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Healthy Teeth

Amber Breckenridge

About This Lesson


This lesson has been created for Ms. Campbell's 6th-8th grade middle school CLS class. CLS
stands for Communication and Learning Support. CLS is a special education classroom setting
designed to support the individual learning and communication needs of students diagnosed
with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Each student in this class has an IEP related to his/her
individual learning/communication needs. This lesson will be taught during science.
There are five students in the class during science. The goals of this lesson are designed to
help increase the students' independence and foster positive health strategies in their everyday
lives.There are two Adult Assistants and one Paraeducator in the room during social
During this science lesson, students are going to be taught as a whole group and then break off
into stations. The two Adult Assistants, Paraeducator, and teacher will work to each run a
different station. Students will each travel to one station individually and work one-on-one with
the adult who is running the station that they are at.


-Students will need to understand how the rotation of stations works.

-Students will need to know what their teeth are.
-Students will need to know what a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss are.
-Students will need to know how to paint.
-Students will have need to previously read the story, "Healthy Teeth and Mouth."

30 minutes

Potential Use

English/Language Arts



Key Ideas and Details

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.2 Determine central ideas or themes of a

text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.7 Integrate and evaluate content presented

in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in


Students will be able to determine how to keep their teeth healthy by exploring hands-on
activities that relate to actions that they should take to keep their teeth healthy.

Students will be able to identify the main ideas of a text by answering, "Who," "What,"
"When," and "Where" questions.


-Multiple Means of Representation: story on whiteboard, paper copy of story, picture cards.
-Multiple Means of Engagement: story, painting activity, playdo activitys, sorting/cutting/gluing
activity, Youtube video.
-Multiple Means of Expression: discussions, hands-on activities, whiteboard questions (filled in
with a dry-erase marker).
-Students will travel to stations individually in order to receive one-to-one differentiated
instruction that will best meed their individual needs.
-Picture prompts within story.



1) Students will come up to the whiteboard and circle answers to multiple choice questions that
relate to the main ideas of the story.
2) Students will complete a happy teeth/sad teeth food sorting activity in which they must cut out
(from a grocery store list) and sort into categories which food items will make their teeth happy
and which food items will make their teeth sad.


The summative assessment will not be completed during this lesson due to the fact that the
summative assessment will completed at the end of the "Healthy Habits" unit. The summative
assessment will include a discussion about what different types of healthy habits are, as well as
a differentiated packet that asks questions relating to healthy habits.

Instructional Methods

-The teacher will pass out a copy of the, "Healthy Teeth and Mouth" story to each student. The
teacher will pass out a copy of laminated picture cards to two students who need extra
communication support.
-The teacher will pull up the first page of the, "Healthy Teeth and Mouth" story (Page 22) on the
-The teacher will ask students questions such as, "What is in the boy's mouth? and What should
you do to keep your teeth healthy?" The class will participate in a small discussion about what
they think they should do to keep their teeth healthy.
-The teacher will ask a student to read the student objective up on the board, "Today we will
learn how to keep our teeth healthy."


-The teacher will go to the first page of the story (Page 23) on the projector.
-The teacher will have one student come up to the board and use the foam finger to follow along
while another student reads.
-The teacher will hold up the corresponding sentence strip that says ("Who," "What," Where,"
and "When") when asking questions such as, "What should you keep your mouth and teeth?"
and "What should you brush your teeth with to stop germs?" Students will most likely say
"healthy" and "toothpaste." Teacher will ask students to circle their answers on the page.
-The teacher will turn to the next page of the story (Page 24) and will ask a different student to
come up and follow along with the foam finger while a different student reads. The teacher will
then ask who and what questions that relate to the main idea of that page of the story while

holding up "Who," "What," "Where," and "When" picture cards. The teacher will then ask
students to circle their answers on the page to his/her questions.
-The teacher will continue to have students read the story, answer his/her questions, and circle
their answers until they have read the entire story.
-The teacher will then pull up the formative assessment with picture prompts for the story,
"Healthy Teeth and Mouth" on the projector.
-The teacher will call on students to come up to the board, read each question, and circle their
-The teacher will hold up the "Who," What," "Where," and "When" picture cards as students are
reading each question.
-The teacher will then pull up and play the Youtube video titled, "How to Brush Your Teeth
-The teacher will then tell the students that they are going to go to stations to learn and practice
how to keep their teeth healthy.
-The teacher will direct each student which station they are to individually go to.
-The student that starts at Station 1 will practice brushing teeth. The student will be given an ice
cube tray with something written on each slot in dry erase marker (each student will have
something different written on the ice cube tray during their turn at station 1, depending on what
goal they are working towards during reading isntruction). The adult at this station will talk to the
student about why it is important to brush to their teeth everyday and how they can brush their
-The student that starts at Station 2 will practice flossing teeth. The student will be given an ice
cube tray with playdo wedged in between each slot. The student will practice flossing the ice
cube tray.The adult at this station will talk to the student about why it is important to floss their
teeth everyday and what floss does for their teeth.
-The student that starts at Station 3 will practice determining what foods are healthy to eat what
for their teeth and what foods are not healthy to eat for their teeth. The student at Station 3 will
be given a happy tooth and a sad tooth along with a Wal-Mart grocery list. The student will cut
out pictures of food and sort the food items that they cut out into foods that will either make their
teeth "happy" or "sad." The adult at this station will talk to the student about why certain foods
make their teeth "happy" and why certain foods make their teeth "sad."
-The student that starts at Station 4 will practice brushing away cavities on their teeth. The
student will paint over their yellow tooth with root beer using a paintbrush. The student will then
paint over their tooth (which is now brown from the root beer) with white paint using a
toothbrush. The adult at this station will talk to the student about why it is important to brush
their teeth everyday and what cavities can do to their teeth.
-Students will rotate through each station for 2 minutes at a time (to resemble the amount of
time that they should be brushing their teeth each time they brush) until they have worked
through each station.


-The teacher will ask the students to come back to their desks.
-The teacher will ask the students questions such as, "What do you need to do to keep your
teeth healthy," "What do you use to brush your teeth,? "Are cavities good or bad for your teeth,?"
"Are healthy teeth white or brown,?" "What kinds of food make your teeth happy,?" etc.
-The teacher will tell the students that they are to go home tonight and brush/floss their teeth for
two minutes with toothbrush and toothpaste. The teacher will also tell the students to eat a
dinner that will make their teeth happy.



-Desk and chair for each student (4).

-Dry-erase markers for each student (5).
-Copies of "Healthy Teeth and Mouth" story for each student (4).
-Copies of laminated picture cards for students who need extra communication support (2).
-Access to Unique story, "Healthy Teeth and Mouth" on the projector.
-Desks/areas for station work (4).
-Labels for stations (4).
-Pieces of yellow construction paper in the shape of a tooth for each student (4).
-Root beer and cup to put root beer in.
-Paintbrushes (2).
-Toothbrushes (2).
-White paint/cup for paint.
-Ice cube trays (2).
-White pieces of construction paper in the shape of a tooth for each student (4).
-Copies of Wal-Mart's grocery list for each student (4).
-Scissors and glue for each student (4).
-Laser pointer/stick/foam finger to follow along while students are reading the story on the board
as well as to point to important details in the story.
-Copies of happy/sad teeth for each student (4).
-Access to Youtube: Youtube:


Unique-"Healthy Teeth and Healthy Mouth"

How to Brush Your Teeth Properly-Youtube:


Last Updated: 11:23PM Today

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