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Craft 1

TWS 6 Analysis of Student Learning

Lesson One
A Whole Class
Student 1 (Low)
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11
Student 12
Student 13 (High)
Student 14
Student 15
Student 16
Student 17
Student 18 (Average)
Student 19
Student 20
Student 21
Student 22
Student 23
Student 24
Student 25
Student 26
Student 27
Student 28

Not Present
Not Present

Post Assessment
Not Present
Not Present

b The data in the table above represents the check-list and results of my preassessment and post assessment. For the pre-assessment, I will lead a class
discussion on the carpet about what exactly magnets are to refresh their memory
from a previous lesson. If the students are answering correctly, I will go more in
depth to the subject by asking the class if they can remember what it means to
attract to a magnet and what it means to repel to a magnet. At this moment,
students will then listen to a poem called, Magnets and read along with me. 24
out of the 26 students present (92%) had a prior understanding to the subject of

Craft 2
magnets. 2 out of the 26 students present (.07%) were unable to tell me a fact
about the concept of magnets. The post-assessment consisted of students circling
yes or no on a post-assessment worksheet on whether or not the items that they
have tested were magnetic or not. 16 out of the 26 students present (62%) were
able to complete the worksheet with 100% accuracy. 10 out of the 26 students
present (62%) were unable to complete the post-assessment worksheet with 100%

This lesson was focused on students being able to recognize how particular items
attract and repel to magnets. For the pre-assessments, students were asked, in a
class discussion format, to raise their hands quietly and explain what exactly
magnets are and the attributes that go along with them to refresh their memory
from a previous lesson. This purpose of this was to refresh the classs memory on
what they had learned a few days prior. After students were able to discuss
efficiently the meaning of the term magnet and what exactly takes place for a
magnet to occur, students were asked more in depth questions regarding what it
means to attract a magnet and what it means to repel a magnet. Many of the
students successfully answered these questions and were able to add on to their
peers answers when some struggled to find the correct words to say. I had to help
a few students explain in more depth what they were saying by rewording their
statements to understand for the class to be sure that they grasped the concept. I
kept track of which students were successful in their answers and which ones
were not. After the students answered the questions successfully, as a whole class
we moved on to the Magnet Poem that gave the class a small educational break
before moving on to the post assessment. I was very nervous to see how the
students would handle the poem due to it being long and how low the class
average reading level is. Many students did much better than I expected of them
since they were participating as a class, but other students did not find it
entertaining. Next time I would try to focus on a read aloud that includes pictures
and details rather than a poem.

B Three Students Analysis

a Analyzing the date from by high performing, average, and low performing
students will allow me to develop a better future instruction throughout lesson
plans to fit the needs of each individual student. This will help me plan more
accordingly throughout each given lesson. The low performing students will help
me be able to simplify the lessons that I have prepared to meet their needs
accordingly so they are able to understand fully. The results from the high
performing students will allow me to see if I am meeting their needs as far as
keeping them interested on the given subject matter and allowing them to be
challenged with post assessments and questions that are asked of them.

Craft 3

b Quantitative:
Low Performing This student scored a 0% on the pre-assessment because he
could not tell me anything regarding the terms magnets, repel, or attract. He
scored a 50% on the post-assessment because he could only identify a select few
items that were attracted to magnets and the rest he copied off of his neighbors
work without paying any attention to the experiment itself. He only participated in
the discussion when called upon. He did attempt his magnet worksheet therefore
he scored a 50%.
Average This student scored a 50% on the pre-assessment because she had a
hard time describing to myself what it meant to repel items to a magnet. She
scored an 80% on the post-assessment because she was able to identify all of the
items correct. She received an 80% because she attempted to answer her
worksheet correct but did not participate in discussion when testing the items out
as a group.
High Performing This student scored a 100% on the pre-assessment and postassessments. She also participated with 100% by raising her hand to answer
questions correctly and was actively engaged when it came to the lesson through
whole class and independent work time.
Low Performing During my pre-assessment, when this student was asked to
give me another item that a magnet is attracted to he responded with things with
iron in it. I gave him credit for this due to it being the correct answer; however it
was the exact same answer that the student prior to him had answered. During his
during-assessment, he did not participate with his table but instead sat by himself
with his head down. During his post assessment, he refused to write two strong
kindergarten sentences regarding what was discovered when testing items within
the given experiment. This student colored the back of his post-assessment paper
Average This student did not receive credit for her pre-assessment question.
Although she had the right mindset, when asked do magnets poles attract or
repel to each other she simply stated that the same poles attract when the
correct answer is, like poles of two magnets repel each other. For her during
assessment, she received credit due to being the table helper that day and testing
out each item carefully after listening to given directions. During her postassessment she received full credit for answering the question asked fully as
follows, magnets attract things with iron and different poles attract.

