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Pat Wynne

Learning Plan
March 10, 2015
Learning Objective 1:
To gain a more complete understanding of the basics of financial
advising and the operational process behind investments.
1. Be proactive and ask questions in my work environment about
topics that I do not fully comprehend.
2. Ask for new tasks that that are more advanced in the operational
process of investments.
3. Take career and personality assessments that will help me to find
out if this career fits my personality.
1. Write a functional skills resume.
2. Write a reflection on the skills I knew coming into the internship and
the new ones I learned by the end.
Learning Objective 2:
To figure out whether or not I see myself being a financial adviser as a
career choice.
1. Observe the happiness/satisfaction levels of the brokers that work at
my firm.
2. Observe my own happiness/satisfaction levels from working at the
firm this semester.
3. Have conversations with my supervisors about whether or not they
could see me having a career as an adviser.
1. Make (and analyze) a list of the pros and cons of working in the
financial advising industry.
2. Write a reflection on where I see myself at the end of this semester
and whether or not I think I am called to be in the financial world.

Learning Objective 3:
To learn which skills and qualities of an adviser are key to succeeding
in this industry.
1. Research these qualities on the Internet and in my Series 7 Exam
2. Ask co-workers who have spend significant time in the industry
which types of character traits and personality qualities are the most
correlated with success in this industry.
3. Observe commonalities among the brokers at my firm.
1. Write a reflection on the knowledge I have gained about which
personality qualities are most beneficial to advisers in this industry.
2. Make a list of personality traits that I have learned to be useful for
Learning Objective 4:
To determine whether or not I think I would be able to serve God in the
financial environment.
1. Pray that God would teach me ways in which I can minister to His
people at Tremblay Financial Services.
2. Ask co-workers what they think Gods role in the business is.
1. Write a reflection on what I have learned about Gods role in the
2. Come up with a list of ideas of new ways in which God can be served
if I determined this career to be my calling.
3. Give examples from the semester of ways in which I have seen
Gods will be done at the office this semester.

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