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Energy Quest


Kinetic Energy

Kinetic Energy- energy possessed by an object due to its motion

or movement. The faster it moves, the more kinetic energy it

Potential Energy

Potential Energy- is the stored energy of an object from the result

of its position. potential energy is also called stored energy.

Chemical Energy

Chemical Energy -is the potential of a chemical substance to

undergo a transformation through a chemical reaction or, to
transform other chemical substances.

Thermal Energy

Thermal energy- is the energy a substance has related to

its temperature, the energy of moving or vibrating
molecules. the smallest particles of any substance are
always in motion.

Data table


Which energy type(s) are considered to be an energy of position

or stored energy?

2. Describe an example of an object having kinetic energy.

3. Thermal energy comes for the root therm- which means:

4. Give an example in which chemical energy could be

transformed into thermal energy

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