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Alayjah Morrison

EDU 2800-02

Chapter 3 Reflection
This chapter is entitled Planning for Technology Integration, which
indicates to me that this chapter is going to cover how to incorporate the use
of technology in the lesson plan. This chapter stresses lesson planning
because it is essential that all educators come to class prepared, as well as
the students. Planning make things more organized and that way things will
get done, as well as time not being wasted.
What I found interesting about this chapter is the DID, Dynamic
Instructional Design, section. I like how it has 5 different descriptive steps,
such as the following: know the learner, standards-aligned performance
objectives, identify teaching and learning strategies, select support
technologies, and assess and revise. As a future educator, I find it important
that I know who my students are and their learning styles. Nowadays,
teachers create objectives based off of their individual learning styles,
instead of catering to the students. I feel like standards-aligned
performance objective should be a step towards the end. The teacher needs
to know who their students are, how they learn, and then develop teaching
strategies that will conform with the students learning strategies. From
there, the teacher should be able to create learning objectives for the

Alayjah Morrison
EDU 2800-02
students. Also when creating my learning objectives, I will have to try to
incorporate technology into it.
After reading the chapter, I knew of DPA, but I thought design and
planning was the same thing. But before reading, I knew that it is
important to know the learners. After reading, I learned how to write a proper
learning objective. I didnt think that you had to write them so complex. Once
fully reading the section, the objective simply answered
who?...what? and how well? question. With practice I could
formulate a well written objective.
I plan to use what I found out after reading this chapter. The more I
learn about my students, the better I can create lesson plans that will fit

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