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Ariel Thompson

ENG 1102-025
Connie S. Douglas
Students Diagnostic Writing
January 6, 2015
Unique Right?
I like to think of myself as a unique person. It doesnt get any more special than being
born 42 minutes before the opening ceremony for the 1996 Summer Olympics right? But then it
gets better, what if you were born in the city that the Olympics was held in that year, only
minutes away from all the action? Well that person happens to be me. My name is Ariel
Thompson. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia on July 18, 1996. I was raised in Hickory, North
Carolina. My family consists of my two lovely parents who will celebrate their 20th wedding
anniversary this year! For seven years, we were the three musketeers, but that all ended when a
new little addition came along. My little brother, Malcolm. For the entirety of my moms
pregnancy we did not talk about my baby brother entering the world because I simply did not
want to talk about him. Twelve years later and I have loved my little headache from the time he
entered the world. We also have a family dog named Ace whom we love very much. Ace fits
perfectly into our family. His spunky personality gives us so much joy and laughter.
As a child, I always had dreams of wanting to be an orthodontist. Unlike most children, I
have stuck by that goal since I was ten years old and I dont plan on giving up on it. Throughout
high school, I interned at orthodontist offices in my hometown and I fell even more in love with
this field. Here I am now in the second semester of my freshman year here at UNC Charlotte. I
am a member of the Black Student Union, and I am still pushing for my dream. As of now I plan
on majoring in biology with plans to be an orthodontist. I want to be an orthodontist to give

Ariel Thompson
ENG 1102-025
Connie S. Douglas
Students Diagnostic Writing
January 6, 2015
people the smiles that they desire. I would also like to do orthodontic mission work. In my
opinion, a smile is worth more than words. Giving smiles to people will truly be a heartwarming
feeling someday. I know it will take some time to get there, but with my trust in God, I can do all
things for he gives me the strength.
Oscar Wilde once said, Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. This is one
of my favorite quotes and sums up my philosophy on life. To me, this quote says that in life, we
all come from somewhere and must build up to the places and points that we want to be at. We
all come from somewhere, and those of us who may not have it all together still have the ability
to go somewhere. Life is all about progression. The best words of wisdom I have heard are Its
not what they call you, its what you answer to. These words are a direct quote from a Tyler
Perry movie. Now that Im older, as I watched the movie, those words marinated to my soul.
People can bash you, call you names, and disrespect you, but whats really important is what you
allow to effect you.
I know my road to success will not be an easy one. There will be bumps and detours.
However, ten years from now I hope to be preparing to graduate from orthodontics school. But
first, I must graduate from UNC Charlotte. After graduating from Charlotte, I plan on attending
dental school in North Carolina. In the next ten years, I hope to get a great amount of experience
in dentist and orthodontist offices. On day I pray to own my own dental and orthodontist office.

Ariel Thompson
ENG 1102-025
Connie S. Douglas
Students Diagnostic Writing
January 6, 2015
I would describe myself as a very peaceful person. An object that describes me would be
an olive branch, which is a symbol of peace. I tend to mediate things, and try to see the bigger
picture. I believe that there is always a better way to fix things than fighting. I learned this from
my parents. They have raised me better than I think any two people could ever raise a child. I
was and still am always surrounded with love and wisdom because of them. They raised me to
not be a fighter, but to be a lover, to see the good in people. I was raised to accept flaws and
accept people for who they are. For these reasons, my parents are the most memorable people in
my life. I thank God for them.
Although my parents have raised me and trained me correctly, growing up in such a
technology driven generation, I have realized that society is the main reason that others become
so broken. The media portrays images of what they view as perfection or what they view as
being wrong and this causes society to place judgment on everything. Because of the media and
technology, it is so easy for stereotypes and prejudice views to rapidly spread. Personally, I hate
society. I am apart of society, and I still hate it. I fear that society will continue to get worse and
worse as the year go on and our minds will continue to be corrupted by what this world we live
in views as right and wrong instead of our own personal beliefs and personal happiness. I have
very strong views about gay marriage, abortion, racial profiling, and police brutality. I do not like
arguing, but these are topics that I like to discuss and see other peoples insight and share with
them how I feel.

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