Wolmans Article On The Egyptian Revolution

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Drawing directly upon the Wolman's article on the Egyptian Revolution, Kristof's article

on the new types of foreign aid which is emerging, and the 60 minutes video on Paul
Farmer, write about what you see as the: 1) motivations; 2) practices/techniques; and 3)
voices/stories of the innovative global citizens who are described.
Which one motivation, practice, or story is most compelling to you/your sense of global
citizenship. Why?

In Wolmans article on the Egyptian Revolution was motivated by one mans

action to start a facebook page called We Are All Khalid Said, lead to the Egyptian
Revolution. The creator of the page went by the name of El Shaheed; he organized the
facebook page to be as casual and unpolitical as possible. Viewers of the page would
post videos, and photos to show the unjust suffering caused by Mubaraks security. With
We Are All Khalid Said facebook page, a man-using alias Khalid Said contacted Ahmed
Maher. Maher was a part of a group knows as A6Y. The two of them decided to team up
and work together to helping people not run, hide, and be scared during protest for
unjusticious in Egypt. They were not protesting for political issue but for police
brutality, human dignity, freedom---these are universal issues, Together A6Y and We Are
All Khalid Said organized the Egyptian Revolution.
In D.I.Y. Foreign-Aid Revolution Maggie Doynes motivation runs on helping a
little girl get an education, which turn into her making a school for hundreds of kids in
Nepal. Maggie was the same age as I am now, when she went to Nepal, and spent her
whole summer earning on helping kids get shelter and education. Maggie started out with
her baby-sitting money and by the times she was 23 she earned 150,000 dollars to help
support her work in Nepal. Elizabeth Scharpf represent a cosmopolitan when she saw
woman in other country like Rwanda not getting the respect they deserved because they
would miss work and school during the period because the did not have pads. So
Elizabeth came up with a cheap way to make pads and be affordable for the people to
Paul Farmer was motivated by how everyone does not have access to medical
care, and by having people get medical attention is such a big deal, it should just be a
normal thing like it is for people in the United States. He could have been a doctor back
in the States making a high salary, but it wouldnt be right to let people die in third world
countries just because they were born there. It is not fair just because the country is weak
country to deny people of life. Paul Farmer was able to save a countless number of lives
though the practice of medicine. Paul Farmer even sets up his program so that it is not
depended on doctors like him from the United States, for he has local working in the
hospital, and training them to be self sufficient.
Paul Framer is the definition of my sense of global citizenship. Paul Framer gave
up his life in America to be a lesser man to the world. With graduating from Duke
University and Harvard Medicine school, there is no doubt the Paul Framer would have
become a top Doctor in the United States, with money to go along with. Instead Paul
Framer was someone who focused on other rather then himself. He saw how third world
countries were getting died Aids medicine and therefore dying because they we a third
world country. Paul Framer wasnt allowing anyone to be restricted because of his or her

country; medical attention was a human right. And that is exactly what global citizenship
is to me, more we all should have the same human rights and not be restricted because of
what country we are from.

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