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EDT 448M Tutoring Lesson Plan Template (Based on edTPA requirements)

Teacher Candidate:
Grade Level:
1. Strategy Title
and Source (Include
source of strategy
and/or assessment).

Diana Smith
6th Grade at Bridgeport Elementary School in Hamilton, Ohio
April 7 & 9, 2015
KPL Chart
Buchholz, R. (Ed.). (2015,
April). National Geographic
Willis, Jeanne, and Tony Ross.
Tadpoles Promise. New York:
Atheneum for Young Readers,
2005. Print.

2. Student
description &
Describe the
characteristics of the
student that need to
be considered in
planning & teaching.
Students prior
social &
special needs
Include how
based on this
3. Common Core
ELA Standards:
Identify strand,
grade, number (e.g.,
RL4.3) and include
entire standard.
4. Student
Learning Objective
(central focus):

Innocenti, Roberto, Christophe

Gallaz, Martha Coventry,
Richard Graglia, and G. M.
Tschudi. Rose Blanche. Mankato,
MN: Creative Education, 1985.

Norton, Terry L., and Betty Lou

Jackson. Land. 50 Literacy
Strategies for Beginning
Teachers, 1-8. Boston: Pearson,
2012. Print.
Nathan is a sixth grade student. He is very social and enjoys
spending time with his friends. He has math and language arts
with a small group of students in a Special Education classroom.
Science, social studies, and other classes are with general
content teachers.
He finds interest in adventure and mystery books, and prefers
nonfiction texts and learning about science and social studies
content in his reading to fiction and novels. He also has a lot of
personal interest in biking.
According to word lists and graded reading passages, he is at
approximately a Kindergarten to 1st grade reading level.
According to the spelling inventory, he is at approximately the
early letter-name alphabetic stage.

RL.6.2. Determine a theme or

central idea of a text and how
it is conveyed through
particular details; provide a
summary of the text distinct
from personal opinions or
The student will be able to fill
in a KPL chart from the story,
Tadpoles Promise, with his

RL.6.2. Determine a theme or

central idea of a text and how it
is conveyed through particular
details; provide a summary of
the text distinct from personal
opinions or judgments.
The student will be able to
create and answer questions
about the story, Rose Blanche,

EDT 448M Tutoring Lesson Plan Template (Based on edTPA requirements)

Audience: Who
(the student)
Condition: How
5. Instructional
Equipment and
List all of the texts,
materials, and
technology the
teacher and student
will use during the
6. Function
Language: What
literacy terms will
you use to help the
student understand
the reading strategy?
Use terms from the
strategy and the
standard (e.g.,
decoding, etc.).
7. Key Vocabulary:
List the vocabulary
from the
text/strategy that is
at the students
instructional and
frustration level.
8. Learning
Note: 8(a) - 8(e) is
the largest portion of
your lesson plan.

prior knowledge, predictions,

and what he learned based on
the themes and central ideas
of the text.

based on prior knowledge,

predictions, illustrations, and
what he learned based on the
themes, symbolism, and central
ideas of the text.

Tadpoles Promise
National Geographic for Kids
Notebook Paper
Writing Utensil
KPL Chart

Rose Blanche
Notebook Paper
Writing Utensil




World War II
Concentration Camps
The Nazi Party


Give detailed, step-by-step instructions on how you will
implement the instructional plan in the procedures below.
Describe exactly what you and the student will do during the
lesson and how you will scaffold their learning. Please use a
numbered or bulleted list.
In planning your lesson, think about:

The complete step-by-step directions and scaffolding you

will provide

EDT 448M Tutoring Lesson Plan Template (Based on edTPA requirements)

8. (a) Opening: Elicit

students prior
knowledge about
concept and
strategy/topic in
multiple ways (not
just questions).
8. (b) Teacher
Modeling: This
should describe how
you alone will
demonstrate the
entire strategy to the

8. (c) Guided
Practice: During this
part of the lesson,
the teacher and
student practice
together. You will
assist the student,
take turns, and
participate with the

What kinds of questions you plan to ask

If interested, use
o Italicized words: teacher script
Regular font: teacher actions
Start with a freewriting based
Start with a freewriting based
on what Nathan did over
on a goal that Nathan has for
spring break. Ask for three
himself in his reading and
sentences at minimum and
writing. Ask for a minimum of
prepare to have to pull writing three sentences. If needed,
from him. If needed, have him have him orally explain and
share aloud and then write
then transfer that down onto
that down on paper.
1. Share the KPL chart and
1. Ask Nathan questions to
explain the different
prompt his prior
components of Know,
knowledge about World
Predict, and Learn.
War II and how much he
2. Introduce Tadpoles
knows about it. If he does
Promise. Keep it on the
not know that much, fill
cover and highlight the
in a general idea of the
different characters, the
Holocaust in occupied
tadpole and the
2. Introduce Rose Blanche.
Keep it on the cover and
highlight the different
characters, the facial
expressions, the
background, etc.
3. Have him think of what
3. Explain how we are going
he already knows and
to read this book. I am
fill in the chart. Help
going to read this aloud
with ideas of what
and every few pages, I
tadpoles and
am going to stop. We are
caterpillars transform
going to take turns asking
each other questions and
4. Next, have him predict
answering them.
what will happen and
4. Begin by reading aloud
write it down.
and pause every few
5. Read the story
together, pausing to let
5. Take turns asking and
him examine pictures
answering questions and
and find if his prediction
pick out specific
is getting closer to
illustrations and
coming true or not.
6. After you have finished
6. Talk about the differences
reading, have him fill
in the changes in point of
out the Learn portion
view and the red bow and
with anything he
flowers and other
learned from this story
as well as if his
7. Flip through the book
prediction was right.
after discussing and look
7. Discuss how he enjoyed
at the changes in Rose
the book or not and
and how she was drawn.

