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Bribery and Corruption in MD

A common problem for developing countries and

countries with a low standard of living is bribery, and
therefore, corruption, especially on the leadership
level. The main cause for that is a low income and a
big social class differentiation.
An obvious example of such a country is Republic
of Moldova, which is the poorest country in Europe.
The low income affects all the jobs. A common
domain, which was largely affected until recently is
the education. The main cause for that is the low
salary and low control over the education system,
which created the possibility of buying a degree
,especially common in high school and university.
Nevertheless, it started to change recently by
introducing a new Education code and by raising the
job income in this domain.
Another important domain affected by bribery is
the medical one. The cause of it is the low income in
the first years of work for people with a medical
degree. A main cause is a low control over this
domain and the lack of audit and evaluation
capabilities in this domain. Also a common cause
,which is usually present in rural medium, is low level
of information about the taxes for special medical
services and the lack of knowledge about the
medical insurance.
The corruption in the domain of government is
caused by a different factor, which is the

Bribery and Corruption in MD

determination of people to get a job easier by bribing
a person in the leadership, or to lower the periods of
waiting to resolve a certain problem in the most
requested services.

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