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‘Walsh, F. (2011) in J, Brandell (Editor). Theory and Practice in Clinical Social Work, Sage. 7 Family Therapy Systemic Approaches to Practice FROMA WALSH FAMILY SYSTEMS ‘THEORY AND PRACTICE any systems theory ba become an een fame work to understand human functioning and dpsne Son in const, Over ecent desde, fray therapy theory and practice have bacome mee sponse the growing diversity and comple of fae fur changing world. This chapter fst sammatacs coe concepts ina fal ems eienzation, with focus on the ineracnon of bopsshorsial pc inden, a muligeertonl fy lie ee pe specie anda concep] mode! of family sues snd ‘esliens, Family assimenrgidelines ace offered, Including « framework sdnaling key proces 2 ‘aly fanconing and ceslene to inform strength ented fay intervention. An overviews promided of foundasonal model of fay therapy and more rece callborave, commaniy-bsed approaches nd erdene based models, Cutes paced ‘aed imervenson formats with nds, cols, td fae, from conaation and bef aap 10 rmuhigytemic approaches, mlfarly groups, and ‘more nese fay therapy. EVOLUTION OF THE HELD “The family and large socal feces have bee 0g ‘sized as major influence in invidual fanning from the eri fonsn soil work on the person aironment In she mid 2h cenuy, wich the sscendaney ofthe pyehounayic model inthe men tal best eld, atention narowed to the exly mother-child bond, with satel deficiencies [aned for individual ditustanosthoughost lle “The ichnes and comple of family ie ended 0 he rauoul tos pathogenic ole ofthe mother, who vas seen in prac, fall, apre fom the test ‘ment of the primary chest A paradigm sft ‘ese in the at 1950s wth he development of general sytem theory, communications theory, 20d ‘jberaecs (Waclawik, Bevin, 8 Jackson, 1967) Direct observation of whole funliy ia ards of schizophrenia shied atenin rm olga quae Som of problem origin to ongoing transactions roses that renforeed diarbed behavior ordi fee Therapie intervenons were denied 10 ser dysfunctional puters i fray seins. The ‘pid expansion of theory and fay approaches 0 asa treat a wide range of problems ll to the emergence tf foundaconal model inthe 1970s, each wth disince views of problem maintenance, change process, and echniques co achive objects. ‘Over rece decades, family checapy theory and practice have ben eforlated and expanded by & ‘new gensaio af family systems scholars and prac tidosers, With a broad opsichoscial systemic ‘perspective, greater anteton given to bicep ed sociocultural inlunces, ves concerning ae las, gender, and sexual ericson, neglected i cake models, are addressed. Sytems approaches Ibve become more espnsive tothe growing diver- sity of fanies and che compleity of thei chal lenges. Focus has been redieced fom family etic and dysuncion to family challenges and resources in colaboeaive approaches aiming to strengthen family fanctioning and resiienc. Althoueh famiy therapy approaches vars hey sare a commen grounding in systems theory. Family Systems Orientation “The prac of family therapy is grounded ina set of acc assumptions abou the mutual infuence of Sanuly members ad the inerplayof inva, fa iy, ad sociocultural processes Baton, 1973) Ecologia and developmental perspectives re iner- woven in viewing the family 36 2 wansacnal system that functions in elation rots broader socio= Charal context and evolves over the multigen rational family fe eee (MeGoldsick, Carey (Garcia Preto, 2010), Szessful evens and problems ofan india member lft the woe fay ‘uncon uni, wih tiple efi for al members and hi tlaticaships. acum, fay pocesses—in ‘eating and handing pebleas-consbue signif Casuy to postive adaption or to individ and ‘elasonaldysfaneson. Systemic Lens Relational and Interational Perspective amy heap ie nosy sherapeate mode sayinwhich all members ae tr conan fame SPECIFIC TREATMENT MODALITIES systems approach ditingsed les by who isin {om and more by the cians areaton to rela Snships and systemic pares in asessent and Imervenion. Therapists conse (a) how family ‘members may conubte and areafeced by prob Jem sation) how they canbe esses in sl Jing problems, and (c) how family bonds and functioning can be svengthened for grener well ‘ng and pose growth, Regards ofthe source of peoblems,eherapiss Snvole key fmly members who can contbute @ ‘needed changes. ndvidals may Be seen separately or brought together fo some Ssins in diferent, combinations, depending on therapeutic ims. “Therapy may focus on sueagtbening a coupe el ‘onship i might combine individual and conjoint session as with adolescent and paren Siblings, {grandparents and other key extended family mew bere might he involved in some sesions. Famly Imervetions am to mes dystunsonal pares, ‘ap family eaourer, fate communcton 20d problem solving, and strengthen both individual and ly Fantom ‘Mucual Influences and Accountability Family members are jwxconneted such chat ch individ afc ll other, who in ur affect, ‘he fee member in cular chain of inves, very action is also a reaedon: A father’s hash response to 8 Weng ES Tuer, W. 2003. ‘eng abi, 2am Acoma. ‘ae nro ih ane of non wer ie. ‘gfe 971 akin New York Oy, oa of Mart Fay They, 238), 485467 Bostmmen-Nagy. (987 mdaton of conte ary hap) Ne York eae Bowen, M1970 Fai bey fr nal practice ‘New York: Jno Aronson. opal, N- 2003, Black fami sep: A ‘natsytome approach (2nd el. 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