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Knowledge to Action Plan Template

Team Member: Jed Peterson + Penny Groethe

Team Name: Climate Refugee Protectors!
List the stakeholders in this project. Who will be most impacted by your project? Describe how each
stakeholder will be impacted by or involved in this project.



Potential/Current Climate
Government Officials

Their homes will be destroyed by Climate Change and they will

have to move to a different country.
They are responsible for where refugees move to.
Because the most at-risk countries are where lots of products are
produced they could lose their factories
They will have to brainstorm solutions for preventing people
from being displaced

Climate Scientists

Global Issue/Challenge
Describe the issue you are addressing in two sentences
Answer: Adaptations that climate refugees has to make when they are displaced by climate change
We are addressing the issues of climate change and climate refugees. If something is not done about
climate change, climate refugees will become a very large problem very soon.
Evidence of Issue/Challenge
In a brief, well-written paragraph, explain how this is a problem and convince audience why it needs
to be solved. This needs to include specific and compelling evidence.
By 2050, an estimated 200 million people will be displaced by climate change. Without a clear idea
of where these people will relocate it is a possibility that many political conflicts will arise and
people will never find another home. For example, the densely populated the country of Bangladesh
that lies on the Ganges River Delta is quickly sinking due to sea level rise. Without knowing a place
for Bangladesh to relocate, it could cause a massive and unprecedented global refugee crisis. The
world and the international community needs to think together and work towards solutions for
helping those who are being displaced.

Action plan
Describe your plan to address this issue/challenge in four sentences
Our plan has two steps. The first step is to have a Climate Refugee screening every 4 years at Breck
school. This will educate everyone about climate refugees. At the screening we would have food and
have people buy tickets in order to pay for the food. If there are profits from the tickets we would
donate them to the refugee center in St. Paul or other environmental organizations. Step two is to
start a clothing drive at Breck school. Students and faculty can bring in clothes they no longer want
and donate them to climate refugees at the refugee center in St. Paul. This helps because when
climate refugees are forced to leave their homes they cant take many of their belongings with them.
So if we can provide the basic essentials like clothing to them it helps to protect them. The final step
is writing a letter to the USCIS asking them to open up the US's borders to climate refugees.
Project Goals
Describe what you hope to accomplish with this plan
1. We hope to screen the 'Climate Refugees' film at Breck in order to raise awareness
about our issue.
2. We want to host a clothing drive for the refugee center in St. Paul.
3. Make sure that Climate Refugees are internationally recognized as refugees
4. Help change peoples unsustainable habits to prevent even more people becoming
climate refugees




What will be done

When will it be completed

Who is responsible for completing this

Screening of Climate
Refugees Film at Breck
Clothing Drive
USCIS Letter

Fall 2015


Fall 2015
Fall 2015

Jed + Penny
Jed + Penny

What resources do you need to implement your plan? Describe what is necessary to take your plan
into action. This may include a few different kinds of support, including financial, human, material,
We would need the Breck School theater in order to screen the movie and access to ordering Breck
catering for the film. We would also need to organize having the movie shown. For the clothing
drive, we would have to plan that with the refugee center of St. Paul and have to make posters and
announcements in order to publicize the clothing drive.


Cost per unit


Total Cost

i.e. Seedlings

To be planted on school gardening


$3 per plant

20 plants


Breck Catering

To provide food for the movie

80 people


(paying to have
Publicity Posters
Refugees Event)
Publicity Posters
(Clothing Drive)

Paying to be able to pay for the


$10 per


Spreading awareness about the





Spreading awarness about the

clothing drive






$785(will make
money from showing
screening to pay off
some of the money)

How do you plan to share your project and its impact with the broader community and draw
attention to your work?
We would make posters to put around school and make announcements during community meeting
to raise publicity about the movie screening. We would also do the same about the clothing drive.

How will you sustain your solution? Describe how your Knowledge to Action plan can continue, even
if your team does not continue to be involved.
We will sustain our solution by showing the movie every few years and using money from tickets to
the movie and donate them to refugee centers. In addition to showing the movie again and again,
we would also have the clothing drive every few years as well.

What are potential obstacles to your success? Outline any challenges that you may come across as
you put your plan into action. How do you plan to overcome these challenges?
Arranging everything to happen seems like a big challenge, such as if Breck is somehow unable to
screen the movie, or if Breck catering can't provide food for the event. Because we are doing this
within the Breck community it seems easy to arrange everything. However it seems like it would be
harder to arrange a clothing drive for the refugee center because we are working with people
outside the Breck Community.
Evidence of Success/Evaluation
Describe how you will know that your project has been successful. How will you know that you are
making an impact on the problem you seek to address? How will you collect the information needed
to tell whether you have been successful?
We know our project has been successful when more people in the Breck community know about
climate refugees. We know we're making an impact when others are more educated about the issue.
After we take action by having this event we could see how many people went to our event. And we
would start a hashtag on social media and see if people are taking action and talking about it on
social media.

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