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Khalid Hill

April 2015

Well Being/Mana Atua

Belonging/Mana Whenua
Khalid is very settled in his classroom. He
is very independent in choosing food for
himself and feeding himself.
Khalid is very independent in choosing
activities for himself.
Contribution/Mana Tangata
Khalid enjoys equitable opportunities for
play and teacher directed activities.
Khalid understands routines and enjoys
taking responsibility for self in washing
hands. He often shows his willingness to
help teachers (clean/wipe tables).
Khalid participates easily in the larger
groups and enjoys playing with varied
group of friends.

Exploration/Mana Aotroa
Lately, Khalid has been enjoying nature
and science as he gains more control over
his gross, fine motor skills and eye hand
Khalid is beginning to develop the
disposition of responsibility and is
beginning to take more responsibility for
his learning and belongings.

Khalid has been strengthening his

connections between home and centre
sharing a lot of things from home
especially from his garden and outings to
the beach which is wonderful.
Communication/ Mana Reo
Khalid loves books and enjoys writing as
well. Khalid love exploring languages for
communication, explanation, play and
expressing feelings. He understands, knows
and uses the words like thank you,
please and sorry whenever needed.
Khalid is always keen to play with languages
and to hear and use new words/language.

We will continue to support, encourage and

extend Khalids communication skills and
language development.
We will support and extend his interest in
nature and insects by focusing on insects this
term with the children, continuing to
incorporate nature in to teacher directed
activities and hopefully go hunting on some
walks when the weather allows.

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