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_ Rete ‘Somastemsrton— Forieeomaraty Sa Seis — What Is Motivation? i 1 Motivation Defined sean neil outfit itn and persis The Surprising Truth About ‘oper whenwearabletodo What Motivates Us ‘Abr Danie Pinkbeleve th a drie—thinkoft as _ want and not because wee Sidlmgwstoworthed to scomplshgpalmcomer tld ehwetodothem. omni mation | Something to Read—Drive: | tthe notion hat we eremaermatwtedto d things finns matnaon by ing ‘Gniweenjoythen ode hingsmeetogttecsase , workers dacetion to make eds alo mos aur need to wort rating, decsons about how their} ‘Srceaminimamsnoustofpayandjobsecuyis getdoneund etme parte tiered themotitind Kckeomerninifiom thelr own es on bow ngs ‘Musiematintion Twothation fom tbeinidg’_cinbe donee ‘Parele:Once upon atime there was a horse standing ke opi fed of car fous conten tnunling away A farmer wanted the hoes pal = wagon “hother edb she could get the hereto came ove to the ance and bear ‘essed So se stod bythe wogon and eld upabuneh acai for he horse > Tes Bok he hose concnued to munch aay oath carts inthe fl! what you night be aking “a horses and carrots have to do with human behavior the anveris motivation. Tink of asthe forces within the india {Hat account forthe direction, level and persistence of for expended at work Director {eters tan indduascolee ong elternative nds” goals Evelrelstotheamount ‘tet put forth essence fers tothe length a ie a person ticks with patho ction even in fc of eal. ‘iin our co workers and teammates and with those we supervise and those who supers us, we are often lke the farmer in ou opening parable: We really ke some tne todo something for us forthe tum o organization, and we each fr some soto exnte to ty and “oat Ue to do x0. All too often these temps are any ‘more cee than thatthe farmer inthe i M2 Motivation Theories ‘Many years of 08 scholaship have rested a ich foundation of research and thinking ‘Sut totaion Even os that esearch continue to evo, armbar acre cote” lind proce theories help us to think mote rigorously and systematic abou what ‘unupeopleonandolinthsr work Aldhoughnosnge theory offers an absolutely best fnplanation, ch weil ns own way By combing insights rom the avalsle Uheores wi widor pind through ou experienc, we have good chance of dee oping persona modelo mation that work wl for us in mos situations "Thceontent theories ain fous primary onindhvidul nede—pysilogal cor phologal defilncies that we fe a compulio to reduce or elininate, Tse {hore ryt explain he beavis people dsl at wok asa search for pala {ately portant need es rencons to bloc neds Examples to be dca: in ‘ischoper are Maslow’ erry f needs theory, Alder ENG teary MeClarls tequired needs than and Herbert fcr theory things hate ening, thing we pursue bone we ints buck Driv iets Employes cantap the pte “Te process theories of motivation focus on how cogative proceses—indvual ‘Gonghls and deison tendencies influence worbhavo The focusis onundertand- ing how and wy certain factor influence people deiions to wore hard oF natn ‘Geainstuators Thee proce thoores discussed in Hs chaper are ely theory. (cepctany theory and go etng Leary. Motivation and Human Needs scan ns aoa ro ATOR THeOm “Tepes ofthe content or ness theores is that motion results fom ur aempts {ovata mportant needs They sogest that once an individuals neds are understood, [otal be poeta rest sitaations— work amily. spor. oolerwie—that respond prsivel tothe. Wiierarchy of Needs Theory stops the most wellknown of te contetapraahes to metvation Abaham Maslow ferarchy enced theory As epee a Pg. his ery enti eee find tidal nts They range fn selFacunlaon and teem eds othe tp to ance, {nd piso needs ete ton? The concept of need Hara” asasmes it Some alsa mor importantes and mist be sali befor theoberneniscon ‘erve as mottos For example, pysiogal needs must be sts aoe sft needs ‘svete sft weds rt be id befor oil neds re acai ands, Masows models ear Lo