2015 Farm Tournament of Champions Rules 4-25-15

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Team Eligibility
1. Each California District 38 Little League is invited to enter at least two (2) teams in the
tournament. Additional teams may be invited to fill vacancies to complete the field or at the
discretion of the District and Host.
2. Only players recorded on team rosters held by District 38 Division Director or Office will be
eligible to participate.
Player Eligibility
1. Farm Division: Only players recorded on the district roster on May 31 of the current year and of
playing age 6 or 7 will be eligible.
2. All players must reside within league boundaries or have the appropriate clearance as defined in
Little League Regulations. Where Little League may allow other age groupings and the League
decides to use them instead of those set forth by District, it is the responsibility of the league to
advise the parents and the player immediately of their ineligibility to participate in the District
Tournament. If this is not done all teams in that league will be ineligible.
3. Substitute players are not allowed. If a team cannot field enough players from the regular season
team, it will be ineligible for the tournament.

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Pool Players will only be allowed if the original team rosters in the league were ten (10) players or less
and remained that way throughout the season. No more than two (2) pool players will be allowed on
any team. They must play in the outfield and bat last in the lineup. Violation of this rule will result in
forfeiture of the game.
District 38
1. California District 38 will supply the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director has the
authority to rule on any point not specifically covered in these rules and regulations. If the
managers do not accept the decision of the Tournament Director, either manager may elect,
without penalty, to discontinue play until the matter is referred to the District Administrator or
designated person in the District Administrators absence.
2. California District 38 will schedule all games.
Host League
1. The Host League will furnish umpires for all games.
2. The Host League will furnish at least three (3) new baseballs for each game. The baseball is the
one approved by California District 38.
3. Scorekeeper and announcer will be furnished by the host league.
Entrant League Responsibilities
1. Each Entrant League must keep control of their fans. Failure to do so is grounds to remove all of
the teams from that league from the tournament.
2. Each Entrant League must have its representatives attend district pre-tournament meetings.
3. Each Entrant Leagues managers and coaches must have a current EMT card issued by California
District 38 ONLY.
4. Each Entrant League must provide the tournament with proof of age and residence.
Tournament Regulations
1. Player Affidavit: Each manager must bring to each game his player affidavit. The official
scorekeeper must sign the affidavit with the correct score after each game.
2. Home Team: Home team shall be determined by a coin toss, at least one (1) hour prior to the
start of the game. If a team doesn't have a representative for the coin toss the Tournament
Director will represent your team. All coin tosses are final. The home team will occupy the 3rd
base dugout. The visiting team will occupy the 1st base dugout.
3. Forfeit of Games: Every effort will be made to play the scheduled game. Because of scheduling
and time constraints, any league unable to field a team for any reason must forfeit that game.

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4. Removal of Team Personnel

a) Any player ejected from a game by an umpire shall on the first offense be handled by
book rule. Should there be a second offense the player shall be ineligible for the
remainder of the tournament. If the ineligibility of the player would cause his team to
forfeit that game because they no longer have enough eligible players, that game will be a
forfeit. For the next game, if the team is still short of players, a determination will be
made by a District staff hearing.
b) Any manager or coach ejected from a game will on the first offense be unable to
participate for the remainder of the tournament. The ejected manager or coach may not
withdraw the team; instead the highest ranking league representative will appoint a
replacement on the spot. If there is no league representative the Tournament Director will
appoint one to finish the game.
5. Pre-game: The visiting team will get a maximum of 10 minutes of on field practice 30 minutes
prior game time. The home team will get a maximum 10 minutes of on field practice 20 minutes
prior to game time. On field practice time may be reduced equally or eliminated if the
tournament falls behind schedule.
6. Mercy Rule: If after four (4) innings, three and one-half innings if the home team is ahead, one
team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall
concede the victory to the opponent. NOTE: If the visiting team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or
more, the home team must bat in its half of the inning.
7. Ending Games: Every effort will be made to complete each game. No new inning shall begin
after 2 hours 15 minutes. Once an inning begins, it shall be played in its entirety or until time
expires at 2 hours 30 minutes after the first pitch, when the umpire calls the game. The official
time is kept by the umpire. Game time starts when umpire requests first pitch. The score will
revert to the last completed inning. The need for an early game will be decided by the
Tournament Director.
8. Challenges of Player Eligibility:
Only the opposing manager may make challenges to the Tournament Director prior to the
game. The burden of proof is on the accuser. The Tournament Director shall resolve
settlement of such protest on the spot.
If a player is found to be ineligible, the team shall be removed from the tournament.

