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WWII Profiles

Joseph Stalin: As the leader of the USSR (modern-day Russia)

during World War II, Joseph Stalin was faced with the difficult
task of facing the growing threat of Nazi Germany on the Eastern
front. Stalin initially worked with the Axis powers but eventually
was one of the key members of the Allies. The Russians, who lost
more men than any other country during WWII, held off Hitler
from taking valuable resources farther east.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: the President of the United States
during most of World War II was crucial to leading the country that
served as the Allies supplier of the war. America supplied tanks,
aircraft, naval craft, combat supplies and food to nearly every
country that fought for the Allies. Also, Roosevelt committed
Americas troops, which significantly boosted the Allies numbers.
Winston Churchill: As Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston
Church led the Britains through one of their most dire situations.
During WWII, Churchill ensured that the Western front was not lost.
He maintained a foothold for the allies in the West and never
stopped putting pressure on Hitler. Without Churchills leadership
and bold action to stop Nazi Germany, WWII might have been lost.
Adolf Hitler: Germanys dictator, Adolf Hitler, was the primary
architect of Nazi German nationalism and expansionism. Hitler
led Germany to take over nearly the entire continent of Europe.
Hitler orchestrated the holocaust and formed the Axis powers to
work with Japan. Today, most people think of Hitler as evil, yet
all must recognize that he was a remarkable man.

Emperor Hirohito: Emperor of Japan, Hirohito was a young man

during World War II. Despite his youth, Hirohito led Japan to
significant military victories. As an Axis leader, Hirohito supported
expansionist policies and led the Japanese to conquer most of the
Pacific. He finally surrendered after 2 nuclear bombs were dropped
on Japanese citizens, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

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