Craft 4
High Performing This student answered the following questions correctly
during her pre-assessment, What kinds of metals are magnetic? The students
answer was as followed, magnets attract to nickel, iron, and cobalt. During the
during-assessment, this student participated fully and answered each object that
was tested correctly while helping other classmates understand why some objects
were not attracting to magnets. During her post-assessment, this student wrote
magnets attract to iron and magnets can push things off. I gave this student
credit for both of her sentences for understanding that magnets can attract objects
and push (repel) them away.
Student Work:
Attached below

Low Performing Student:

Craft 5

Average Student:

Craft 6

High Performing Student:

Craft 7

TWS 6 Analysis of Student Learning

Lesson Two
A. Whole Class

Craft 8
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11 (Low)
Student 12
Student 13
Student 14
Student 15 (High)
Student 16
Student 17
Student 18
Student 19
Student 20
Student 21
Student 22
Student 23
Student 24
Student 25 (Avg.)
Student 26
Student 27
Student 28

Not Present

Post Assessment
Not Present

b. The data in the table above represents the check-list and results of my preassessment and post assessment. For the pre-assessment, I planned to ask students
if they have ever read the story, Corduroy before. If they have, I will ask them to
raise their hands. If not, I will ask them what they think is going happen in the
story by looking at the cover page. I will point to the bear on the cover and ask the
class if they think this Corduroy. I will also ask why they think the bear is
pointing to the white button. 26 out of the 27 students present (96%) were able to
discuss their observations accurately. 1 out of the 27 students present (.03) were
unable to do so. For the post-assessment, students will discuss as a group the
sequence of events that occurred throughout the story. After the read aloud and
discussion is complete, students will be given a worksheet that includes a blank

Craft 9
tracing of a bear with writing lines that state, Corduroy the Bear, and have an
additional line for the students to add on to the sentence. Students will use
descriptive words to describe their bear and then color the bear when they have
complete 1-2 sentences using their descriptive words. 22 out of the 27 students
present (81%) were able to complete the post-assessment accurately. 5 out of the
27 students present (.18% were unable to complete the post-assessment
c. All of the students made complete progress throughout this lesson because they
were all able to tell me something that they learned by listening intently to the
story and sequence of events that was being read. They were all about to tell me
something about the main character through the sequence of events that they did
not know before beginning this lesson. There werent many parts of this lesson
that was too challenging except for sitting still and listening to the read aloud and
remaining engaged. A good many of the high performing students and the
majority of the average performing students were able to complete this lesson
with 100% accuracy.
B. Three Students Analysis
a. Analyzing the data from high performing, average, and low performing students
will allow me to develop a better future instruction throughout lesson plans to fit
the needs of each individual student. This will help me plan more accordingly
throughout each given lesson. The low performing students will help me be able
to simplify the lessons that I have prepared to meet their needs accordingly so
they are able to understand fully. The results from the high performing students
will allow me to see if I am meeting their needs as far as keeping them interested
on the given subject matter and allowing them to be challenged with post
assessments and questions that are asked of them.
b. Quantitative:
Low Performing This student could not answer any questions during the preassessment. He was not actively involved or engaged throughout this lesson
compared to the rest of the class as a whole. He moved around numerous times
throughout the read aloud, so there was no way that he could fully comprehend
from the story. This student had to have help with his post-assessment from his
cooperating teacher and even then still not participate correctly or actively.
Average This student had already read the book, Corduroy and could identify
many characteristics of the story immediately so he was able to be engaged
throughout the read aloud. This student scored a 100% on the pre-assessment.
However, this student scored a 75% on the post-assessment. He scored this
because in the directions, the class was asked to color Corduroy the way they had
seen him throughout the read aloud. This student did not accurately color

