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Financial Aid Reflection

1. What financial assistance does the FAFSA offer? Based on your application, do you
qualify for assistance through the FAFSA? If so, how much do you expect to receive and
how will you use this money?
FAFSA offers financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, and work-study
funds. I do indeed qualify for assistance through the FAFSA. After viewing the
student aid report, I expect to receive up to $5,730 in financial aid. I plan to use
this money to pay for tuition, specific classes, books, and supplies. Any other
college expenses I have will be paid for with the money given from my federal
student aid. FAFSA will be a great deal of help for me because my family has a
very low income.
2. Are you eligible to receive the Cal Grant? If so, how much do you expect to receive and
how will you use this money?
I am eligible to receive the Cal Grant. Although I am still hearing about exactly
how much I will receive, I expect to receive around $10,000 from the Cal Grant. I
am primarily going to use this money on college expenses. The expenses mainly
include tuition and books. However, the expenses paid depend on which type of
Cal Grant I will receive.
3. Are you eligible to receive a Board of Governors Fee Waiver? If so, do you plan on
applying for the BOG Fee Waiver?
No, I am not eligible to receive a Board of Governors Fee Waiver. The option was
not available to me.
4. Describe your findings from the private scholarship search. Do you plan on applying to
any of the scholarships available? If so, to which are you planning to apply and how much
do you expect to receive if you are accepted?
While on the hunt for scholarships, I came across a very large variety of them to
choose from. For example, I found a scholarship based on sculpting from the
National Sculpture Society. However, I do not plan on applying to any of the
scholarships available.

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