undersand and has ben quite poplar for many yer. How: cer bred to be considered wih auton, Research feo support the existence ofa i thet proceste st oe rnin Masow erry of pees theory essen ‘sala t, FAGURES. Fatnes.o talc ofan Noperare snowed ees ee are sed a lovee hand tation lower re ‘slopes od Alda theory ‘ese ence ‘otter and grt rete {or phclgealand mtd wolane 2 tenes nendare dn shraaigig 2 Spent cinta whmeeda dese fr {rl ern, Neod fr achevemest (nantes Inter sve plonser stereos Neca alfiation oA ied end ad. Neco power afoveie tnd iniers hile [RAPER Mao rc esep horny of needs IFanythng the needs are mor ily to open ina Sexe rater than in arcs stepbystep sequence. Te higher-order neods of 2. ctzaon and esteem for example my grow more important ten he lower over ‘needs plylogal and socal atone mve tothe lost wo espana Stas report that neds may vary econ toa peso carer stage then ofthe ‘runization, anderen geographic location®Thae also no coin edenc tnt {estrone atone level decreases is inportance and increases the por tance ofthe nox higher nee in addon the presumed hierarchy ef es ayy eromr caltres. Findings suggest or instance, that soil needs tent ake on Righee Importance in more colectis societies, ich as Mexico, than in ndvidants oc, ‘sichas the United States” ERG Theory Clyton Alderfars ENG theory sls based on ned bt dies rom Masowsheory in important ways* To bagi. the theory collapses Maslow’ ve newscasts three. Existence needs ar dses for physiological and toil welling Related. ‘ess needs are dests for sting intepasrnalrclaonhipe. Groene desis for continved personal growth und develope ENG theory also abendone ‘Masiowé set hierarchy and contends tht mi than one of thas needs need ay be sete at thesame tie, ‘Oneofte most unique aspetsofERG theory ists slowance fr ustrain- reson in how noads Decome acted. Alderer beers an alaiy tats lower level need can become rectvated when a higher level need canot beets. When fomeone is continual trusted in attempts totais growth needa for expe, ‘lateness and existence neds ean gun wre a hy otto’ Ts futon ‘egresiondynaic might explain why complaints about wage bent, and working fondo ao often heard in many Work stings. in addon to posible sbechng ‘on lhee people imal and i groups. The drive vo camp she to undestand things and guna ene of mastery Aad, the dive fo fendi the tobe protected from heats and obtain sie” “The emotions dives orneads md es each ofthe four ves with specie thins oration: and managers cand to sas them as waystoglna pose impact rotation. As shown Inthe figure he deve to acquire i satsed through reward ‘Gms that clay datingih bebvean high and low peformers and that dstibute “avarls contingent based on performance. he dive to bond i satiied through 2 ‘olabortve ornzatonal and tea culture that encourages endship and pine ‘toil ens The dive to compehendis atid by jb danas tat proviea sense cf ‘beating and importance In work being ng and er practi that bud conience id trust, expel frelon to rewards ndresnaroe allocations "When the fur emotions dives or needs were examined in empl stds of 68S Motivation and Equity sur mp socut courasisons FRB 22 oe enero worms durraboncastaTiona.jotce ‘Wat happens when you gt «gad back on «writen asnment ort? Ho doy Interpret youre od what happens ou future metvaton inte cours? Such que ‘onsfalinthe mention dai afro theory specifiy emul theory. Anon” {nO tough te wrting of} Say Adams qty Ueoy ages any pecevedinegiy ‘becom e moti ttn ther words peopl are motivated to bebe ia ways that ‘estore or malntaina sense of blance—parcaved equi their minds. hese tender ‘Sete found in workstations ard the fl sey four personal fas ‘WEquity and Social Comparisons “the at of soil comparison i asc foundation of equity theory. Tink back to the ‘Mier questions When yourcene rade, 0 you que yt eal wut wht others ‘eesvelas well When you da dosthe interpretation of your grade depend on ow wel | Gove swells the opportunity tole and