Craft 10
Corduroy but he was able to write a sentence describing Corduroy at the end of
the story.
High Performing This student knew a lot about the story Corduroy and was
actively engaged in answering critical thinking questions regarding the storyline
and sequencing throughout the story. This student scored a 100% on the preassessments. This student also scored a 100% on the post-assessment because she
was able to color Corduroy accurately and write a good kindergarten sentence
describing Corduroy at the end of the story.
Low Performing During my pre-assessment, this student seemed very interested
in the lesson. However, he was somewhat confused at the beginning because he
was unfamiliar with understanding the concept of sequencing throughout a story.
Although this student did raise his hand when asked by myself if anyone had read
Corduroy before. I truly feel that this student struggled with sitting still through
this lesson due to him not receiving the IEP and special treatments that are needed
for him to be so successful. Even though this student received a lot of extra help
from the cooperating teacher, he still has a difficult time understanding the
concept of a story and following from beginning to end due to not being able to sit
still. This student thoroughly enjoyed coloring this activity due to the lack of
thinking involved.
Average This student always appears to be very confident with any material that
involves regarding a book. However, he struggles to remain engaged while being
distracted by other things within the classroom. This student the majority of the
time participated when asked critical thinking questions or during assessment
questions and really seems to enjoy being read too. It was a challenge for this
student to recall the characteristics of the bear in this read aloud but the more he
was lead in the right direction, the easier it became for himself. This student just
needed a push in the right direction.
High Performing This student always seems very engaged in lesson regarding a
read aloud. She remained engaged throughout the lesson because she knew that it
would be challenging for her to remember the sequence of events that lead to an
explanation of the character for the post-assessment. Every question I asked, she
was one of the first ones to raise her hand with eagerness to answer. This student
always seems to be very knowledgeable about books that are read in class and he
love for reading shows brightly during these types of lessons. This student took
her time during the post-assessment activity by coloring inside of the lines and
writing a strong sentence using descriptive words to describe Corduroy.

Craft 11
Student Work:
Low Performing Student:

Average Student:

Craft 12

High Performing Student:

TWS 6 Analysis of Student Learning

Craft 13
Lesson Three
A. Whole Class
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4 (Average)
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10 (Low)
Student 11 (High)
Student 12


Post Assessment

b. The data in the table above represents the check-list and results of my preassessment and post-assessment. For the pre-assessment, students will be asked to
identify the shapes in the given 4-leaf clover. After they have identified them
correctly, the small group will be asked to identify the color code box in the top
right corner and read the colors correctly. 10 out of the 12 students present for this
lesson (83.3%) were able to do so accurately. 2 out of the 12 students present for
this lesson (16.2%) were unable to do so accurately. For the post-assessment, the
small group was asked to complete a bar graph based on the number of each given
shape in the 4-leaf clover. 7 out of the 12 students present for this lesson (58.3%)
were able to do so accurately. 5 of the 12 students present for this lesson (41.6%)
were unable to do so accurately.
B. Three Students Analysis
a. Analyzing the data from high performing, average, and low performing students
will allow me to develop a better future instruction throughout lesson plans to fit
the needs of each individual student. This will help me plan more accordingly
throughout each given lesson. The low performing students will help me be able
to simplify the lessons that I have prepared to meet their needs accordingly so
they are able to understand fully. The results from the high performing students
will allow me to see if I am meeting their needs as far as keeping them interested
on the given subject matter and allowing them to be challenged with post
assessments and questions that are asked of them.
b. Quantitative:

Craft 14
Low Performing This student was very distracted throughout the pre and postassessments. The student scored a 0% on the pre-assessment because she had a
hard time answering the questions that were asked of her. She scored a 50% on
the post-assessment because she colored the shapes and clover correctly, but did
not complete the bottom assessment correctly or accurately. The student was
made aware of what she was supposed to do, but still choose to do it this way.
Average For the pre-assessment, the average student knew and was able to
identify all of the shapes and the corresponding colors that went with then. This
student scored a 100% on the pre-assessment for doing so. This student scored a
75% on the post-assessment because she attempted the work but goofed around
throughout this assessment. The student did not finish coloring the clover
accurately and had to start over on this assessment after messing up the first time.
High Performing This student scored a 100% on the pre and post-assessment
without any hesitation. This student was able to recognize the shapes, colors, and
bar graph with 100% accuracy and used her spare time to help keep her other
classmates in this small group on task.
Low Performing This student had a rough time getting started on these
assessments due to being distracted by the classroom and his fellow students
surrounding her. She was often looking around the room or messing with her
neighbor. She did very well on the pre-assessment, but her idea of graphing the
correct amount of shapes was incorrect. Math small groups always take place
during center time, and this student always struggles with remaining on task when
a lot is going on around her. When caught off topic, she was brought back to
remain on task to complete the assessments asked of her. Although this student
struggled through the pre-assessment, I do feel that she met the objective by the
end of the lesson plan.
Average This student was attempting to answer the questions during the preassessment but was out spoken by the high performing learner. This student knew
the material that was being asked but just holds her own self back when
answering questions too loudly. However, when you ask her individually she can
answer it with 100% accuracy. During the post-assessment graph, I do not think
this student fully understand what was being asked of her. She struggled with
graphing the content on her own the first time and had to start over due to not
being able to erase crayons. By the end of the lesson, she had met the objective
and understood the lesson much better.
High Performing This student was fully involved and engaged in this small
group lesson plan by answering many questions that were asked of myself and

Craft 15
conversing to help the students around her when they needed help. She was one of
the only ones out of the 12 students that were able to complete the pre and post
assessments without any struggle. This student is very familiar with the topic and
also very familiar with the style of the post-assessment. This student took the time
to help her neighbor with the bottom chart on the worksheet in order for her to
keep a positive attitude toward the lesson to finish strong.
Student Work:
Low-Performing Student:

Craft 16

Average Student:

High Performing Student:

Craft 17

TWS 6 Analysis of Student Learning

Lesson Four
A. Whole Class
Student 1
Student 2 (Average)
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9 (High)
Student 10
Student 11
Student 12
Student 13

Not Present

Post Assessment
Not Present

Craft 18
Student 14
Student 15
Student 16 (Low)
Student 17
Student 18
Student 19
Student 20
Student 21
Student 22
Student 23
Student 24
Student 25
Student 26
Student 27
Student 28

Not Present
Not Present
Not Present

Not Present
Not Present
Not Present

b. The data in the chart above represents the check-list and results of my preassessment and post-assessment. The pre-assessment consist of, asking the
students if they know the specific needs that animals need to survive. I will ask
them to think about the question and let them answer it individually. I will keep
track who answers on paper. Students will be asked to describe different things
that animals need to live and breathe. 23 of the 24 students present during this
lesson (96%) were able to compare their knowledge from a previous lesson to
participate during this pre-assessment. 1 out of the 24 students present for this
lesson (4%) was unable to do so. For the post-assessment, students will be
introduced to a What Do Animals Need worksheet and will be asked to
complete it based on the given directions. Students will cut their worksheets on
the dotted lines only. Students then will draw and color an example of each need
in the appropriate area. 21 out of the 24 students present during this lesson (88%)
were able to do so accurately. 3 out of the 24 students present during this lesson
(12%) were unable to do so accurately.
c. All of the students made complete progress throughout this lesson because they
were all able to tell me something that they learned in a previous lesson on What
Do Plants Need to Survive. Because they were able to refer back to a previous
lesson, they were able to give each other insight on What Animals Need to
Survive. All of my students were actively engaged during the pre-assessment and
during assessment. All of the students participated during the YouTube sing-along
and were able to recall the four needs of an animal prior to a read aloud that
focused on animals basic needs to survive. I was very pleased with the class
throughout the pre-assessment, during-assessment, and post-assessment.
B. Three Students Analysis

