Edco620 Techlessonplan

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Lesson Plan ( Manal Zibara) EDCO 620

Date: May1-5
Overall lesson topic/title and purpose: Identifying parts of a story and improving communication skills by
writing narratives for an audience. Enhancing computer skills through using software including : images, audio,
video, and media.
Rationale: Comprehension of literary texts.
Goals/Objectives for the lesson: Students will create a story in groups and identify elements of a story once they
listen to a sample digital story by the teacher using iMovie. Next, students will create their own traditional story.
Finally, they will transform their story into a digital story with the app "our story".
Materials & supplies needed: iPads with the following application: iBook & iMovie ( for the teacher to teach
concept); story making app "our story" (for students to make a digital story)
Introduction to the lesson
In a whole class discussion, ask students about
stories they have read recently. What is your
favorite story? Which story do they know well
enough to tell it to others? Explain the meaning of
digital storytelling. Here are examples of digital
stories Resources page. Teacher may also show
another story created with iMovie.



- project the web page

on the overhead to show
examples to the

Substitution- Instead of writing on

the board or giving paper
handouts, the teacher will project
the web page on the board.

Augmentation: The teacher will

show an iMovie which he/she
-Use iMovie to play the created to read a story and explain
Introduction to story telling :The teacher will
story. This app will
the lesson. This method is more
show a story using iMovie to the students. During make the lesson more
than substitution because it is
the reading, the teacher should stop at each
interactive, and will
engaging and interactive. The
important element in the story and explain it. (The capture their attention. teacher is showing a story with
full lesson plan is included in the next page.)
iMovie instead of reading from the
paper book .
Assignment: This assignment is divided in three
steps. First we are going to write a story in groups
of 5 making sure all the elements of a story are
-Students will use an
included. Next, we'll be using an app which you can app to draw or sketch
Augmentation: Adding audio and
download for free to animate our stories. Finally,
the images they will use pictures to complete their stories.
we'll share our stories. (The full lesson plan is
for their digital story
Hence it is an addition to writing
included in the next page.)
and drawing the story on paper.

Lesson 1&2:
Today we will create our amazing and original
stories in groups of 5 using the "our story" app we
downloaded on our iPad. Try to use gimmicks such
as audio and pictures. You will have 2 classes to
complete the first step. One to fill in the details of
the story using the template " story map" provided

Our story app - This

app will make the
process interactive since
the students will be able
to show their artistic and Modification - the app enables
creativity with
students to make digital stories

to the students on iPad. When done, students will background music and
paste their story and add gimmicks on the final app. pictures.

which was impossible before to a

grade 2 student. Also, the
sketching app helps those who are
To begin the lesson, the teacher will show my story, -Our story app - It is a not artistic instead or can't draw
created using iMovie.
very engaging app.
pictures for their stories by hand
Students will be able to on paper and easing the frustration.
Lesson 3: Today we will be turning our traditional enjoy implementing this
stories into digital stories. You will have the next
two lessons to decide in your groups on your roles
and finalizing your stories. (The full lesson plan is
included in the next page.)
YouTube - uploading
the iMovie generates a Redefinition: Sharing stories
Lesson 4: Today we will be presenting our stories bigger audience.
through the app allows for
to each other. Then we will upload our stories on
feedback and other peer
youtube and see how viewers will comment on it. Within"our story" app cooperation. The students are
Then we will share our stories with the other grade share: The app enables engaged in higher level thinking
2 class in the school using the same app. They will viewing and editing with through the integration of
be able to edit it and provide comments as well. We anyone who has the
will do the same with their stories.
same app, meaning
students can send their
stories to other students
who can view and edit
Assessment: Refer to Rubric
- Check if stories have all the necessary elements.
Check spelling, grammar, cooperation and overall
understanding of the lesson. Also check
improvement in the use of technology.

Lesson 1 ( 2 parts):
Objective: Students will learn about elements of a story and prove their understanding by
creating their own original story.
Time Needed: students will probably need two classes to finish.
Having taught students about the parts of a story, teacher will assign students into groups to
invent their own story first with a story map template and then using an iPad app called "Our
1. Teacher will Introduce storytelling in a discussion with the whole class. Ask students to
name their favorite stories. Are they able to tell the story again? Teacher will read the story
aloud created with iMovie. Stop at important parts and discuss thoughts with students such
as " oh....here this character seems to be having a problem. What is it? How does he solve

it? Ask the students why this character wants for example to stay close to home. Explain the
new vocabulary words about elements of a story. Reread the story again without
interrupting. ( end of part 1of the lesson)
Group Work: ( beginning of part 2)
2. During this lesson, students will create an original story per group. Explain to students
that they can write about their experiences, cultures, or put their imagination to work and
invent imaginary characters, places, or events. Brainstorm as a whole class for ideas.
3. Teacher should review elements of a story. Hand out the story map template to each
group. Students will write their stories on paper first. Teacher will monitor students during
this class and offer help whenever needed.
4. When the first group of students have finished their draft, the teacher will show it to the
others for clarification purposes and for inspiration. Then, the teacher will explain how to use
the app and give them the link to the app tutorial page online as well.
Student's literary skills such as plot, characterization, setting, etc.( end of part 2)
Lesson 2:
Objective: Students will transform their traditional story into a digital story using the app "our
Time Needed: students will probably need two classes to finish.
Material: iPad with app "our story" downloaded free through the App Store, built in camera in
iPad and another doodle or sketch app to draw images for their stories.
1. Having finished writing a first draft of a story, students will start on the technological part
of this lesson "digital story telling" using the app "our story". Teacher will Introduce digital
storytelling in a discussion with the whole class. Ask students to name their favorite stories.
Are they able to tell the story again? Discuss the two types of storytelling: traditional and
digital. Lead the discussion to digital storytelling by showing an app and examples of digital
stories online.
2. They may use an app to draw and create images or use the camera in their iPad .
3. Discuss the value of collaborations. Ask each group to decide on who will be the narrator.
4. The app is incredibly simple to use. Students must simply drag the pictures they want
from the gallery in the right order. Then, students will type the text. Last, one student will
read and record the text. The app allows the narrator to rerecord the text until the student is

pleased with the result. Finally, the group can add audio, background music, etc.
Here is the link to the app "our story" tutorial:
Check student's participation and engagement. Ask each group to connect student's iPads
to the LCD projector and present their work. As an extension, students will upload their
stories on YouTube. The app also enables the students to share their stories with another
class with the option of playing and editing them as well.

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