limproveln ae competencies. The ve 10 and ested by sforatin ranspar- ' worker in major business, researchers found that ther ston expand 60 erent of the maton woke exper rend nthe onion” Peps ror inpotant they ae reached hs cons Eloyecs nou ty tated as much njetane to thei boss meting the feu vont the organs pies” ire ete far tee lang ede er Loraine Monroe began be career nthe New Nort cy shoal ae tech. She went on 0 ‘eve te sutatentprincpal prbepel and ves ‘oncelor for ceedum sn iteton, Her career ‘eal tok of when she forded th Frederck Doug Uae Acadamy, 2 pub schoo! Harlem, where sbe had grown vp. The scidemys ramrke. wes. ‘Seopa dave bo ater besamea prompt abo}¢o" SOE Sat ight longer Under er eoeerp as Frmcpol Uw atte! ence highly reaped er (Sexton xclence “rough her exponcer, Meroe formed a tof ‘alle cntered on ede bing won cer rdf [ower contre She bliver less mast ays sta 12h heart ofthe maar” se bath od oF good icant aes son the other ae Tape to {elon "she eleven making sr al woes brow thay re vlc htt a wleome, and ht ‘wor aredmager shuld hays yt ap ond sp Forane another" have never wdertaken ay poet” {Rese “wihowt fn onagoingon pape weet twit {Minty Teck Ike AL be doom who wos be Seesontle fr caning out my maghings ave tobe ‘Mera andi on re dean” ‘About har cormitmars to pak leadehp, Monroe ston "Wo cn ram aos ao H vay place ivecevey seo, wonphc, ctr and Tami ocomes 4 ste of lor” she now saves 988 ICedarhip content ard rns the Lorine Mone Coceritp Insts he gon to tin edventon| Lorraine Monroe Turns Leadership Vision into Inspiration RT leaden visonoy Issereip en hls fem ge fat) bull peoming fhools at tone Torna Moroes rrany eacente ‘Gens oe summarsed Bonet cled te Fbogns wth Oot ese The jb of Spe leader nt it her peopienot ut te mone ote entbuare tthe ‘rpanaton, but aval ote ort air own toh capeguomm borne ‘ee sry arson su mie ingens What's the Lesson Here? How goed are you at viining? Ave you able to (Generate von that are passive ard egsging to ‘there? bo others foal nied by your vison? not ‘oui tbe that you nee to nk about how to make ‘he von more sou thm and las abort you? your grade compared to thse ater? Equty theory predicts tha yourbehavir upon ‘eesinga pate —worting lessor harder inthe course~ wl bebased on the Fn You peeve itachi nd euitabla urtnrnar that etormination erate ol ar SJoucompare your reels wth those ected by oer. ‘dame argues thatthe motivational consequences of rewards are a functon of howane evaluates rewards feceived rive to efforts mad, and as compared to the rears recsved by there elative to teireforts made. key sue in ths omparson ‘nue neuen th ‘thes [ress Perceived inequity ocars when someone bebees thet he cree as ee tinder evardedor over evade for work contnbonsin comparison ober peopl [you might expec any eling of nfimos or perce inegly we wncomdertble “Theyreea sate of mind that equty theory sos we are modated to dinate ‘Equity Theory Predictions and Findings “Tae asc qty compurton can be smmaraed ln: Individusl Outcomes _, Other Outeomes “Tpddeal ors ‘thes Bors ‘the presiding equity comparzon shows that elt negative neg exits when an eleves tat eo shes received relatively les than other in proportion to efforts. Think ofthis as unde-eward nei. By contrast. elt postive inequlty sists when anindsdaal baleen hath o shea eelved alate more than ohere “nko ovr revard nagly When ater fa negative opel neg es, theory svt the people wl be motivated to at in ways that remove te cogn the icomfore and restore sense of pereved equy tothe station. In bth csesthe _ sottional value of rewards i determined by social comparson. Is the eward Dre ntetiovs tet count in trms of rection pac: Wat courts how the lent percles the reward ini or her soil contet in guraie terms: esearch on ely theory nets that people who fel thay are overpaid (perceived pestv inequality tor toincrease the quanttyo quay the work whereas those who bel they are underpaid (perceived megane inegul) are hel