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PSA: The Right To Bear Arms

Why Own Firearms?

200,000 times a year women use a
gun to defend against sexual abuse

3/5 polled felons say they wont mess

with an armed victim

Since 1950, every public mass

shooting (with the exception just 1) in
the U.S. has occurred in a place
where civilians are banned from
carrying firearms.

If gun ownership becomes illegal,

criminals will be the only ones not
abiding. Thus, making it more

It is a fact that armed civilians prevent

approximately 2 million crimes per

More children die each year in

swimming pool accidents than gun
related accidents.

Firearms stand next in importance to the

Constitution itself. They are the American
peoples liberty teeth and keystone under
independence - George Washington

Keeping guns
out of hands of
the wrong
One critical way to reduce
the amount of gun violence
without taking advantage
of the Second Amendment
is to expand background
checks to everyone who
buys a firearm.

Requiring universal strict background

checks is good way we can keep our
families safe. 40% of firearms are
purchased online, from gun shows,
unlicensed dealers and private sellers.
In which non of these require a background

Keeping Guns From


More than 1.5 million children live in

households where firearms are kept unlocked
and loaded, and over 100 innocent kids are
killed every year. Read this to make sure your
Have youchild
ever seen
a kid make
a gun gesture
with theirMagazine
fingers? Most of you have,

and it doesnt take much strength for a child to pull the trigger either. 1 in 24
children in the USA die from gun-related injuries, which makes the gun the second
leading cause of death in young people.

1.7 million - The number of kids under age 18 who
lived in homes with a loaded and unlocked firearm in
2002. (CDC)

31 - The percentage of U.S. households with at least

one child and a gun in the home in 2012. (General
Social Survey)

1,337 - The number of American kids under age 18

who died from gunshot wounds in 2010. This is
trending down from 1,490 in 2005 and 1,544 in 2000.

7,391 - The number of American kids and teens under

age 20 who were hospitalized from firearm injuries in
2009. That means that on average a child or teen is
shot almost every hour. (Yale School of Medicine)

98 - The number of American kids under age 18 who died from

accidental shootings in 2010. This is trending down from 150
deaths in 2000 and 417 deaths in 1990. (CDC)
85 - Roughly the percentage of accidental shootings of children
where the shooter was also a child in 2003-2006. (Catherine
Barber, MPA, Harvard School of Public Health)
80 - The percentage of accidental shooting victims who were boys
in 2010. (CDC)
72 - The percentage of parents (both gun owners and non-gun
owners) who say they have spoken to their children about gun
hazards. (ABC News/Washington Post poll, May 2000)
14 - The number of states, along with the District of Columbia,
that currently have laws that hold adults criminally liable if they
fail to store guns safely, enabling children to access them. These
states include California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois,
Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Texas. (Law
Center to Prevent Gun Violence)
1 - The number of states with a law requiring gun owners to lock
up their firearm. That state is Massachusetts. (Law Center to
Prevent Gun Violence)

Tips to Keep Our

Children Safe

Gun are in 1/3 of U.S households which makes it easier for children to
be in reach of these firearms.

Educate your child on the dangers of guns.

Explain that guns that are on tv, compared to real guns can actually be

Tell your kids to never touch a gun, and contact an adult if they see one.
Dispose of guns that arent needed.
Store guns in a safe location, preferably locked up and out of childrens

Keep ammunition separate.

Make sure guns are equipped with child resistant gun locks.
Do not leave a gun out or unattended.

Talking About Gun

Teach your kids toSafety
follow these rules if they

come into contact with a gun:


Gun Safety
Stressing the importance of guns is no joke. It is
our job to keep our children protected by following
tips on how to keep guns away and educating our
children on how important it is to stay away from
Help prevent deaths and gun-related injuries.

Keep guns out of the hands of

criminals and the mentally unstable
without infringing on anyone's
constitutional rights.

75 percent of NRA

members believe
concealed carry permits
should only be granted to
applicants who have not
committed any violent
misdemeanors, including

68 percent of NRA members believe permits should only be

granted to applicants who do not haveprior arrests for domestic

How Can you

Support Gun
Educate yourself on Gun

Write to your Rep. in


Vote for Politicians that

have history of
supporting Gun Control

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