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Career 1: Accountants and Auditors

Career 2: Financial Examiners

Specific Work

a. Determine how much tax is owed

b. Analyze business operations,trends, and costs
c. Advise clients about their financial and tax needs
d. Analyze financial data and records

a. Investigate companies/organizations to enforce laws

and rules/make sure the companies have enough
money to continue running
b. Meet with bank officials,lawyers, and accountants to
gather information and discuss issues.
c. Prepare audit reports to show corporations their
financial status
d. Try to solve financial problems of banks

Common Work

a. Get information needed to do the job

b. Use computers
c. Process information
d. Evaluate information against standards

a. Get information needed to do the job

b. Use computers
c. Analyze data or information
d. Evaluate information against standards

Working Conditions

a. Have a medium level of social interaction

b. Often work indoors
c. Usually work as part of a team
d. Must be exact and make sure all details are exact

a. Have a medium level of social interaction

b. Always work indoors
c. May share office space with others
d. Must be exact and make sure all calculations are

Physical Demands

a. Sit for long periods of time

b. Repeat same movements
c. Use hands to handle tools and objects
d. Speak/Understand english well

a. Sit for long periods of time

b. see details of objects less than a few feet away
c. Use fingers to grasp/manipulate small objects
d. Speak/Understand english well

Skills & Abilities

a. Communication
b. Express ideas clearly when speaking
c. Use math skills to solve problems
d. Manage the time of self and others

a. Communication
b. Express ideas clearly when speaking
c. Use math skills to solve problems
d. Manage the time of self and others


a. Economics and accounting

b. English language
c. Mathematics

a. Economics and accounting

b. English language
c. Mathematics

d. Computers and electronics

d. Administration and Management

Interests & Values

a. Consider achievement important

b. Have enterprising interests
c. Consider independence important
d. Conventional interests

a. Consider achievement important

b. Have enterprising interests
c. Consider independence important
d. Conventional interests


a. High School Diploma

b. Bachelors Degree in Accounting

a. High School Diploma

b. Bachelors Degree

Helpful High School


a. Accounting
b. Computer applications
c. Economics
d. Introduction to Business

a. Accounting
b. Computer applications
c. Economics
d. Banking and Finance

Licensing &

a. Pass three sections of the accountant exam

a. Certification is optional depending on job and state

for financial examiners


a. Average yearly salary is $59,810

a. Average yearly salary is $67,660


a. In Oregon, 11,643 people work in this field

a. In Oregon, only 278 people work in this field

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