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Denise Martinez
Research and Techniques
Leslie, Drake

In this paper I will be talking about all the conflicts, rules, opinions regarding Abortion.
We will be facing interesting facts and concerns that teenagers/adults have to face when having
one. Theres a lot more that comes with it along the way. Different states have different rules;
some states dont allow such thing. In other places they take it like its normal, not a big deal.
But it all comes down to your personal beliefs, where you come from, morals, culture, and
religion can also play a big role to this specific topic. Different ways in which you can get help
without paying large amounts of money, and still having a healthy life for both you and the
Abortion has always been a big topic to talk about; everyone has their own opinion
regarding this subject. I personally am strongly against it, but thats just me. Theres various
reasons which I would be talking about. I feel like people take for granted the importance of
creating another human being, abortion is just the easy way out of the mistake theyve

Denise Martinez
Research and Techniques
Leslie, Drake
created. There are millions of couples out in the world that wished they could have a baby of
their own when they cant conceive. If youre not ready to have a baby of your own, there are
other options other than abortion like giving it up for adoption. This will be mainly about what
our world has come down too regarding this topic, the changes or the adjustments the
government has done overtime. Rules and restrictions.
Abortions around the world.
The United States has the highest rates of abortion, abortion is one of the procedures
that is most commonly done ; It was 1973 when The Supreme Court first legalized Abortion;
and currently 1.2 million Abortions are performed each year(Suzanne R Trupin,MD ) .The
numbers of abortion increase year to year. World Wide about twenty to thirdly million legal
abortions are performed, in addition to ten million to those which are performed illegally

(Suzanne R Trupin, MD) Performing an abortion illegally is very unsafe and it usually leads to
death, it justifies the thirteenth percent of womans deaths, because of it serious complications.
Usually this method is performed due to the results of unsafe sex, and unplanned results. Adults
and even teenagers that perform an Abortion are not ready to have such a big responsibility such

Denise Martinez
Research and Techniques
Leslie, Drake
as taking care of another human being. The only way out, the easy way out as I see it is getting
rid of the Fetus. Since the law fist passed in 1973 theres been hundreds of laws that have
been passed, and proposed. In the ninetieth century they didnt have any specific rules regarding
Abortions, women were able to get abortions whenever they wanted to there was much less
paper work to do than today. The only thing they needed was the assistance of medical
personnel. Abortion is different around the world, for example in Mexico they have the strictest
laws in the world, they can be criminalized even after a miscarriage and be accused of murder.
The rules always change throughout the world, and the way they view things as well.

Abortion In Religion
Religion plays a big part of how you think about abortion, I think that when you are
closer to God you are more likely to take the right decision but who has the right to judge other
people based on their actions? No one, personally I will never end the life of another human
being, thanks to my mom showing me right from wrong. My family and I are Catholics and have
strong believes. We believe that we dont have the right to take away a life, when it was our
fault for not having safe sex not the babies. Catholic Church opposes to abortions, it believes

Denise Martinez
Research and Techniques
Leslie, Drake
that life is sacred and inviolable. It all comes down to what you believe in. In the Islam Religion
Abortion is forbidden in the Islamic book called AlQuran it says in the writing that Do not kill
or take a human life which God has declared to be sacred. The law of Judaism forbids taking
away innocent lifes, unless the mothers life is hanging by threat. A descendent of Noah who
kills any human being, even a fetus in its mothers womb, is to be put to death. This is the
words to the Jewish law. Hinduism scriptures see abortion as a womb killing, and describe those
who abort as the biggest sinners. Even for those who dont believe in religion such as
Atheists and even agnostics have their view in abortion. They see abortion as a violation of
human life. Obviously everyone has their views on Abortion, religious, and non religious
people. (SPUC2015)

Abortion Centers
Its incredible how people try to make you feel a little bit better about yourself when
getting an abortion, SPA like abortion center? As it says in the article, Washington woman have

Denise Martinez
Research and Techniques
Leslie, Drake
no shame to admit that Abortion is part of their life, and terminating pregnancies is not a big
deal. They wanted to make the clinic look more like a SPA and less like a actual Clinic. Its
interesting to see how people can be so lenient, with something that is this big. Instead of trying
to prevent abortions, they are basically promoting this procedure. Some people even think its
perfectly fine, and should potentially be legal. Its really sad to see how people can be so heart
less, and think that having an abortion is fine.
Adoption not Abortion
Adoption can always be a way out if youre not ready to have the responsibility of being
a parent. There are thousands of people who wish they had a baby, who cant get pregnant.
Save a life and make someone elses life happier. Its understandable that some people cant
take care of another human being especially when youre just a teenager; its like a kid taking
care of another kid. They think that abortion is the easiest way out but in reality its just as
difficult, theres different side effects that along with abortion. Abortion can be highly priced it
can cost you hundreds thousands of dollars, when you give a baby for adoption if basically free.
If you find a family that is willing to adopt your baby theres a big possibility they would be
willing to pay for the living- expenses. It can be difficult to have an abortion you have to live

Denise Martinez
Research and Techniques
Leslie, Drake
with it for the rest of your life. As of for adoption, you can see the baby grow, and sill having the
possibility of still being part of their life. Not the same way as being their parent, but maybe just
maintaining a relationship with the family. By giving away your baby for adoption, you are
giving the baby the gift of life. The opportunity of being a happy child, and growing up to be
normal. Giving the new parents the opportunity of experiencing parenthood, that might be the
only hope they have.
In Conclusion, Abortion impacts everyones life differently weather youre for or against
it. Always think about the different options you may have, and know that theres always going
to someone whom is willing to help. Abortion is not the only way out, its understandable that
some people are not willing to go through pregnancy and give up everything for nine months for
personal reasons. Just remember that there are no good enough reasons for someone to end a
life; they dont have the right to choose other than God. At the end of the day, you do whats
best for you.

Denise Martinez
Research and Techniques
Leslie, Drake

Work Cited
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Denise Martinez
Research and Techniques
Leslie, Drake
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