Annotated Bibliography 2

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Annotated Bibliography

Ndihokubwayo, Athanase. "Study of the Amount of Solar Heat through the
Walls of a House Built in Bujumbura City with Different Materials and Choice of a
Proper Facades Orientation for Its Internal Comfort." Study of the Amount of Solar Heat
through the Walls of a House Built in Bujumbura City with Different Materials and
Choice of a Proper Facades Orientation for Its Internal Comfort. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar.
2015. Before I begin, the author Athanase Ndihokubwayo, is apart of the higher teacher
training school for the civil engineering section. So for my first article, the research
article is about study of the amount of solar heat through the walls of a house built in
Bujumbura City with different materials and choice of a proper facades orientation for its
internal comfort. What this means is basically building a house without using the same
basic procedures and the same basic materials that they normally use to build a house.
They also take internal comfort into consideration and provides space and includes
whatever the buyer of the house would want it to have. But the important thing to gain
from this is to understand the type of text this research article and how they are similar to
other civil engineering articles. You also have to look into the details with more depth and
notice how they start the articles and what and why they exactly bold or highlight certain
things for it to become more visible to the reader. Not only that but also another reason
they do that is so they can hint to the reader that portion that I indeed highlighted is so
they can show you how important that portion of the article is.

Ade Faisal, Tondi Amirsyah Putera, Effect of Repeated Earthquakes on the School
Building in Northern Sumatra, Journal of Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 4 No. 3A,
2014, pp. 173-177. doi: 10.5923/c.jce.201402.30. In this second article, Ade Faisal and
Tondi Amirsyah Putera both attend Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara and are
both apart of the program Studi Teknik Sipil. For my second research article that I cam
across was about repeated earthquakes on a school building. Lets just start off by saying
how tragic this situation is to begin with. Its bad enough that an earthquake hit a school
building but for it to be constantly hit by earthquakes is just insanely unlucky and tragic.
But like the first article, our main concern with these research articles is the details of the
articles and the text of these articles. In other words, we are mainly looking how and why
they are written the way they are and the similarities between all these civil engineering
research articles.
Omoniyi, T.E, B. A Akinyemi, and T. A Akinosun. "Performance of Concrete
Paving Blocks Reinforced with Bamboo and Rice Husk Ash as Partial Replacement for
Cement." Performance of Concrete Paving Blocks Reinforced with Bamboo and Rice
Husk Ash as Partial Replacement for Cement. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2015. Before
annotating this research article, ill like to give a little background on these authors. Both
are apart of the department of arigcultural and civil engineering at the university of
Ibadan. This research involved the production and evaluation of concrete paving blocks
by partially replacing the cement content by rice husk ash and addition of bamboos. They
start off by giving a background on concrete paving blocks of how and when they were
first used. They then continue on to discuss its significance to the world when its comes
to using it as a materials to build something. The introduction of this research article

finishes off by mentioning the concrete paving blocks importance for this project they are
working on which is about replacing concrete with other uncommonly used materials.

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