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Where in the Russian Federation would you find Chechnya?

In Russia's North caucasus region.


How are the Chechens different from the Russians?

Chechens have resisted Russian rule. In World War II Joseph Stalin
accused the chechens of cooperating with the Nazis and forcibly deported the
entire population to Kazakhstan and Siberia. This shows the difference
between the two.
3. Did the Chechens gain independence from tsarist Russia after the 1917
Russian Revolution? Explain.
No. Russian was only Independent for a short amount of time after the
Russian Revolution (4 years).
The following year, the Soviet Union seized

control of Chechnya and turned it into a Soviet province called the Chechen
Autonomous Oblast.

What did Stalin do to the Chechens during WWII? Why did he do this?
Stalin accused the Chechens of collaborating with Nazi invaders.He did
this because of how many times Chechnya has gone against the rule of Stalin
in Russia.

Who changed their fate, and how was their fate changed?
When the terrorist attack in Russian happened. This cause so much
violence in the north Caucasus of Russia. Thousands of Chechens were killed
and Russia took back the control over them.

What was the first Chechen War? [Who started it? When? Why? Results?]
The first Chechen war was between the years of 1994-1996 with Russia
and Chechen Guerillas. At the end of the war Russia failed to win control of
Chechnya's mountainous terrain, giving Chechnya de facto independence.

When was the second Chechen War? [Who started it? When? Why? Results?]
The next war happened 3 years later. Chechen militants invaded the
neighboring Russian republic of Dagestan to support a local separatist
movement. 5 bombs exploded in 10 days killing almost three hundred people.
Russia recaptured the Chechen capital of Grozny.
8. Prior to his death in 2006, the separatist Basayev was deemed to be
responsible for the most notorious event to that point in time. Identify this

event. How many deceased militants in this event were NOT Chechen? Why might
this be a significant change in the Chechen Wars?
After the 5 bombs that went off in Russia a lot more violence has been
happening. This event killed 300 people. according to a report by the Center
for Strategic and International Studies. Incidents of violence rose from 795
in 2008 to 1,100 in 2009, and suicide bombings quadrupled in 2009, the
majority of which occurred in Chechnya.
9. According to the American ambassador to Russia, what terrorist group is
assisting the Chechen rebels? How/why might Americans who were once
sympathetic to the Chechen cause for independence from the Russian Federation
have changed?
According to the U.S. State Department, the Islamic International
Peacekeeping Brigade (IIPB) is the primary channel for Islamic funding of the
Chechen guerillas, in part through links to al-Qaeda-related financiers on the
Arabian Peninsula.The man who was responsible for the bombings in Russia as
well as being an Islamic militant, supported Chechnya in gaining their
independence.and Because he was Russias most wanted man, Americans no
longer felt sympathetic for the Chechens.

10. Do you believe the Russians should grant Chechnya their independence? Why or
why not? [Answer this question in paragraph format (minimum of six sentences).]
I think that the chechens should not get their independance. I believe
this because they fought for what they believed in with violence. They caused
two wars between Russia and them and that was not needed. THey also
worked with terrorist groups such as the IIPB and the SPIR to try to gain
control. When they got control over Russia. A lot of Civilians died because of
the terrorist attacks and the wars. They were responsible for more than one
major attack. One of the bigger ones was in September 2004, when Basayev
ordered an attack on a school in Beslan, a town in North Ossetia. More than
three hundred people died in the three-day siege, most of them were
children. This proves that they do not deserve their independence.

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