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Name: Miranda Comstock

Grade: 6th

Over a period of 6 weeks, students will record observations of a plants growth and upload their observations to
Project BudBurst. After the 6 weeks, students will summarize the results of the six weekly observations
individually, then compare these results with their classmates results using Project BudBurst. Then, students will
use the patterns made visible by the reports of Project BudBurst to create a scientific explanation as to how
environmental factors (availability of water, light, and space) influence plant growth.
Next Generation Science Standard:
MS-LS1-5: Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental factors influence the
growth of organisms.
ISTE-T Standards:
2A: Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student
learning and creativity
3D: Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use
information resources to support research and learning
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to make observations of plants growth and use their observations as evidence to support their
scientific explanation of environmental factors influence on the growth of plants.
Students will understand that environmental factors such as the availability of water, light, and space influence the
growth of plants.
Materials Needed:
Computers (internet)
Observation Notebook
Pencil/ Pen
Project BudBurst Account

1. Introduce observation procedures for the weekly observations. Students will be required to record plant
growth in height, leaf count, color, bud formation, and any notable visible changes.
2. Students will create a free BudBurst accounts ( and join the classroom report site.
3. Students will make select one plant to observe one a week.
4. Students will make initial observations of their plants environment. This must include their plants access to
water, light, and space.
1. Students will make observations once a week, recording their plants growth in height, leaf count, color, bud
formation, and any other notable visible changes. These observations will be written in observation journal.
2. Students will upload their observations to the BudBurst classroom site.
1. After completing their week 6 observation, students will use BudBurst to analyze their data from their 6
2. Students will summarize their findings and use the evidence from their report to support their plant summary.
3. Students will then compare their individual results with the results of their classmates using BudBurst to find
pattens in plant growth based on the plants access to water, light, and space.
4. Students will develop a scientific explanation of how environmental factors influence a plants growth. This
scientific explanation must include evidence from the BudBurst reports.
5. Students will then upload their scientific explanations to the classroom website.

Closure / Assessment
Students will review their peers explanations on the classroom website and respond to at least 3 (as a comment).
As a whole class, explore the classroom websites Plant Experiment page (on projector) and highlight student
explanations that provide evidence for their generalizations about environmental influence of plant growth.
Assessment: Review student explanations on class website and student observations on BudBurst.

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