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Slideshow Notes

(What is Media)
Multiple types of media communications to reach a large audience.
A given number is not specified for receipt of products, but are
available in principle to multiples of recipients.
32% of women and men 15-49 years of age watch TV, listen to the
radio and read newspapers at least once a week.
Women and men from the poorest quintile (equal five groups) are
much less likely to get information from mass media, with 39% of
women being the richest and 14% being the poorest; and 45% of men
being the richest and 17% being the poorest.
93% of women 15-49 years and 92% of men 15-49 years watch
television at least once a week.
(Vanity Sizing)
Clothing that is the same size from previous years will have smaller
numbers tagged on them, making them seem smaller.
For women who dont want to buy bigger clothes because they are
gaining weight, this can be very deceiving.
In the 1950s, Marilyn Monroe was roughly a size 10-12. Some say she
was a size 16.
Women who are these sizes today rationalize their sizes because she is
relatable, but because of vanity sizing, her sizing is much smaller in
todays sizes.
(If questioned) They estimated her to be a size 8 in todays sizes,
however it was hard to get an official size because she fluctuated a lot.
It was hard to find her official size/weight from a reliable source.
In families, girls are raised with Barbie dolls, which raises the common
belief of the perfectionism from a young age.
The changes in the Barbies are concerning as well. From the 90s to the
2000s, the Barbies have gotten thinner.
They are protected more and are taught to be less independent.

In the media, girls are less likely to be leading characters, although

some change is being attempted recently.
Children who have masculine or androgynous characteristics are likely
to have higher self-esteem.
In 1962, models were 53, 120-125 lbs., and size 8 at the lowest. Plus
size models were not specified.
Todays models are 511, 90-120 lbs., size 0-1, and size 8 named as a
plus size.
Culture makes it hard to assess boys insecurities.
They are taught to be smart, muscular, sex symbols, tough, etc. as
seen in magazines, commercials, TV and Movies for example.
In 2008, a study showed that young men were more self conscious
about their bodies.
There IS a difference between self-conscience and self-esteem.
Self-esteem relates to emotional, where self-conscious is selfawareness.
Because boys and men seem to disconnect from the emotion side,
they are only self-conscience.
Boys try to avoid being underweight.
(Statistics from the University of Colorado)
In 1990, girls began dieting at 8 years old.
They were more afraid of being fat than a nuclear war, cancer or losing
their parents.
74% of women and girls like a body weight that is 10-20% under their
weight for their height and age.
35% of occasional dieters became pathological dieters.
(Statistics from Purdue University)
6% of males have taken steroids by age 18.
30% of men and boys suffer from anorexia or bulimia.

When a teenager forms low self-esteem, it consumes their every

thought and behavior.
44% of girls and 15% of boys attempt to lose weight.
70% of girls 15-17 years old avoid daily activities when they feel bad
about their looks.
40% of boys in middle school and high school exercise regularly with
the goal for increased muscle mass.
75% of girls with low self esteem are reported to engage in negative

activities such as:

o Cutting
o Bullying
o Smoking
o Drinking
o Disordered eating
20% of teens experience depression before reaching adulthood.
38% of boys in middle school and high school use protein supplements.
6% admitted to experimenting with steroids.
7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough because of their looks,

performance in school and relationships with family and friends.

A girls self-esteem is more strongly related to how she views her own
body shape and weight than how she actually weighs.
The top wish among all teen girls is for their parents to communicate
better with them, including frequent and more open conversations.
( website)

Speaks to the teenagers.

Have multiple campaigns.
Can earn scholarships for completing campaigns every season!
There are many campaigns from community campaigns, raising
awareness at school, morale, anti-bullying, anti-shaming (fat-shaming),
animal campaigns, etc.

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