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Deborah Martin

UWRT 1102-038
January 20, 2015
Dont do drugs! Ive got a story to tell you why. I remember like it
was yesterday, even though it was yester-year. One day as I was
walking to my room, I hadnt noticed my roommate Cobi calling me on
my cell. When I saw that I had a missed call from her, I called her back.
Hey boo, did you call me? She said yeahh and jumped right to it:
Did you take $100 from Shadae? Shadae is one of her close friends
that come over sometimes.
First of all, even if I was a thief, thieves dont snitch on
themselves! But anyway, I told her that I do not steal from people and
that I never would steal from her or someone close to her, and that
was the truth. Cobi however emphasized how I was the only one in the
house, in addition to me two best friends on the night before, but I still
did not do it. And I knew for sure that my girls do not steal. I was
thinking to myself why would she accuse me? She knows Im no
suspect, and its been that way since the day we moved in together. I
told her that it had to be in the house somewhere still cause there was
no way it was gone if I was the only extra person in the house. Nahh,
someone took it out of her wallet. Cobi added. So it definitely was
gone. After that, I didnt know what to say, but I did tell the truth.

I thought that would be the end of it after I answered all of her

questions, but it sort of wasnt; I didnt care, but I had a feeling that
her friend didnt believe me. I mean, if I was in her shoes, Id be mad
too cause I can stretch a hundred bucks! After that, Cobi didnt have
any more questions, so we hung up. What I wasnt thinking about was
how on the night before, Cobis friend Shadae and her boyfriend were
popping Zans to get high. About an hour later, I invited my best friend
Maya over for pizza. I explained to her what had happened, but all she
had was empathy considering that we did not know who stole the
Anyway, we were listening to music just minding our own
business when I got another call from my roommate, Cobi. When I
picked up to greet her, she asked me if I had read her text message. I
replied, No, hold on, Ill look now. What I read was Cobi nicely asking
me to go to Mayas because her friend Shadae, who lost her money,
said she was going to come up to my apartment and try to start
something. I knew this girl was crazy; not because of the fact that I had
seen her lose her temper, but because she seriously thought she was
going to put her hands on me.

(Im not done ) stay tuneddd

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