to ty to decease the quant of quay of thor werk" The research is most conclusive with respect fl npative inequity appears that people are les comfortable when hey are der rewarded than when the are oer-rarde And its impartant to understand hw people may ect, partiain fe negative inet stuatns I these cases ‘doa might engage on ofthe owing aeoatives a away of estaringa sense of paceved eq tothe station. |= Reduce workinputs eg. dnt do anything extra in ature“ that is aT gingto | © get thisisal im going to do) 1 Change the cutcomes cid (ak fore biger ise “ven my contributions sod what ne others ping r tei work baeve deveve mot) 1 Leave the stution (eg, qui"Tat's itn cut of here) 1 Change the comparison pins eg. compare toa ferent co-erke: "Perhaps in lookngat tis the wrong wa: My Stunts more simdarto Here than Alea) 1 Pajchologcaly distort things (eg rationalize the inequity as temporay "The boss hasbeen under alot af pressure and misses alto tgs gang on nthe fice “Things should improve in theatre") 1 Try to change the efoto th comparison person eg, gta teammate to accept mare war "LookMnda, iow yule had aha time at hore bution ir that youdo abit oreo justify the ass that were jus gen ou ‘Equity and Organizational Justice Fries sa Basi element of equ theory Irae an su in organizational behavior known a organisational jartie how iran etal people ew the practices snd ‘outcomes of thei workpace”™ Procedural atice the degre to which he proces, such ws rules and roceduret specie by polis propery flowed in all ates to which apps Ins seal Irssment ease for example ls may mean that requed formal hearings are held for cre cue submited for adinsratveevew,Ditibutive justice the depee to which all peopl re rested the sume, repress of oe, they, gnder, age or uny ‘ter demographic characteristic soa harassment cat, hit might ea that @ ‘ampli led by man aguet« wom would ete the same consideration ss one fod by a worn agains man Shots bese ithe ss theta ropoten tars Flt psitieinegiey secu shorn nda base date mere thes ie roparens fis. “Vins to rede pce eae aa Orgunzatinaesticn Scar ard ‘Site pop vw ‘nlc pact and raced ats Aegeste winch rare ‘spo oied to impr pte lepesto michal pepe ‘rede weer Equity Theory and Ally Bank auity theory tal us that employees are matwated | to etininate perceived inequity: the folng that ses rom unr datsbutons of ward. These perceptions develop uben employees recive outcomes as 2 rez | of their work efor and then make comparisons with | sitar others, inna ferent. lly Benk has 8 urbe af chidthemed commer | cat to depict unio practic in the barking indus, | the commercial rexonat wth viewers because we al hve» indamentel undestanding of what sr and inate nt none particle corer two ite gi resting a table wth & grown man, The an ts tothe fist git and asi, “Weud you thea pony?” ‘The gil siles end od amatvely, and he hands her {toy poy Then the man ts ee repeats his aver tonto the sand legit. Only this one, when the fi incense would ta» pon. he man makes 2 EemechiubB Gage | Eleking nese and el pony emerges fom behind & | pious. are ven, Rewards may look good on the suis. | "Ae second ite gil oveyoyed: But the fst— However someone else gets the same reward ube | inti ote happy withthe toy pom becomes upset. ding fs o gets bigger evard frst wo Mer escton Moses aqiy theory and shova that aks your reward pale by comparison. That mat @ tin evaluate rewards wih the contest ia which they good feling Get to Know Yourself Better take Asssemeat 17, Anus Pay Rass, nthe O8 Sls Workbook. tals yout determine pay ras for» group of enolyees bated on irformaton provided shout perormnes, | aa ae esesumert ed ater nonpercrmance factors, Consider your nclnation when making these doc ‘eon thle» dows look st employe 2, Davis Hees good woke; but thers donot see that way. How woslyou sees a stun? Dos ty desing and does ot gt aya, wha lhe do? you gw Davis rie, nthe eter hand, baw e-woar eset? Dees soutjsethe —_yternetlons