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Kristy Soltmann

ELD 376
Professor Gallo
March 10, 2015
Social Studies Lesson Plan: States

Students will be able to review the subject-area content using a game
Chalk/white board
This Jeopardy game includes cards provides an answer for each question being
asked. The content being asked was previously learned; this is a form of review. Before
the students enter the classroom, index cards would be premade with all of the category
headings and "answers" relevant to the subject area. On one side of the index card will
have the question while the other side of each answer card. Each card will have the
appropriate point value from two to ten. Each card will be hung up on the chalk/white
board with their perspective point value above it. As the students enter the classroom, I
will hand out each an index card with a number written on it; then go over the basic rules
of the game.
The game proceeds as follows:
Each group will be seated in a group together so they can work together.
A jar with Popsicle sticks with a numbers on each one will be picked and called it

Have the student whose number is called on select a category and a point value.

Read the answer for that category and point value, or have the student read the
answer. Ask the student to respond with the question that corresponds to the
uncovered answer.
For example: If the answer reads "The state song of New Jersey was
composed by them," the correct question is "Who were Joseph Rocco

If the student asks a correct question, award him or her the number of points

If the student asks an incorrect question, draw another number and give the
student who holds the new number a chance to respond. Students must pay
attention, however; answers are not reread.

Five minutes before the end of the game, stop and review the scores, and get
ready for the final answer of the day.

Everyone plays the final round. Read the final answer and give students 45
seconds to write their final questions on a sheet of scrap paper.


Students can play the game as individuals or be arranged into two or more teams.

If the game is played individually, each student might earn his or her score in bonus quiz
points. If played in teams, each member of the winning team might earn 10 bonus points
to use on the next class quiz.

If a point is reached at which every number has been called, put all the numbers back in
the box and begin calling numbers again.

If the game is played in teams, have each team provide a scorekeeper at the start of play.
Each scorekeeper should keep a running score of all team scores. To ensure accuracy,
have scorekeepers double-check one another's math as play continues.

In the final round, every student can present his or her own question or students can put
their names on their final questions and pass them to a team captain to read. Teams score
10 points for each correct response.
Students earn bonus points to add on to test or homework scores.
An exit card will be filled out with any questions they have for the test.

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