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Magda Godinez Prof: Nena Bush Professional development Classroom Organization-productivity during all of the courses of early childhood development I had take the book tell you how ‘you are suppose to organize your classroom and the impact it have on how children learn, but when you are in a classroom with shape different form a rectangle you straggle organizing your classroom creating @ attractive and safe environment for children learning. So I decide to attend to a training titled: classroom Organization-Productivity, provided by “CHICAGO COMMONS COMMUNITY PARTNER PROGRAM” I decide to take this training because I have a classroom of 18 boy and 2 girls, so the kid of play that takes place in there is very rude, so the head teacher and I had to be very careful where do we place the furniture in order to make a environment save and free of risks for the children, I also take this course in order for me to be able to recreate the classroom according to the topic of the week/month and bring the best learning opportunities for the kids. In this training I learned that the most import thing when organizing a classroom is the space, you have to make sure you do not leave any space available for the children to run, but do not make the classroom look crowded. You also need to leave enough space for at least four children in each area. When arranging each area you all of the loud areas like blocks, music, ete g0 together and apart for the quit areas like writing area and library area, science area art area also water table have to be close to the bathroom or close to a sick for children to go and wash their hands when they are done. Other important thing to remember when you are arranging your classroom is to place a set for at least four children in each area for example a set of four plates in the kitchen in order to prevent children for having conflicts between them. A teacher should be also able to look at harming thinks for the children for example furniture with sharp endings, pointy scissors, broken toys, etc, children need to have their own space for that reason teachers need to have a cubby for each child with their name tag to put their personal stuffs in there.

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