Craft 19
a. Analyzing the data from high performing, average, and low performing students
will allow me to develop a better future instruction throughout lesson plans to fit
the needs of each individual student. This will help me plan more accordingly
throughout each given lesson. The low performing students will help me be able
to simplify the lessons that I have prepared to meet their needs accordingly so
they are able to understand fully. The results from the high performing students
will allow me to see if I am meeting their needs as far as keeping them interested
on the given subject matter and allowing them to be challenged with post
assessments and questions that are asked of them.
b. Quantitative:
Low Performing This student had a hard time sitting still throughout the
beginning of this lesson. He was very distracted during the pre-assessment and
post-assessment. This student scored a 0% on the pre-assessment due to not
participating at all during the pre-assessment activities. This student scored a 0%
on the post-assessment because he was unable to color each portion of the postassessment with accuracy and without being encouraged to work on it without
assistance pushing him.
Average This student was very average when it came to listening to the read
aloud. She wasnt overly active throughout the discussion but still participated to
the best of her ability. She scored a 100% on the pre-assessment. She scored a
75% on the post-assessment because she made an attempt when coloring the
worksheet accurately; however she copied the exact same thing that many
students at her table did.
High Performing This student scored a 100% on the pre and post assessments
without any hesitation. This student was able to participate deeply in the
discussions during the pre-assessment and present knowledge that had yet to be
taught yet. During the post-assessment, she took her time when coloring and
drawing each example of the portions on the worksheet correctly and it took it
upon her own self to be creative in doing something different.
Low Performing The low performing student was quiet during our classroom
discussion throughout the pre-assessment and during-assessment. When he was
called upon to answer a question he just stared at me and became visibly upset.
This student did not give much feedback when participating in the YouTube
activity and remained enactive from start to finish. During the post-assessment
worksheet, this student copied his neighbors work and did not put much effort
into cutting, coloring, or gluing his worksheet intro his science journal.

Craft 20

Average This student was attempting to answer questions throughout the preassessment while we were discussing the needs of a plant from a previous lesson
in hopes to grasp that the same concept would entail the needs of animals. This
student did a great job participating during the lesson and engaging in the topic.
This student kept a positive attitude from start to finish, but copied my example
fully for the post-assessment. This student seemed frustrated when I explained to
her that next time, she needed to try and create her own shelter and food for the
High Performing This student was very much involved in the lesson by
answering questions and conversing about the needs that animals need to survive
when observing the read aloud and the YouTube activity that contained a song
involving these needs. She was one of a select few that were able to complete the
post-assessment worksheet without copying my example and completing it on her
own without and guidance from myself or the cooperating teacher. After she had
completed the post-assessment worksheet, I noticed that she remained at her table
quietly helping those students struggling at her table quietly. She kept a positive
attitude from start to finish and was engaged in the activity being done after the
lesson, when normally she exclaims that she doesnt want to do things that are too
easy for her. At the beginning of the post-assessment, she was quiet and not as
active as I had expected her to be, but as the lesson went on she raised her hand
and participated when it was appropriate.
Student Work:
Low Performing Student:

Craft 21
Average Student:

High Performing Student:

Craft 22

TWS 6 Analysis of Student Learning

Lesson Five
A. Whole Class
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11
Student 12 (Low)
Student 13
Student 14
Student 15
Student 16
Student 17
Student 18


Post Assessment

Craft 23
Student 19
Student 20
Student 21 (High)
Student 22
Student 23
Student 24
Student 25 (Average)
Student 26
Student 27
Student 28

