L of R Zach Silva

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1800 Buhach Road & P. O. Box 753

Atwater, CA 95301
(209) 357-6600 Office
(209) 357-6602 Fax

April 27, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:
It is with great pride that I write this letter on behalf of Zachary Silva. While I have known Zachary for over ten
years, I have known him as a student, since August 2011, when he began taking my AVID class. In addition to
working with him in AVID, Zachary is also currently enrolled in my course titled: The Role of Women in
Society & U.S. History. Zachary has continuously expressed a desire to expand his opportunities to become
exposed to new thoughts, opportunities and ideas. His participation in the womens studies elective highlights
his desire to step out of his comfort zone and find disparate points of view, so as to broaden his own thinking.
Throughout the years, I have seen growth in Zacharys character and ability to evaluate and question the
materials with which he is presented. He shows proficiency to taking in and processing new information at a
rapid pace and is willing to take risks, an attribute that will undoubtedly benefit him as a physical therapist.
Through it all, he has remained stalwart in his convictions. He is not easily swayed by majority opinion, or
popular opinion. This is a welcome trait to see in a young person.
Zachary has exhibited qualities and strengths that will bring him success in furthering his education. In a short
period, Zachary has stood out as a young man who sees beyond the written word. Through class discussions, he
has grown in his analyses of controversial topics and issues. When faced with a challenge in pre-calculus, and
afforded the opportunity to drop the class, Zachary continued and showed himself that he was capable of
confronting a difficult situation and successfully overcoming it. Clearly, he is not someone who can be evaluated
by numbers alone, for to do so is to miss out on whom he is as a total person.
Zachary has the key components to guarantee success. His strengths are evident in his writing and problem
solving skills. He has exhibited those critical traits such as responsibility, cooperation and organization that are
necessary for success in the classroom and in the workplace. He has already shown this has he balances the
demands of academics, employment, service and athletics.
Beyond the traditional classroom setting, Zachary is an amazing young man who has the ability to work
cooperatively with others, as well as maintain a high level of respect and responsibility. As a four-year member
of Buhach Colonys basketball program, he has shown he can be counted on to work as a member of a team.
These traits make him an excellent student and candidate. Clearly, Zacharys character and understanding of the
important qualities that are necessary for success will provide further evidence of his qualifications and strengths.
He would clearly be a worthy recipient of your institutions scholarship.

Ann-Marie Delgado, M.Ed., J.D.
Teacher of AVID, Economics, Government & Womens Studies

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