asi i the dere to which the people fated by adecon a Scotia ops tan inn el red wath ape ny eo ht ot esse deca pase the =z sreetee «compl elanation of ny deen made, Commutative ate i {Ege to ic exchnges and transactions among pues considered a Gommutsia ice eh sal hase rp op committe pret he degen stscecunas aed pret theses a hang all acest al te ava aca Sonsdond ir ‘formation Commtaie otis Information Goldmine Creates a Dilemma | A woder opens the tp of he ofee photocopier ae fds document scmeone hate nin. a of | pefomance evaluat on, pay, and bonuses for eth | Coworkers, She read the docunent oan behold someone covered “nortoter” | gwting pa more than tes regaded 36 “Hip ester” Naw ese bang tought in tubstantlly Ihgherpay and boruzos then are pido extn staf To ‘pate aters woes, she ntbamdcacf helt rd ot ‘ea the to, nar she woul have exacted tbe. She ‘mater lot se moray han sae ota ae geting Lacking athe ot, she boc to wonder vy she spending era hou wing 0 er aptopin the eve ge and onweshendeathome tying tod realy reat DAvGeny mans {forthe fim, Sh wonders to heal, "Shav pashs ‘nforaton wound arene tht eveyone ons tshate going on? Or shoud gut ed ed thor em lye ful wlaesme fer my lots sno wen Inthe end she decides to quit because she coud stand the nei. She also decided not dette {he inlmationochesin te oles becatse “Tk would rate them depressed, le t mace me depressed.” What Would You Do? woud you hit “Pin,” make about eighty opis, nd pu ham i everyones ralboves—cr event eae thm sackadin coupe of convenient locators That woul get the infrmaton out sical ether worters go about the day wth inscuat easumptions about pay practice atthe fem ‘nd ight inthe gos chan prety ey ths ebical On the other hand if you doit send out he nfm: tion. ‘By cuting and not shang teinfrmaton, did ths worket commit an ais mises? Motivation and Expectancy Another ofthe proces there ef motivation echevng substantia schol impact is Vietor Voom expectancy theo egacy vale rests wih the suggestion tat met ‘alin isc of ational aculton~ peopl wl de what the can do when they rant todoit nether words wadkmatitionsdetermined by inidal bale Ingellecoperormanceratonsps and wodk oucome. mm Expectancy Terms and Concepts tn expectany theory. ands suartatin Figure. persons motte othe degice that he o she beteves at (1) efor wil yd scgpable performance (expecta) (2) performance wil be rewarded (strumeniay and 3) the vale ofthe ewan is highly postive (lens) Each of iy terms eid a ows ' Expectancy ete probably assigned by an ndvdual that work flor wil be Followed bya gen eel of achieved task performance Expectancy would equa ‘eof person tt werempoasle to achiove the given performance lve it ‘Sores thew innate ges thatvekemataton {Semin ida Caicereug t= Patbemae rons xpctane ete rds tater be (sieved pearance ‘eearplihime ote hat Yelenesiste vase tthe asad oven wk sedan, FIGURE 5.3 Kaytee end mnogo inlets olor pacar teoy would equal on if person were 100 perant certain thatthe performance cout beechioved «instrumentality th probably aisigad bythe Indu that a iene of Eh tak peforanc led to aious werk outcomes. Instrumental so Saher fo Oto 1 Stet ypesng Wooms treatment of isrumentlt woud ‘Go tovary om 1 to Were the probably definition he and the Oto {Prange for pedagogical prpore ts consent withthe instrument ton ss Valence the vale aftached by thelial to various wok outcomes lence Thoma sae Som =1 (ery undestble utzome) to +1 (ery desirable outcome) Expectancy Theory Predictions oom posts that motivation, expectancy instrumental. and vce ee related to ‘ne another in mulplatve son. Motivation = Expectancy Instrumental x Ven “Youcan remembers epectancyequaon simply asM XE 21nd he main pac dosenbed by the signs i sigcant emeans hat the trations ppl f= ‘Mort pth sharply reduced whenever anyone or more f these facors~E et V= “unnesondatheexteme proaches the valu of er. Inotder ar arevardio have

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