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Hannah Edwards

Doughnut Day
Andrew Brown
UWRT 1103
February 25, 2015

Today they are selling doughnuts everywhere in the student union and I bought a whole
box to eat on while I am at the Art Gallery. In addition to inspiring others and creating a
community, another criteria I have for the Art Gallery is that I must be passionate. The Art
Gallery meets this criteria because it is a place meant for expressing feelings and passion. During
art shows artists are able to share with others what they love to do and the piano allows people to
practice and share their talent with others. Looking at art in this gallery can help students
understand that art isnt just about drawing, its about making a story to represent their emotions
so that others can feel the same way. Passion can also be shown when people gaze at the artwork,
their passion may be looking at art and finding their own meaning within each piece which
makes the Art Gallery the perfect place. An artist may show their emotions through their paint
strokes or the thickness of the lines in the artwork. If the painting has more erratic strokes and
splashes than simple lines then I feel like there is more emotion hidden inside the piece. For
example, a piece in the Art Gallery consists of only straight lines which seems like there is little
to no emotion behind it than a piece with curving lines. When I look at this piece I do not feel
emotional and it doesnt appear to create feelings in the viewer. The piece in the piano area
shows passion, unlike the straight lined piece, because of the constant change of color and
texture. By making this piece three dimensional it makes the image pop out and brings the
viewer closer to what the image represents. Passion can also be shown in the environment of the

piano are. The plants that are placed here make the room seem more alive and creates a happy
environment. Music from the piano can also create strong feelings depending on the type of song
being played and it can make the listener react emotionally. Piano players put their emotions into
their music which allows the music to be more relatable.

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