Term Project 6 Reflection

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Betsy Biggers

Math 1040, Statistics, Online

Term Project 6: Reflection

I usually prefer to things by myself when it comes to school work. I know what needs to be
done, and I like to do things my own way, knowing I am solely responsible for my grade. But I
definitely see the value in learning to work with others in a professional manner, sharing ideas,
and aligning differences through questions, explanations, and group discussions.
Salt Lake Community College has a learning outcome related to group work, listed as:

Students develop the knowledge and skills to work with others in a professional and
constructive manner. This includes engaging with a diverse set of others to produce
professional work; Interacting competently across cultures; understanding and
appreciating human differences; Understanding and acting on standards of
professionalism and civility, including the SLCC Student Code of Conduct.

In the group I worked with for this Statistics 1040 class, I believe SLCCs learning outcome
was achieved. There was initially some head-butting within the group when a member was out
of communication for 11 days, then was given honest, opinionated feedback upon her return. It
was beneficial to see how communication went from accusatory and resentful, to polite and
professional, and differences were forgotten in order to get the work done.
Aside from learning to engage professionally and constructively, this group project was
particularly helpful to me in learning statistics. A lot of the subject matter seemed abstract, and I
did not quite know what the application would be in the real world for some of the sections. But
applying statistics to Skittles candies, and working out problems with my group members, really

helped solidify the information for me. There were a couple of occasions when someone was
confused about an idea or topic, or a group member had a question, or a different answer than the
rest of us, and we were all able to come to an accurate understanding of statistics and the realworld applications through our discussions. Whether I had a question that my group help me
work through, or a group member had a question that I was able to explain effectively and
understandably, this was probably one of the more learning-conducive group projects I have
participated in.

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