

* Most research studies begin tracking at age 9.

* Girls are more likely to be cyber-bullies.


* It can be anonymous.
* Want to be funny, popular, and powerful
* Low Self Esteem
* Being abused themselves
* Trouble empathizing with those they hurt.


* Anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and

no sleep.

* Poor grades and unwilling to attend school.

* Low self esteem. Angry. Want revenge.
* Drugs
* Suicide


* Many anti-bullying programs in Utah.

* School programs.
* Has to start in the home.


* Works Cited

Cyber Bullying: Teens Speak Out; Huffington Post; 12/12/2013; Image

Know how to Dealing with Cyberbullies;; Smith, James; 9 Sep 2014
Cyber Bullying Facts;; Image
Cyberbullying: How Young Does it Start;
Cyberbullying: Girls more likely to become Cyberbullies than boys; Goodman, Tammy; SafetyWeb
Why Do Some Kids Cyberbully Others?; Psychology Today; Magliano, Joe; 26 April 2013
Why do People Cyberbully?;
Cyber-Bullying and its Effect on our Youth;
What are the Effects of Cyberbullying;; Gordon, Sherri; 12 June 2014
Drumming it Into Kids Heads: Bullying can be Beat;; Image
Payson Mother Starts Non-Profit to Stop Bullying In Schools;; Poulsen, Shannon; 3
May 2014; Image

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