Not Present
Not Present

Not Present
Not Present

b. The data in the table above represents the check-list and results of my preassessment and my post-assessment. For the pre-assessment, students were asked
many questions to pre-assess their knowledge on the time of year and the holiday
that will shortly be approaching. I will ask students some of the following
questions: What season is it? What type of animals is associated with
springtime? Why are bunnies associated with springtime? What do bunnies
eat? After introducing the read aloud, I will ask students if the bunny on the front
is Betty Bunny. I will then ask them if they think Betty Bunny only eats chocolate
cake. 25 out of the 27 students present for this lesson (93%) were able to
participate fully and accurately. 2 out of the 27 students present for this lesson
(7%) was unable to participate and accurately participate in the lesson at hand.
For the post-assessment, students were asked to color a bunny worksheet to their
best ability. I planned to ask students to be patient when coloring their bunny and
to use different appropriate colors. Patience is the key lesson trying to be
portrayed. 20 of the 27 students present during this lesson (74%) were able to use
the lesson taught in the lesson and apply it to their post-assessment worksheet. 7
out of the 27 students present for this lesson (26%) were unable to do so
c. All of the students made complete progress throughout this lesson because they
were all able to tell me something that they learned by listening intently to the
story and to the lesson that was being portrayed throughout the read aloud. They
were all about to tell me something about the main character throughout the story
and were able to explain to me the lesson that was taught that they did not know
before beginning this lesson. There werent many parts of this lesson that was too
challenging except for sitting still and listening to the read aloud and remaining
engaged to comprehend knowledge that will benefit them later on. A good many
of the high performing students and the majority of the average performing
students were able to complete this lesson with 100% accuracy. The only struggle

Craft 24
with my low performing students was them being able to sit still long enough to
grasp the concept and the lesson that was being taught throughout this read aloud.
B. Three Students Analysis
a. Analyzing the data from high performing, average, and low performing students
will allow me to develop a better future instruction throughout lesson plans to fit
the needs of each individual student. This will help me plan more accordingly
throughout each given lesson. The low performing students will help me be able
to simplify the lessons that I have prepared to meet their needs accordingly so
they are able to understand fully. The results from the high performing students
will allow me to see if I am meeting their needs as far as keeping them interested
on the given subject matter and allowing them to be challenged with post
assessments and questions that are asked of them.
b. Quantitative:
Low Performing This student scored a 100% on the pre-assessment because he
was able to listen attentively during the read aloud that was read. However, he
scored a 0% on the post-assessment due to tearing up and throwing away the first
coloring sheet that he was given. He was unable to begin coloring the second one
patiently without the help of an assistant right next to him.
Average This student scored a 100% on the pre-assessment because she was an
active listener and was able to participate in the read aloud very well. She scored
an 85% on the post-assessment due to not coloring her worksheet patiently and
High Performing This student scored a 100% on the pre-assessment and the
post-assessment. This student is always able to recall the lesson being taught in
any read aloud and is a perfectionist when it comes to coloring inside of the lines.
This lesson was used to be fun and relaxing for the students after a busy week and
this student always goes over and beyond to exceed.
Low Performing During my pre-assessment, this student had a hard time paying
attention and was often caught looking around the room or getting up as he
pleased to wonder around the room. This students definition of being patient was
incorrect and it was very oblivious at the significant lack of interest he had in
cooperating compared to the rest of the class. He was often caught off topic, but
as our discussion became more in depth he was lead back to the objective. This
student did not meet the objective and when being asked to color his Betty the
Bunny patiently, he responded in a lack of effort manner.

Craft 25
Average This student always appears to be very confident with any material that
involves a book and a lesson objective. She pays close attention to details that are
being discussed and is respectful to her surrounding classmates during a story
time. She held a great attitude and full understanding of the story and was able to
answer all questions that were asked. Most of the class performs on this level and
tends to excel very much when it comes to ELA and a read aloud. During the
post-assessment, when the students were asked to patiently color their bunnies by
staying within the lines and using appropriate colors, she fell off task. The color
of the bunny was inaccurate and was unable to explain to me why she colored the
bunny green.
High Performing This student was very familiar with the topic that was being
presented. She answered the majority of the pre-assessment questions accurately
and was very eager to learn more as the read aloud went on. She readily raised her
hand when critical thinking questions were asked and was even able to describe to
me what the concept of being a handful was when the word appeared in the story.
She kept a positive attitude and paid close attention during the lesson from
beginning to end. After the read aloud, she was able to explain to myself and the
class what the lesson being portrayed was correctly. During the post-assessment,
she remained on task and colored her picture patiently and accurately.
Student Work:
The students took home their work before I was able to take pictures or collect a high
performing student, average student, or low performing student.

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