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Native Americans (Cherokee, Catawba, Yemassee War, Long Houses, Wigwams, Shaman, Chief,
Early Carolina Colony (Early Settlement Attempts, Slavery, Middle Passage, Stono Rebellion,
Regulator Movement, Barbados, Gullah, Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Anthony Ashley Cooper,
Proprietors, Royal)
French and Indian War (Who, Why, Connection to Revolutionary War, Cherokee War, SC Indigo
trade growth)
Revolutionary War (Events Leading to, Declaration of Independence, Major Events in SC (1 st
and 2nd SC Constitutions), Major Battles in SC, Guerilla Warfare, Patriots vs. Loyalist, Major
People in SC, Outcome in SC, Back Country vs. Low Country, SC Economy Hurt by loss of
Three Branches of Government (VA Plan, New Jersey Plan, Federalist, Antifederalist, Articles of
Confederation, Bill of Rights, US Constitution, and Great Compromise, Roles of all three
Branches National and State Levels, Manifest Destiny)
Civil War (Cotton Gin improves relations in SC Low Country and Back Country, Causes of the
War, Nullification Crisis, Dred Scott, Popular Sovereignty, Fire Eaters, Cooperationist, Unionist,
Fredrick Douglas, Events in SC, People in SC, Robert E Lee, Stone Wall Jackson, Lincoln,
Effects) Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Toms Cabin, Anaconda Plan, Union Blockade, Paris
Island, Womens Role running farms, Inflation, Robert Smalls, Shermans March to the Sea
Reconstruction (What, Why, Carpet Baggers, Scalawags, Freedmen, 1868 SC Constitution,
Presidential 10% Plan vs. Congressional Military District Plan, Good/Bad, Outcome, Great
Migration, Southern Literary Renaissance, NAACP, 13th,14th,15th Amendments, Sharecroppers,
Red Shirts, Hamburg Massacre, Redeemers, 1890 Charleston Hurricane, Disfranchisement,
Progressive Era ( Square Deal, Big Stick Policy, Pitch Fork Ben, The Grange, Prohibition,
Womens Suffrage, Briggs vs. Elliot, When, Who, Why, Major Events, Outcomes, Great
Depression, New Deal, Textile Growth, Military Growth, Urbanization, Plessy vs. Ferguson,
Santee Cooper REA)
WWI (SC role, Who, When, Why, Camp Jackson, Wadsworth, and Sevier, Textile Growth near
upstate fast flowing rivers)
WWII (SC role, End of Great Depression, Doolittles Raiders, Red Tails, James F. Brynes, Who,
When, Why)
Cold War (SC role, Who, When, Why)
Late 1900s (EIA, Strom Thurmond, State Development Board, Savannah River Site, Growth of
Tourism, Textile shut down due to foreign competition)

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