Indicator Test I - MOS

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Mechanics of Solids

Indicator I (+1, -1, -1)



Multiple Choices (Unlike real life)

True or False
(A) Elastic deformation involves shifting of allegiance as well as stretching of bonds. ( )
(B) Modulus of Elasticity doesn't give a damn about the temperature. ( )
(C) Stress components on a plane with its outward normal passing through a point
completely describes state of stress at that point. ( )
(D) Increasing the length and cross sectional area of a member helps in increasing its
strength. (
For most brittle materials, the ultimate strength in compression is much larger than the
ultimate strength in tension. This is mainly due to
(A) Presence of flaws and microscopic cracks or cavities
(B) Necking in tension
(C) Severity of tensile stress as compared to compressive stress
(D) Non-linearity of stress-strain diagram
The unit of elastic modulus is the same as those of
(A) Stress, shear modulus, force
(B) Stress, shear modulus and pressure
(C) Strain, shear modulus and force
(D) Stress, strain, pressure
Strain offset method is used in materials having
(A) Gradual elastic-plastic transition
(B) Well-defined elastic-plastic transition
(C) Non-linear elastic region
(D) Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!
Impact strength of a material is an index of its
(A) Tensile strength
(B) Toughness
(C) Capability of being cold worked
(D) Hardness
Differentiate between Hysteresis and Fatigue.

It is assumed that values obtained from engineering stress-strain relations are in close vicinity
of those obtained from true stress-strain relations. What should one keep in mind before
proclaiming such a thing?

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