EDT 448M Tutoring Lesson Plan Template (Based on edTPA requirements)

whether he wished for a
different ending.
8. (d) Independent
Practice: Release
the student to
demonstrate his/her
ability to complete
the activity alone.
Include complete
directions that
explain what the
student must do to
complete the activity.
8. (e) Closure: How
will the student
demonstrate their
ability to meet the
objective, including
how you will measure
and document this
9. Assessment
How will you
document the
students ability to
meet the objective?
List quizzes, rubrics,
handouts, artifacts
(formal) or any
related to your
assessment, such as

ss toward
mastery of

evement of

1. What worked in



Read the latest issue of

National Geographic for Kids.
Have him flip through and find
an article of interest that he
would be able to write
something about. Have him
draw prior knowledge on any
subjects he finds interesting.
The student
The KPL Chart
will be able to and an
fill in a KPL
chart from
g of the story.
the story,
Promise, with N/A
his prior
and what he
learned based
on the
themes and
central ideas
of the text.

Have Nathan share what he

thought of the ending and if he
liked it or not. Based on that,
have him create his own ending
to the story of Rose as well as
what he wouldve done in that
The student
will be able to
create and
about the
story, Rose
based on prior
and what he
learned based
on the themes,
and central
ideas of the

Through the
question and
technique of

The KPL Chart worked really
I was nervous about using this

EDT 448M Tutoring Lesson Plan Template (Based on edTPA requirements)

this lesson for your
student and why and
what didnt work in
this lesson for your
student and why?

well. Nathan really dislikes

writing and at times, its
difficult to pull more than a
sentence out of him. But what
I realized is that if I he is able
to think aloud first, he doesnt
mind writing as much. Also,
knowing that I am there to
help him spell encourages his
writing. The KPL chart worked
very well. He was able to draw
prior knowledge, predict, and
find something that he
learned. He enjoyed the story
a lot. Just because of time, I
was not able to do that writing
passage after the magazine

2. How successful
was the activity in
terms of furthering
your students
learning about this
objective? Note: For
an assessment, what
data did you get from
this lesson (e.g.,
reading levels, etc.).

I think this really helped

further his knowledge
because he was able to
practice his predicting as well
as see that there was prior
knowledge he could draw
from opposed to feeling
confused or not being able to
understand a book.

3. Evaluate the
quality of your efforts
to use academic
language and key
vocabulary to further
your students

I used academic language

through the KPL Chart. I
wanted to make sure that he
understood the process of
predicting and drawing
conclusions based on the text
and the pictures of the story.
He also found that writing

book with Nathan. I was unsure

how much of World War II and
the Holocaust he was
knowledgeable about and if he
didnt know much about it, it
could be difficult to understand
the story. However, Nathan did
a really great job with it. When I
was asking about prior
knowledge, there were some
things that I had to fill in for him
about the events. I did a lot of
introducing of the book just
about where it took place and
what was happening in
Occupied Germany. Nathan did
know what concentration camps
were so that helped with
understanding the book. Nathan
did well with answering my
questions. I started with simple
questions and turned them into
more complex questions that
involved the illustrations with
symbolism and how Rose
Blanche changed in the
pictures. Nathan did have a
harder time asking me
questions but he did better
once we got started. I think that
he enjoys doing these activities
that dont require writing
because he is more comfortable
doing things orally.
I definitely think that this helped
Nathan with not only his
comprehension skills but also
drawing prior knowledge and
seeing a perspective of a child
in a historical event. I definitely
think that doing this sort of
back and forth discussion and
questioning is a tool that could
help him a lot with
Whenever I work with Nathan, I
try to use academic language
like predictions and critical
thinking and inferring. When I
mix that in with analyzing and
guessing and reading between
the lines, he is becoming more
comfortable with that academic

EDT 448M Tutoring Lesson Plan Template (Based on edTPA requirements)

4. How will you plan

future literacy
lessons based on
what you have
learned about your
student after
completing this

5. Miscellaneous
notes/info for

with me was helpful and less

intimidating. Like you said in
class, writing is personal. I
think that writing together
made him more comfortable
and feel less like a student
with no similarities to his
In the future, I want to use the
KPL chart one more time. I
want to use it on The Viewer
by Gary Crew. This seems like
a book that answers a lot of
questions and allows for
predictions and drawing
conclusions. Also, he will have
to draw from prior knowledge
when examining the pictures.
With this chart, Nathan is able
to do pre-reading, reading,
and post-reading activities but
still enjoy reading the story.
Do the making words game
from EDT 442 and maybe
another KPL chart.


Unfortunately, there is not a lot

more time to spend tutoring. I
want to do The Viewer next and
I think that doing the ReQuest
activity will do great and then
maybe I can incorporate writing
into it like the KPL chart from
Tuesday. I was very impressed
with him today and I think he
has some interest in these
types of historical fiction picture
Do the making words game
from EDT 442 and maybe
another KPL chart/ReQuest

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