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Circle Walking and
Taoist Meditation:
Meditation 5, Parts 1-2


Copyright 2011 Bruce Frantzis

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher.
Published by Energy Arts, Inc., P.O. Box 99, Fairfax, CA 94978-0099
The following trademarks are used under license by Energy Arts, Inc., from Bruce Frantzis: Frantzis
Energy Arts system, Mastery Without Mystery, Longevity Breathing program, Opening the Energy
Gates ofYour Body Qigong, Marriage of Heaven and Earth Qigong, Bend the Bow Spinal Qigong,
Spiraling Energy Body Qigong, Gods Playing in the Clouds Qigong, Living Taoism Collection,
Chi Rev Workout, HeartChi, Bagua Mastery Program, Bagua Dynamic Stepping System, Bagua
Internal Warm-up Method, and Bagua Body Unification Method.

Editing: Heather Hale, Bill Ryan, Richard Taubinger and Caroline Frantzis
Interior Design: Heather Hale
Cover Design: Thomas Herington
Photo and Illustration Editing: Mountain Livingston and Thomas Herington
Photographs by: Eric Peters, Bill Walters, Caroline Frantzis, Richard Marks and Catherine Helms
Illustrations: Michael McKee and Kurt Schulten
Image Alteration: Lisa Petty, GiriVibe, Inc., Patrick Hewlett and Jodie Smith
Models: Bruce Frantzis, Bill Ryan, Keith Harrington, Don Ethan Miller and Paul Cavel
Printed in the United States of America
PLEASE NOTE: The practice of Taoist energy arts and meditative arts may carry risks. The information
in this text is not in any way intended as a substitute for medical, mental or emotional counseling
with a licensed physician or healthcare provider. The reader should consult a healthcare professional
before undertaking any martial arts, movement, meditative arts, health or exercise program to reduce the chance of injury or any other harm that may result from pursuing or trying any technique
discussed in this text. Any physical or other distress experienced during or after any exercise should
not be ignored and should be brought to the attention of a healthcare professional. The creators and
publishers ofthis text disclaim any liabilities for loss in connection with following any of the practices
described in this text, and implementation is at the discretion, decision and risk of the reader.

Table of Contents
Meditation 5, Parts 1-2:
Spirit and What Does Not Change
(Intermediates} 5
Overview ..................................................................... 5

Part 1: Activate the Spirit ......................................... 6

Part 2: Changelessness Coexists
with Everything ......................................................... 6

Meditation 5, Parts 1-2:

Spirit and What Does Not
Change (Intermediates)
In Meditation 4, you worked with inertia and the ability not to become frozen in
the face of change-especially releasing the resistance to negative changes.
In Meditation 5, as you Walk the Circle and change direction, you will begin to
move into spirit, which can allow your awareness to go beyond your physical

2011 Bruce Frantzis-AII Rights Reserved.

Bagua Mastery Program

Part 1: Activate the Spirit

1. As you twist and turn and move this way and that, let a very deep psychic
part of your mind that the Taoists call"spirit" move past your physical body.
This movement will go down toward the core of the earth and above
you, toward the heavens and stars. For a moment, forget your rational
intellect and simply focus on and feel within the psychic depths of yourself
whatever it is that you encounter. Simply be aware of what's there. As you
release your resistance to your psychic energy body emerging, your spirit
can begin to soar.
2. As your mind and spirit move away from your body-either down into the
earth or up toward the heavens-let the movement catalyze a sense of
moving deeper and deeper inside yourself, into the core of your being. See
if you can simultaneously get a sense of moving outward toward the stars.
In never-ending cycles, the movement drives your awareness deeper into
the deepest inner spaces inside yourself.
3. Again and again, you get a natural opportunity to start confronting the
basic nature of your spirit, wherein the awareness of that which never
changes exists, that which is always constant, that which neither can be
created nor destroyed, that which has neither a beginning nor an end, that
which can be called by no name, nor seen, felt or heard.

Part 2: Changelessness Coexists

with Everything
Your task is to allow your awareness to recognize and effortlessly rest and live
with this nameless entity, that which simultaneously resides inside and outside
yourself-and in everything you can and can't perceive.

2011 Bruce Frantzis-AII Rights Reserved.

Module 7: Circle Walking and Taoist Meditation-Meditation 5, Parts 1-2

1. Let your mind begin to settle into perceiving what doesn't change. Then,
yet again, anytime your mind does notwantto settle into this, CHANGE the
direction of your circle. Continuously release the resistance to psychically
finding your spirit, as you move into this change again and again and
again-even if only after two to three steps.
2. Next, release a different resistance, the resistance between what does and
does not change. Begin to recognize this paradox while moving between
that which is always present and what allows you to move into the current
change in which you are involved. So no matter what is going on, whatever
you can see or feel in your body, mind or spirit, look for what changes and
what pervades it.
Through all the changes of direction as you Walk the Circle,
intuitively look for ways to internally explore and recognize
how to encounter the infinite number of potential variables
and qualities within your spirit. Although there are many
specific methods and techniques for finding out about the
spirit, ultimately as you repetitively recognize and release
your resistance, what is there will naturally emerge of its
own accord-without applied effort or special knowledge.
However, always return to and maintain a constant awareness
of that which does not change. Slowly but surely, you will be
able to stay present and aware of the changeless.
3. Your practice is to look inside and become continuously aware of that
which never changes, while concurrently recognizing, dealing with and
resolving the internal content of all which does change. Make free and fluid
the fixated changes that you individually must go through and resolve.
Eventually, you can simultaneously and effortlessly be comfortable with
that which changes and that which does not.


Bruce Frantzis-AII Rights Reserved.

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