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2013 Farm
Farm Finalist Greater Bellflower Astros & T.O.C. Champion Long Beach Giants
Diagram of Playing field

Diagram No. 1.
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Farm Playing Rules

1.00 - Objectives of the Game
1.01 Little League Baseball in all divisions is a game between two teams of nine players each, under
direction of a manager and not more than three (3) coaches.
The minimum hitting distance line will be a 15 arc originating from the back of home plate connecting
the base lines in the field of play.
A 3 line will be marked halfway between 1st and 2nd base, halfway between 2nd base and 3rd base and
halfway between 3rd base and home, perpendicular to the baseline.
1.12 The catcher may wear a catcher's mitt or other fielding glove of any shape, size or weight consistent
with protecting the hand.
3.00 - Game Preliminaries
3.03 A player may re-enter the game.
(a) A player may not sit out defensively two consecutive innings unless it is required by the manager and
approved by the Tournament Director to maintain control of the team.
NOTE: Only 9 defensive players will be allowed on the field.
3.04 - Deleted.
4.00 - Starting and Ending the Game
(d) No defensive player, except the catcher shall start play ahead of the pitching machine.
4.05 - Base coaches shall (1) be eligible players in the uniform of their team; or two adults, manager or coaches. There must be at
least one adult manager or coach in the dugout during play and one adult manager or coach at the
pitching machine when the power is connected.
(4) No defensive coaches will be allowed on the field when the ball is in play.
5.00 - Putting the ball in Play
5.07 - Farm: The side is retired when three offensive players are legally put out or all batters have had
one (1) complete plate appearance. Each batter will only have one plate appearance an inning. No
adjustments will be made for teams with uneven number of batters.
5.10- The ball becomes dead when (i) is controlled by a defensive player in the infield, after the initial play on the batted ball and no further
play is attempted.
6.00 - The Batter
(a) Each player of the offensive team shall bat in the order their names appears in the team's batting
order. The batting order shall contain all rostered players in attendance for the game. All players must
meet the requirement for mandatory play.
(b) The first batter in each inning after the first inning shall be the player whose name follows that of the
last player who legally completed a time at bat in the preceding inning. Note: In the event that while a
batter is in the batter's box, the third out of an inning is made on a base runner, the batter then at bat shall
be the first batter of the next inning and the count of balls and strikes shall start over.

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The starting batting order must be followed, but defensive changes may be made at any time. Players
arriving after the first pitch of the game may be added to the end of the batting order immediately upon
(d) Any batter failing to bat will be called out on the first offense only.
Time will be allowed for potty trips.
NOTE: There will be no Bunting allowed.
(b) If the pitch from the pitching machine touches the batter, the ball is dead and the batter will not be
awarded first base.
(a) a fair ball is hit to or beyond the 15 minimum hitting distance.
6.10 The batter will be allowed three (3) swing strikes or six (6) pitches to put the ball in play. The
batter will be allowed extra pitches if the last pitch is fouled out of play. The umpire may declare a "no
pitch" if the machine fails to deliver a hittable pitch.
6.11 The batter will miss his next plate appearance if the batter throws the bat in a dangerous manner.
The play will stand. No out will be recorded on the missed plate appearance. If the thrown bat interferes
or alters defensive play, offensive interference shall be called.
7.00 - The Runner
Base runners will not be allowed to steal any base. Base runners cannot advance on a wild pitch, a
passed ball or a throwback to the pitcher from the catcher.
(d) DELETE. No appeal can be made if the ball is dead.
Dead Ball Appeal: Once time has been called after the completion of play, a coach or any player (with
or without the ball) may make a verbal appeal concerning a runner missing a base or leaving a base too
soon on a caught fly ball.
7.16 A line will be marked halfway between 1st and 2nd base, halfway between 2nd base and 3rd base
and halfway between 3rd base and home. If a runner reaches the halfway mark before the ball becomes
dead, he is awarded the next base. If the runner has not reached the half way mark before the ball
becomes dead the runner returns to the last legally touched base.
8.00 - The Pitcher
A Pitching machine will be used to deliver a baseball to the batter. The pitching machine and its
ancillary equipment are part of the playing field. The offensive team may adjust the pitching machine,
velocity and direction to their best interests. The Tournament Director shall approve any other changes.

