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Spring Term Preview: April June 2015

Mrs. Ringguth's K/1 Class Kindergarten Outcomes

The following is a list of the prescribed learning outcomes I intend to cover during the third term.
is friendly, kind and helpful in the classroom and on the playground
contributes to the classroom and school community
treats others and property respectfully
follows classroom rules
is able to identify feelings and manage anger appropriately
solves problems in peaceful ways
listens politely
Reading Readiness
names most of the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet (21+)
identifies at least 21 letter sounds
produces a word for most letters of the alphabet (21+)
sequences the letters of the alphabet without a model
recognizes familiar words in the classroom environment
demonstrates an understanding that print conveys meaning
demonstrates an understanding of concepts of print and concepts of books
*tracks words when reading (show directionality)
*points to where we start reading
*points to the beginning and the end of a word
*recognizes common punctuation (i.e. period, comma, question mark, exclamation mark)
speaks using correct grammar most of the time
demonstrates enhanced vocabulary usage
presents relevant ideas in discussions
asks and answers questions on topic
shares ideas about experiences
follows multi-step oral instructions
retells stories in sequence (beginning, middle, end)
demonstrates good listening for a sustained period of time
isolates beginning sound of word (not letter)
orally manipulates sounds in words (e.g. isolating the first sound of a word, clapping syllables and
breaking apart compound words)
prints first name without a model
prints the letters of the alphabet legibly
uses recognizable letters to copy words and simple sentences
attempts to use inventive spelling when writing in journals

says the number sequence by 1s (forwards and backwards) starting at any number from 1 to 10
states the number that comes before and after
matches a numeral to its respective quantity
identifies numerals 1 to 10 in random order
prints recognizable numerals from 1 to 10 in random order
compares quantities from 1 to 10 using terms such as more than and less than
creates sets from 1 to 10 using pictures and objects
creates repeated patterns using two or three elements (e.g. ABBABB, ABCABC)
makes comparisons (length, mass and volume)
Living Things/Plants and Animals
describes features of local plants and animals
compares local plants
compares common animals
describes their roles and responsibilities in the classroom, at school and in the community
identifies the purpose of classroom and school expectations
identifies types of work done by people in their community
describes ways they use technologies
C.A.R.E Kit
identifies practices that contribute to health, including healthy living, regular physical activity, and
emotional health practices
uses proper terminology to identify female and male private body parts
differentiates between appropriate and inappropriate touching
identifies ways to respond to inappropriate touches and confusing or uncomfortable situations
(saying "no," calling for help, telling a trusted adult, not keeping a secret about the situation even is
asked to)
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Taught by Mrs. Wong)
performs movements in personal space while maintaining control
demonstrates proper technique for performing specific locomotor movement skills including walking
on balance beams, running, jumping and hoping
performs a body roll (e.g., log roll, shoulder roll)
demonstrates proper technique for performing specific manipulative movement skills including
rolling or sliding an object toward a target, carrying an object and twohanded throwing of an object
underhand toward a target
identifies safety guidelines for participating in physical activity
(e.g., following instructions, staying within boundaries, using equipment only with supervision)

uses exploration and imagination and demonstrates co-operation in drama activities
safely uses movement, voice and body to explore a range of ideas, feelings, and actions
participates in drama from a variety of contexts and willingly shares and responds to drama work

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