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Josh Seifert

English 2010 Asplund

Memoir Draft 1

One Confusing Day

The story that we all know about what happened on September 11, 2001 is a
tragic one. How could that happen? Why would someone want to do this to us? Was
it an accident? Those questions have haunted me since the day of the incident.
What we have been told happened that day could very well be true. But
what if it isnt? There are a lot of theories out there about how those horrible things
happened. It is very hard, almost impossible to find out the truth. When there are
obvious signs that the truth we know is a cover up, it is hard for me to dismiss those
signs and completely believe our media.
One theory is that the World Trade Centers could not have collapsed the way
that they did. Theorists believe that both towers were rigged with explosives at
precise locations, enabling the buildings to collapse on themselves. There are also
people who supposedly heard explosions before the planes hit as well. Another
theory is that the temperature that the jet fuel burns is not high enough to melt the
support beams as they say it did. There have been reports of certain chemicals
found at the crash site that should not have been there, thus allowing people to
believe that they were from explosives. Lastly, have you seen any evidence of a
plane at the Pentagon crash site? I personally have not. Theorists say that the hole
where the plane hit was too small to be from a plane, that there was no evidence of
any parts of a plane at the site, and that it is fishy that the part of the building
where the plane supposedly hit was evacuated due to renovations.
All of these theories have facts and evidence according to the conspiracy
theorists. I would like to believe that this type of inside job could not have happened
on American soil. To help assure us of that, our media has put the blame on
terrorists. But on the other hand, theorists have some good points and supporting
evidence. I cannot say which side of the fence I am on because honestly I dont
know. I do not know the truth.

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