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The pitching machine shall be placed at the existing pitchers plate. A 5 radius (10' diameter) safety
circle shall be marked around the pitching machine. This is a dead ball area. No player shall be
permitted in the safety circle at any time. If a player enters the safety circle the ball is dead, all runners
and the batter runner advance without liability to be put out, at least one base, or to the bases they would
have reached, in the umpire's judgment, if the defensive player had not entered the safety circle.
An ADULT COACH from the offensive team shall feed the pitching machine. The ball feeder MUST
stay with the pitching machine until replaced by another ADULT COACH. The pitching machine,
power cord and the ball feeder are in play.


NOTE: If a batted ball hits the machine, including the wheel or cord, and stays in the field of play, the
ball is alive and the batter/runners will advance at their own risk.
NOTE: If an offensive/defensive player trips over the cord the play is still alive and the batter/runners
will advance at their own risk.

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California District 38
2014 Farm TOC Tournament FAQs
Representatives from each team shall meet with the Tournament Director, at least one (1) hour prior to the
start of the game. Home team shall be determined by a coin toss. If a team doesn't have a representative for
the coin toss the Tournament Director will represent your team. All coin tosses are final. The home team will
occupy the 3rd base dugout. The visiting team will occupy the 1st base dugout. Opponents may not review the
Tournament package. They may review the Pitching Affidavit only.
The visiting team will get a maximum of 10 minutes of on field practice 30 minutes prior game time. The home
team will get a maximum 10 minutes of on field practice time 20 minutes prior to game time. On field practice
time may be reduced equally or eliminated if the tournament falls behind schedule. Warm ups on the field will
only be allowed during the allotted warm up time prior to the beginning of the game.
No jewelry may be worn by any player during the game, except medical alert bracelets or necklaces. The
necklace must be worn under the uniform shirt and a wrist and or other covering must cover the bracelet.
Lineups cards with three (3) copies must be submitted prior to game with the batting order, uniform number,
starting position, first and last names. Please print clearly. The original goes to the umpire, first copy to
opposing manager and the second copy is yours.
A District supplied Announcers Sheet needs to be submitted to the tournament desk 30 minutes prior to the
game. It should include the information on the lineup card plus the first and last names for the Coaches,
Managers, League Representatives and anybody you feel has helped the team, a team parent, sponsor or
supporter, your choice.. The players will be introduced prior the start of each game. We will start with the
substitutes, followed by the starting lineup. We will then follow with the coaches, the manager and end with
honored guests.
No bunting. No stealing of bases.
An adult coach/manager shall attend the pitching machine at all times while the machine is connected to
power. The pitching machine will be attended even if the machine is switched off.
Only players in uniform and those authorized to participate may occupy the dugout. Players, managers and
coaches will not address or mingle with spectators. No bat boys/girls will be allowed.
Soft toss into a park fence is not permitted. Helmets are mandatory when baseball bats are used. Catchers will
wear catchers helmets with approved dangling throat guard. Helmets with paint or stickers will not be allowed
unless accompanied by a letter from the manufacturer approving the paint or glue used.
The use of any electronic communication devices in the dugout or field is prohibited, unless specifically
authorized by the Tournament Director.
The dress code for Managers and Coaches shall be team hat, neat and appropriate attire promoting a positive
role model for Little League. No tank tops, open toed shoes, sandals or cutoff pants.

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If there is reasonable doubt that any umpires decision may be in conflict with the rules, the manager may
appeal the decision and ask that a correct ruling be made. Such appeal shall be made only to the umpire who
made the protested decision.
The Official scorekeeper will operate from the announcers area and not from the spectators area. It is each
teams responsibility to reconcile scoring after the end of each half inning. No changes will be made after the
first pitch of the next half inning. Math errors can be corrected up to the end of the game.

www.eteamz.com/californiadistrict38 & www.ca38.org

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